Requesting a cut in F35 from 2000 planes to 1000 planes. Requesting rest of the 1000 planes be sold to Japan, Korea, and Europe. We do not need to defend those that will not defend themselves.. make them pay for their security.
Requesting you vote for Trumps tax plan as is.
Requesting you give Medicare Part B option to all Americans at the same price.
Requesting no more immigrates, and no to DACA. Requesting you raise the minimum wage to 10 dollars before you give more people ability to be used by Democrats to vote against citizens of the US.
Requesting that the fence be built.
I did not believe. I thought my nightmares were .. well to be blunt just that dreams... To have traveled across several thousand realities and realize that my soul still desire to be good is awful. To realize that Jesus Christ in a new alternative bible story that never existed in my reality describes hell as a refrigerator is awkward. To realize that the twinkling in one's eye is the movement of a soul between vast time space and light to bodies being tested for goodness, evilness, or whether it will be vomited out again for recycling is the bizarre concept in yet I can see the narrow way to heaven, and I can see Montauk project stallions, and I see other paths not known to me that seem possible. From France the UFOs leaving earth on one reality July 21st, to other realms. You do not believe in demons or djinn frankly; I believed in demons. I have known a few. Djinns did not make sense if God mad the universe. How can djinns fight angels and lose? Meaning why God would make something bad in the first place? Through time and history, I have discovered that humanity is nothing more than avatars in some weird ass beating game in which some place and time people actually lived to a utopia. However, they wanted to o change reality. You see after all this time of searching for my uniqueness` Meaning after seeing my life through different lives and realities the only thing I can change is my soul's story. The moment you change perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body. What am I saying? I am saying be good, do good, stop evil. The end of the time of tribulation for me at least is not the far off in yet I have seen I could make my life stretch out to 2071 possibly in some realities. Change be good stop evil.