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the zombies we should protect them... yes they have only their teeth.. political correctness should make this their mascot to ensure people understand... talking is wrong.. biting is good... on to other topics national debit.. actually let us look at this lie.. 20 trillion is social security which is not debt but paid for... 3 trillion is owed to bank of china japan which is the central bank of china and japan bank which all US companies must use to receive payments from the US due to products assembled in China are sold via trade agreement to the US and since the US companies do not want to pay taxes they save the money overseas.. good for them... that leaves Japan which owns 2 or 3 trillion depends on which website you look at.. They are savers and that is good for them also.. Now let us look at the federal reserve which owes this money. Not the United States government.. You realize that the Federal reserve is a private bank which monetizes debt by buying and selling fiat money which is drum roll imaginary money thus all debt is imaginary and the only true net worth is owned by the federal reserve has looted Fort Knox of all its gold, the New York federal reserve of all of the foreign national gold, and if stories or rumors are true decides the fate of this imaginary world in balance.

Iran take over Syria central bank

Ask to help North Korea central bank

Challenge the central banking community

bet that a combined economy and buying power might be worth something

Change the world

Challenge the banking system

Ask China and Russia to go in

Comedies is their game

The power of China, Russia, Iran banking would be worthwhile

Forcing reality on a group

The power shift would be huge

Read challenge not destruction

Then Brazil, India, another power shift

Just to see the dollar challenged

"If You worship Your enemy, You are defeated.

If you adopt Your enemies religion

You are enslaved.

If You breed with Your enemy

You are destroyed."


Did you hear McDonald killed Burger King in front of Popeye's over that girl Wendy? The funeral is at K.F.C. you going?....I'm taking the Subway. a bit of humor before poetry...

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