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Tony Jones for Rhode Island



"The activist is not the man who says the river is dirty. The activist is the man who cleans up the river."

​- Ross Perot​

Bio Tony Jones is a dynamic professional known for his strategic vision, action-oriented approach, and commitment to effecting positive change. His academic foundation spans diverse fields, including Media, Communications, Psychology, and Entrepreneurship, providing him with a multifaceted perspective in his endeavors.


With a keen focus on processes and a track record of delivering results, Tony has made impactful contributions across various domains. He has served as an Independent Presidential Elector thrice, showcasing his dedication to civic engagement and the electoral process.


Tony's commitment to education and community welfare is evident through his prior role in the N.K. School Committee, where he actively contributed to shaping educational policies and fostering a conducive learning environment for students.


In 2014, Tony Jones stepped into the political arena as a candidate for Rhode Island Lieutenant Governor, demonstrating his passion for public service and his aspirations to drive meaningful change at a higher echelon of leadership.


Throughout his career, Tony has blended his diverse expertise and leadership acumen to champion causes, foster innovation, and promote a more vibrant and inclusive society. He continues to be a driving force in advocating for progressive change, leveraging his multifaceted background to create tangible and lasting impacts within his community and beyond.


Can you share an experience when you identified a problem or issue in your community or workplace and took active steps to address it?


I recently founded the Party Party of Rhode Island in order to provide an alternative choice to the voters of Rhode Island by supporting and helping independent and non-major party candidates gain ballot access. While I know this faces significant challenges due to the country's entrenched two-party system, I feel that the establishment of a new political party can be a viable avenue for political change under the current political conditions in Rhode Island.


How do you differentiate between being aware of an issue and actively working towards its resolution, as exemplified in the quote?


I feel that the main difference lies in the actual action taken. Awareness is about understanding the problem, while active resolution is about taking steps to solve it. Then the next steps involve planning, implementing strategies, and monitoring progress. Unfortunately, many political groups that are interested in understanding the nature of an issue, its causes, and its potential impact never make it to that second step.


 Describe a time when you initiated or participated in a project aimed at creating tangible change or improvement. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?


I recently joined the Narragansett Historic Cemetery Commission which was established to create an inventory of historical cemeteries within the Town, formulate and develop plans and programs to restore, rehabilitate, and maintain historical cemeteries within the Town. The biggest challenge is awareness, with many people not knowing that they can be involved or that “the town” takes care of such items. 


How do you approach motivating others to take actionable steps in addressing issues rather than solely discussing or acknowledging them?


For my own self-improvement goals, I have always been a fan of setting SMART goals that set clear, achievable goals with the goals being specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) I think this can also work for politics/advocacy. 


Share a moment when you encountered resistance or pushback while advocating for change. How did you manage this opposition while staying focused on your objectives?


With the modern internet culture, most advocacy is met by some level of “trolls” First, I try to stay open to questions and feedback. Also, clear, consistent communication is key when advocating for change and I am happy to work towards explaining why the change is necessary, how it will benefit the organization or community, and what steps are being taken to implement it.





