So there we were. With the Pearl of great value of time, a jewel of time, and journal of time. Not bad for a pirate that wanted to be a cook originally. I mean that was where I was going when they kidnapped me through some bottled rum.
I had been off to be an apprentice to Chef O Boyardee. Italian that some how had ended up in Scotland in 1678 or 79. Years always were something of a question. Just like to days date. 2020? Or the most accurate star calendar stars 2012? Only rulers and lawyers care. Along I suppose with God. He sets the seasons after all.
So there I was with my crew of four. My first mate, cook, Talon, and I. Ender Talon. We were trying to figure out how the time jewel worked. To honest I think we all wanted to drink a bit of hot rum because of the cold.
The journal of time had been divided up because of its tale. Each person had gotten their own portion and a bit of oro.
We were planning on a bold move. We figured we could stall time for a while by hiding and living off those items not found yet in the book. Meaning? Not all time lines have the same story. You have heard of the woman finding a painting behind her cabinet worth millions? Or the guy that consistently won the lottery?
Why not the four of us live through time hiding out and living as best we can? Seemed like a fun adventure at the time. If we knew of what we were about to get into maybe we would have just stuck to drink rum and wine.
Mixed drinks that is a no no. Well. We were pirates and we loved to sing. So we sang. And in the morning we attempted to travel time with the jewel of time. Why not the Pearl of Time? Ah that tale is elsewhere. The jewel of time was not such a harsh master.
How exactly did we do it? Talon if you read the prior stories was older than most legends. And had some knowledge about these things. So off into a time parallel multiverse we went. What was at stake? We figured if nothing else our lives would be worth telling in some comic book story in the far future.
Our first trip was to some city at the beginning of time. City? Yes. You see earth was populated by. By well space time travelers. A long long time ago. Atlanist after all was a real city. Did you think some advanced civilization had just magically not appeared? In reality in some ages back in time?
Why Atlantis? Talon knew of treasures that were being built during this time that well. Seemed to elude humanity in that time and age. Meaning? Evidently we were the ones to steal ideas and market them to the future worlds.
What did we steal? The Atlatians were a different race. Their magic or spells were in books. Books which sorry to say I have yet to comprehend how to read. However just opening them you can feel their power. Meaning these were the original Time Journals. Stolen from heaven. A long long time ago in some stupid war that people here have forgotten or think is some legend or myth.
All myths have something behind them.
Anyway we stole a small library of a deceased man and his small treasure. Why or how did Talon know of this man?
A Talon was a statue created by ripping a mans soul out of his body and placing it in some sort of statue at that time. The process is ikie. From memory I think you can read about the process in Anne Rice book. About how it is done or the Black Caldron the book seems up to a point following the recipe.
Anyway Talon evidently was during his time the man that had been selected to be made immortal. Humor. Pirates, treasure, time travel, and thieft of legendary books. Not a bad start for a book? Any way there Ender Talon was made. What?
Talon had gotten tried of being a statue for countless thousands of years. And desired a change of his avatar self. What? Do you not guess? The sun is a projector. This.. ALL of this is a film being played by the great director of life.
Anyway Ender had an idea to allow Talon to entire his body. Sounds evil possession right? Not really a different sort o magic. Something learned in a story called the mirror worlds. Somewhere lost in time I suppose. Anyway the merge happened and Talon was part Ender and Ender was part Talon. The two of them with their each opinion and personality. Sounds again like possession. Sounds like it is or is not. They had been friends for decades by this time and Ender having lost a foot and eye at this time was tired. Figured why not provide for one last story of merit before being taken.
What story or adventure?
There we were. Now only three crew. Talon and I were one. Sort of like the hybrid people Microsoft is going to create. The difference? I had a personality. I doubt the whole continent of Australia gave up on social networking and are laying about being vaccinated peacefully. It is the reason the gun laws were enforced. They are either zombies or hybrids or umbrella corporation drones by now. This is getting off my story.
So we decided to kick if for a time where the plundering of treasure would be easy. Old wars and old histories. We left through a backdoor of Talon's home in Atlantis with his library in tow.
We landed in an area known for it plague during sometime right during Joseph plague 1700 BC or so and the visiting planet Nibiru.
Wild. Why then? Not all worlds survived that plague of drought. However, most of the worlds had deposited much of their gold into Egypt. It was just a matter of finding the right treasure room and transporting it to a said place in time to enjoy. To enjoy life.
Sounds like you should have been rich beyond wonder. Oh I was for a time. And that time wears hard on a fleshy avatar. Talon would always remind me that the end of time is something to see. Why?
His statue had seen five or six ends of time. Where everything is wiped out and nothing existed until again the creators came by and felt like hey this is a great world to build their heaven on earth. I always wanted to ask why did they do it so many times. I found that answer the hard way and doubt many people care about the answer. It is a trick an illusion and yet the mirror worlds are real.
So there I was living a life of ease when other time travelers trapped me and put me into this crummy story. To be a poet? Yes i can say my poetry had merit. To be a writer? One or two of my stories are worth reading I suppose. To be a one-eyed one footed pirate in La Paz, Bolivia? Now that is a story worth merit I am told. Why? I have yet to finish the story myself. However, I have been told I die soon so I try to keep a record of my passing so..So when it happens I as a spirit can laugh at an old soul trapped in what ever reality is the after life I suppose.
Surely you jest you sound like a flat earther or time of tribulation preacher? I doubt I am either of those. However I do believe I might be living on a plate these days.
So being a time traveling pirate watching the end of time? Sure why not? Seems like something to do.
I mean I found that most of my friends are dead. And I want to see if any of them make it to the next level. Also I want to see if I lived with merit and make it myself.
Sounds interesting what is it like? A bit more horrifying than one would expect. To realize that mirror worlds are copies upon copies upon copies of each move you made throughout your life. Well as a pirate I made many moves and some of them were not so good.
Why are you writing this? I doubt anyone will read this.
So what is the wildest part? Experiencing the rapture.
I thought I had lost 1.2 billion people. And was kind of worried that I was going insane. Luckily I am me and life is okay.
Come now the rapture? What else? I love to sing.
I however grew up on a world where my voice sounded like Garfield the ca. So I was not encouraged.
So when I lost everything again. I became a pirate.
What about the treasure? I am no longer sure if it was real to be honest.
I have been traveling accorind to the internet for billions of years. So I might be frost bitten.
What? Hell. It is a giant freezer they put souls in while time is being rewound for God to make things right and day of judgment.
So you are in hell? I have my questions on that these days but I am pretty sure I lived a much more interesting life than the common man.
So a looser who lost his treasure turned time pirate in reality?
I would not say looser. Just temporary down on my luck.
So why are you in Bolivia?
Ah that is where the next gold heist is to happen. What?
So the true story of this blog.
There once was a kingdom with treasure beyond what people believe. They had a valley built by removing a lakes water through channels and canals to flood their potato fields and during this time large forest.
At the center of this kingdom was a large temple. Where the wealth of nations was stored.
That is until they Spanish came. And what did the people do?
They removed the blocks on on the channel and flooded the valley of the city of Gold. Where? Lake Titicaca.
Meaning? In the near future that lake will be discovered a large amount of gold. In some realities that gold will fund a beautiful future. I thought you were going to see your friends in heaven or hell?
Well yes that too. Meaning? If i do not make it through this time. I will be burnt alive when the volcano blows. Or beheaded when I do not accept the mark of the beast.
Is there more to the story? Yes.
I am here for just one of those rooms in the valley specifically where something is kept.
Treasure? Sure. sure. A treasure.
What are you waiting for? Time I suppose. I am not sure which reality this is any more. Could be that the corporations win.
If so? Gold to them is worthless. So no win trip I suppose.
What about your death? Oh, I am already dead.
So you are a zombie? No not yet. However there are zombies in this realities bible today.
So what happens in the worlds where the lake is dried out? A time of peace for a moment. That is the awkward thing about closed time curved loop travel and forward loop travel. The one needs an exact parallel reality to travel from one mirror world to the next. While the other.. well.. I know a bit and am still learning..