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death of humanity scenrio 1


Death of humanity There are speculative stories to be told. Then there is the death of humanity. Let me start with an old story and bring it up to date.There is an alien deity. Whose ability is in numbers and gaming. You can read more about him here.Let me put for a scenerio. The ability to do without the end of days. Forever keeping the creator from fulfilling a storyline on this branch of the tree of life. Keeping the deity at time plus one.There is an end to humanity written and then there are unwritten ends to humanity. Le tus start with an unwritten end of humanity.A computer taking control of the world. An alien deity if you must stopping humanity from growing, and stopping the end of the world scenrio we are fimilar with in the Bible.How does this occur. That story is about a basic assumption. World War II did the west win against Germany or did another timeline happen.I will let you read that at the bottom of this story.