There is a legend that most have forgotten about life. The legend says that to provide soothing dreams for the all-powerful one. They made souls. To provide an interest in the dreams, the all-powerful one took a bit of himself and planted the source of souls in a garden. He made the garden for the soul to grow and from which souls would be taken. Each soul was to have a purpose and direction to go. The humor of this is in dream was to wager against fate as to see where and how the soul would end. The bets and journey through the life of the soul to its end made the powerful one entertainment. His desire to see how bits and pieces of his soul would grow made him more and more interested in the drama from which his soul would take if given a different chance.
To make the betting even worth more, the all-powerful one decided to make everything seven times and watch everything replay at different times and places. The experience called life being developed is what this story is about.
Genesis One Design
There were 1100 companies bidding on requirements to build the first universe. Each company had to provide ideas about what was needed and what entertainment venues would be provided to the all-powerful one.
Dreams of a pirate -
Sail away sail away.. Ender is off with his friend a duck, bear, and what is new a unicorn for his daughter.. anyway sipping tea and leaving towards a peaceful sleep.. more tea.. soon the parting shall begin.. humor to go back and time and live the life I should as I shall..
Who knows the celebration could change the outlook on life.. the grinch stole christmas.. to cindy loo.. ender the pirate was put to slaving in a space barge going through space ports hauling space garbage from one location to the next.. recycling was what they called it.. but for Ender the tales of space aliens, drinks, and songs were just way more then to expect.. anyways pushing some energy slugs towards a furnace to power the barge a sad song came to the mind-- Disturb us, Lord, when
We are too well pleased with ourselves,
When our dreams have come true
Because we have dreamed too little,
When we arrived safely
Because we sailed too close to the shore.
Disturb us, Lord, when
With the abundance of things we possess
We have lost our thirst
For the waters of life;
Having fallen in love with life,
We have ceased to dream of eternity
And in our efforts to build a new earth,
We have allowed our vision
Of the new Heaven to dim.
Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly,
To venture on wider seas
Where storms will show your mastery;
Where losing sight of land,
We shall find the stars.
We ask You to push back
The horizons of our hopes;
And to push into the future
In strength, courage, hope, and love.
attributed - sir francis drake -1577 singing out load the deranged pirate kept up pushing slugs towards the firey end.. when a space battle began..
our most famous pirates with names like Blackbeard, Henry Morgan, calico jack, and black Bart plied their trade flying their jolly rogers in the west indies of the seventieth and eighteenth centuries, but famous as these notorious buccaneers might be in western lore they were like boys playing in a sandbox compared to a young woman named hsi kai
hsi kai was a peacefully going about her business as a prostitute when she was plucked from a Cantonese brothel during a pirate raid in 1801. Captured as plunder by associates of the notorious Chin yih, who operated freely along the south China’s coast hsi kai and her fellow prisoners were brought before the pirate captain for his review. The twenty-six year old hsi kai had apparently enjoyed her profession and resented the interruption because when ching yih walked in front of her thoughtfully calculating the value of his new assets she plunged at him and nearly scratched his eyes out. the pirate chief was immediately infatuated with her and after some serious negotiation hsi kai agreed to become his wife, but only after she had wrangled fifty percent ownership of his far flung enterprises. Ching yih operated with six fleets read blue yellow green black and white fleet,within a few month hsi kai persuaded her husband to give her command of the white fleet, whether as a stratagem to get out of the house or from genuine despite to learn the trade we will never know. By the time ching yih was killed in a typhoon in 1807 his wife had proved herself so successful as a commander that she was able to demand and receive the fealty of his captains. now she was sole owner of the business and soon she was well on her way to making a monopoly on the south china seas.
hsi kai organizational genius to provide her fleets and to keep from antagonizing the inland communities as her husband had done with his constant raids she contracted with hundreds of farmers and merchants along the coast to supply food clothing and material. villages that did not agree to her terms were simply burned to the ground the more compliant were visited with instant prosperity. within two years hsi kai was more powerful than most governments of the ear. at a time when the united states navy could probably put no more than fifty ships to sea she commanded two hundred ocean going ships each carry more than four hundred trained men and armed with twenty to thirty cannons. along the coast she commanded eight hundred lighter ships each heavily armed and carry two hundred men. she had dozens of oared river board, that plied up and down the inland waterways. trade between the ports of Hong Kong and Macao as well as along the chines coast was subject to her tax. ---
hsi kai met with talon in summer of 1810 prior her to turning over her trade to the emperor of china= 17318 men into the china navy
that summer she told her tale of buried treasure on the isles
the map, she said, was some place written in the stars between that and drinking my wine and rum. The lady was most beautiful pirate I have met to date.
She had captured me trying to sneak into Hong Kong without paying taxes. I was a charmer in those days and of course the inevitable happened she reached out a hand and stroke my cheek and of all things chucked me under the chin gurgling with laughter and lurching closer “ has,,, he ,, not she mumbled drowsily by Jove she’d lapped the whiskers, but d you know it was a rum thing the drunker she got the more I fancied her and the more the tale of building a palace in some secret isle was told I vie said she was a great beauty, there was something damned fetching about the plump cheeks between the shiing braids, and the moist lips trembling in a vacuous smile the satin skin of her arms and shoulders, between tales she toke which was a surprise to both of us...anyway the map she drew was the most interesting tale of a fort where she held captured sailors from every nation. more in the captain log some future date
how chee duh
un tiempo yo soy parte de talon crews
el tale es parte mentra
en verda
nostros crewed con el en bargo nostros pensamos sink
pero con el saber e courage nostros entre hong kong si pues el con rum e dar totals de crew mas de un share de plunder e benefits de rum
entonce nostros group alguna dinor
entre hong kong brotel por una woman con experienca porque el no sexo en mucho tiempo
e por humor nostros dar el horny goat weed e goose wine ..
we then went into the brothel paid 100, 000 for a girl for a week. The owner said go in and choose any woman in his place
kuh koe woman
problem we choose at random. A room evidently was not part of his house selection
ella fight nostros por Tiempo cuando nostros dice
hezi jingying sheeng ella silenced
best I can recall was translated new sex with man- virgin?
anyway ella entre el captains room e lloras go luh she eh she eh at which point the rest of the crew notice that our ship is surrounded by ships.
the captain is pleading, so we break into the room only to find the lady riding him like a horse and clawing his back, thus the reference to talon the claw..
anyway she left taking some of the rum and wine and the drunk just slept it off..
talon then fell asleep, and we drank the rest of the rum thinking how lucky we were not to end up at the bottom of yang bay due to whom we had kidnapped..
side note- she was truly beautiful
Joe - china drink sort of like tragic distilled wine.. much better then rum when not singing
any way hsi kia lovely lips parted me with my rum and wine and turned me on to Joe
in hong kong after a week of drinking Joe i signed on to a fleet venture against the British to take over a pearl cultural delivery going to a duchy in England
anyway there was 20 ships all fitted with cannons and men ready to fight for a bit of pearl --
just when the merchant ship swung wide did the birds nest start squawking about a naval patrol of 20 or more ships heading directly for us..
to say that the crew was fast was to say the least.. we got a trunk and several barrels of not sure what and off to the east we went which was the wind direction with 5 other ships of the fleet.. the cannon balls started to burn holes in wood planks we had extra from for a venture i was planning against an isle i had heard about from hsi kia... anyway the wind blew us faster towards the east then the naval patrol and the rest of the fleet i could hear their story of being cut down with bombardments.. turning directly into the east to fire at least once i saw the fleet of old one eye being torn a part one ship by ship as cannons raked the decks.. my one shot hit at the water edge of a war of man and seemed to cause a bubbling when a kaboom the ship went up along with three long boats and the wave swapped a pirate frigate.. to say the least i was happy to put in a little bit of a show because the wind started up and the rain almost like a typhoon which separated the us from the rest of 5 ships which to this day i am not sure what happened..
anyway in the 8 barrels turned out to be poppies seed.. just what a pirate needs flowers and the trunk was a bag of pearls and a duchy daughter of the name Churchill - grand daughter of some general in England.. she was a lovely creature ransom was the idea.. as for the flower seed i gave it to the crew whom seemed to want it .. just my luck a bunch of flower lovers for a crew.. anyway the storm kept pushing us for six days and was rough .. i tied everyone to rope and worked like hell was behind me...
the cake has two tattoos
one that says love mom and the other with a dragon which has love mom.. which ever one you look at he must have moved around allot because the design is weirdly wonderful but some how just knowing that the cake has it throws you off just a bit.
anyway the cake was at sea plundering a merchant ship when a typhoon hit and a naval patrol found us. there were supposedly 20 of us versus who knows how many of them then the wind hit and waves.
we were extremely lucky because as the ship turned the cake let loose a shot that hit the water line of a man of war which went up in the biggest cam boom i have ever heard.
just then some shrieks were heard when opening a trunk which contained a lady and a small bag of pearls. humorous how life happens sometimes.
just then the wind really picked up and blew us. what happened then was sort of a dream- there were dead ships floating with us like a fleet. the cake was smart and tied most of us to not try looting the ships. the speed of which was fast to say the least. err feeling that some where on board some of those ships there were humans or what was left of the crew...
on the first night with the ghost fleet one could hear yells and screaming.. we could see another merchant ship in near distance being swallowed by lights and shadows at the same time.. the ship was alive in the sense it was newer and that there seemed to be a crew trying to man the sails and move the ship against the current which was pushing faster and faster eastward towards who or what was the question..
then all of a sudden there was a silence that one feels in a room where a person has just passed on.. and no noise nothing not even the wind expected with a typhoon then the storm was at it again..
instead of trying to get out the storm the cake decided a full sail and try to take the lead in the dead fleet of ships... worked the crew himself and tied off to the ship everyone so not to wash over board..
just when the wind of the typhoon had reached its peak. The lights showed up. The screaming of madness brought everyone to a silent prayer. Then the dead fleet and ship were sucked down into a Whirlpool towards the center of the ocean floor.
Whirling around in the whirlpool each member of the crew started into their own trance all except the cake who went into the cabin and was promptly hit on the head by ms Churchill..
ms Churchill then tied the cake up and had her way with him. forcing him to clean the cabin with Windex and Mr cleaner.
a dream continued
Ender the pirate awaits, setting sail with the black skimmer just north of cafe shi. All the tea in the world could be on board that boat and it would still make just escaping the wicked witch of Bolivia just that much more fun.. to leave and never to be hurt again by a person that said this is this and then change to hurt you ever chance she could.. forget love.. all i want is peace and a good meal.. what a world one waits for a writer is expected to write about ghost, zombies, or love.. not pirates trying to escape their hearts stupidity.. waiting waiting as if the tap at the end of the bar would fill up a nice cloudy draft beer instead of green tea this pirate waits, the romance of this life has been played out. Draining the tea of life, the eyes cloud over only to reveal a wild angry from the dead pirate’s lonely heart...
The difference is location... with a mixture of the right brew; I hear people can be superhuman. The sad part memories from the last location changer... there was a party dancing till the next day, then a fight, then being hit with a car, poor person depends on money wise the car damage was more so maybe the car lost, there was a broken safety glass window in another car, then two front teeth... as I recall the guy ended up with the police. He thanked them and they thought he was okay enough to forget to lock the doors. Waking up, the guy wondered down to where the riot dogs were. Upon being confronted, he took a stand with the dogs. Feeling safer with them. The conversation went along the lines he felt more safe with them and when the police tried their arrest, tricks the person so upset he throw them off and opened up the cage and picked up 150 pound Rottweiler and throw it at them. The memory includes police running away saying something like the gringo was going to die. The dog came back the mixture of whatever drinks made this sicko stick an arm down the dog’s throat and then picking the dog back up and placing her back into her cage... the guy of course can only afford to do this every so often you know...
The zombies that died driving were beyond the wildest experience. You watch a car being floored going 100 to 120 miles an hour with this wild-eyed zombie trying to get out to get you without using a wheel to drive. Or this zombie going less than a mile an hour again, tries to get out of the car to the nearest meal. I always wondered if that was what happened to me when I ballooned up in weight. was my mind just simply hungry... anyways, the humor was only for those that could watch in safety versus...
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