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Zachariah to Zechariah there and back again.. a crazy mans tale

La Paz Bolivia a calm early morning. The beauty of the day just opening up. Awakening I realize something has changed. Reality? The room was different. This was not the reality I went to sleep in yesterday.

The room had changed. How? It was like going from a fuzzy color screen to a high definition color version of television. That I knew I was no longer where I went to sleep was not a question in my mind.

Just then an unexpected wife, in yet not my wife, showed up. Get up. I was kinda like okay? You have to take my mom to her chemo. So not saying anything, I got up and showered. Getting back to my room, I was more disturbed. My socks had changed. I asked when did I get new socks? The reply never. For those that don’t know me, this is a bigger deal than my wife swapping. My socks had been my only friends for the past few months.

I make ready and go with my mother-in-law, a beautiful woman, to where we normally for the previous six weeks were to pick up the public transit to the clinic. I had gone with her on all her prior trips, so this was nothing new. In yet, when we got to the corner instead of an old van. Everything was new. I mean my reality the day before was like 1990s had somehow stopped in La Paz, Bolivia, and everything was old. Now, in 2016, everything was new. I later find out that new to me was a van made in 2013. You see, I had to ask the driver what year the van was.

We get to the stop where we get off. I go into the hospital clinic and am blown away. Where there usually is a no lighted w

Upon reaching the corner where we got off to go to the next appointment, I am transformed. I mean literally the embassy which was mine with 9 floor windows that were huge turned into a 14 story building and the windows became like castle arrow or gun slots you see in a castle where people shot arrows out of. If I was not fully realized my dilemna which in this reality is a dilemma that I was no longer in my reality this did it.

What was I to do? Hey. I am not from here? Yes, I did that. I wrote 100s of emails to rather important people telling their security sucked and they had no idea who they were doing business with anymore. All this got me was a visit to the shrink. After a few sessions he told me I was dead, and that I was living a past life. I pointed out a few things to him and afterwards he stopped wanting to talk and ask I take rather strong medicine to for my illusions.

After the next session, I stopped going. His questions were not helping me and after a week on his meds I was sure they were not helping me. What was the at stake? What is reality? Is this story truth or is it fiction? To me this is reality. To you it might be fiction. I assure you; I have gone up to enough changes kicked them to realize they are real. While the day before they were not there or painted differently or does not matter, I suppose.

So there I was, drifting through time. Now, to say the least, I upset several people. When I asked when did the mountain move and they say never. And I say bull and I point to a painting or a picture and the conversation goes down hill from there. So what happened my camera phone gets destroyed and my computer with my photos wrecked. So I get a new computer but no camera. Believe me, I tried to get a camera. Film contests saving money which mysteriously right before purchasing a camera has to be used on some stupid medical test to prove I am sane or not dying.

So drifting through time-space I started journals and kept contact with other peoples souls that are traveling too. Have a desire to go home? I am no longer sure I have a home. From my understanding of closed time curved loop reality and time placement of this reality what is a future is the past here and that means where I lived for 45 years is gone and died billions years ago.

Thus without a home, where does a soul go?

My soul? I discuss my soul these days with Mr. Socks, and Benjamin a dog that is along with me on my time traveling trip. Like I have previously stated I was more concerned about finding out my sock had been replaced than my wife. Why? I love my wife. She is dear She is love. However, me and my socks are friends and to discover that in different realities their quality changes made me concerned about reality. So moving on my soul, reality, and my sock what was I to do?

At first I kept a written journal. I actually cried and hugged the dog for a while when somehow it was destroyed in a washer machine accident when my wife found out I was writing about my experience. Next, I tried contacting people. Hundreds of people. Who? Let me just say if you realize who I had in my email address book you would be kind of surprised. To no effect. So I started a journal in Microsoft word. It was roughly 300 pages when that computer gave up the ghost. I had a camera to for a while and was snapping pictures of the moving mountain. Both decided to give up and their content goes missing.

So I started writing online and discovered a whole group of people with similar experiences and dilemma, which was for 45 years spelled dilemna.  Why?  They had completely different memories from me.  Soul wise, I was in a pickle.  For me to be left behind in the rapture was awkward.  The first few days in my journey I went from my reality where US of A had 365 million per deagel.com on May 2016 with 8.5 billion to worlds plural where there were 6 billion to 9 billion, and less than 318 million to more than 465 million

The challenge for me is to keep my mind. For everything I have stated is as real to me as this reality is today. For inside my mind is a future that can no longer have ever existed. Why? I do research these days on time-space, time, energy, matter, and history. The realization that John Von Neumann and the Montauk project distorted realities by stealing souls from the past into a future that can no longer exist because their end has already happened per gravity and time placement in a closed time curved loop calculation. Meaning? In, a gravity well where a black hole is sucking up the galaxy and spiting out the remains to either a nebula column above or below the plane of this galaxy, time slows down. How slow?

In 2013, I had written about earth in my reality, stepping outside the galaxy protective core of planets and galaxy into the x-ray universe. The path of earth on the outer edge of Sagittarius arm where the diameter was 377,000 light years across took the path of earth outside for 7 to 12 years. The potential that the whole planet was to be fried to a crisp was a real concern for me there.

During my research on reality, souls, and socks. I discovered my danger. I should have realized the danger from the start. I mean how many people write their first journal help help I have been kidnapped from my mother in laws’ home to exact copy? The danger is the last 10 to 15 minutes of a person’s life the brain still lives. Meaning? Most of the people I discovered outside of my computer and other attempts to form an escape plan have similar stories. They remember dying or having a quote near death experience. To realize in a research paper published in 2017 that this is a memory, a dream or illusion of my final minutes of death was or is rather a challenge and danger each day I live. Why? If I give up are these realities real? Do they go away? Or am I delusional? After 15 doctors spread across multiple worlds, the answer was nothing was wrong with whom I was. Yes, I was blind in one. Yes, my blood sugar is high, blood pressure high, etc. Yes, I could prove some rather unique facts. That the shrink finally said I am reliving a past life was rather upsetting. Why? Because I could prove this reality and those realities were a past. A better past than I had. In yet, nevertheless a past. Upon that danger, I set out to do more research.

A lot of my research dealt with what is real. I can honestly say I owe Mr. Socks, and several people on Mandela groups, an apology for arguing that reality is nothing more than a hologram. Why? To me a hologram meant something you could pass through or light could or would change. That I could not wrap my mind around the lie about energy equating mass multiplied light cubed was an issue until I discovered “The Secret of Light”. That e=mc2 is a lie kind of bothered me. To realize that mass is light stuck on some frequency finally made sense so I could come to an acceptance that my whole reality is a film or play kind of brought up other issues with Mr. Socks in my conversation of what if that means this is that and that is this, but by Benjamin the dog everything was cool?

Well not so cool. Why? I could still not look myself in the mirror. Why? My eye color has changed from hazel to the most sky blue color I can imagine. My kids noticed this change in 2018 2019 and it was diner conversation for a while on the significance of DNA changes and what could make my eye color change beyond reality. That I know now is awful.

The paper written on the last 10 to 15 minutes of a person life. A closed time curved loop within a persons mind causing this reality to reanimate for a day is wild. One says that is a fib. I am real. I think I exist. Same with that Nazi in 1929 whose paper wrote what is existence. In yet. This existence is a past and dying past at that. How? From research this film or reality happened once, twice, so many times that when I try to figure out the number Drakes equation on how many habitual planets are there in the universe goes from 10 to poer of 192 to 10 to power of 200 or more. Meaning? Each night this planet is placed on hold. A deep freeze to be specific. The projector what you call a sun which is now either a mirror or some film covering up the sun reprojects this whole reality from a past reality. Including with it a memory of me for that day.

So what? Splicing a life for a persons soul from beginning to end is a lot of work. To hide the thief of souls from heaven innocent souls were stolen by Montauk project and some communist project in time and place d in the most likely place to cause that soul to be evil. How do I know? When I started out watching the Montauk Project the project only needed to steal 2500 souls to keep reality in existence. Then I watched on an older world and the number went to 25,000. next jump to 250,000, then a 2.5 million and final time I watched 25 million. Meaning? In the long long past someone stole all the ouls of some reality from heaven and stole the book of life from heaven to stop heaven from coming. What does that mean? In my dreams I remember something so evil I wonder these days. The potter says to the pot. I made you thus to be evil. Awkward realization that I might be one of the most evil people in reality.

Being evil I wonder how to make amends? I doubt I am as evil as my dreams tell me I am. For I was that evil I would be better looking. In yet, I recognize a truth. I still try to fix realities. Like I knew politically my writings are still there for people to read. I doubt if anyone does. I still give what I can. And I pray more these days. Is there forgiveness for me? I am unsure.

What is my plan now? I read the bible and the new changes speak to a narrower path to heaven thee days. I am still unconvinced that I would or should go to heaven. What if I am as evil as I think I am? That would be like destroying something beautiful just because you can read or understand something that when you tell another person their eyes might see their ear might hear but they have not a clue as to what you are saying to them.

Confronting death. That the light at the end of the tunnel that people speak about might be just this reality exist path to another delusional reality in which I might be in heaven. In yet, heaven is unsafe is weird and wild. For here Christ warns of people not going in through the gate in heaven. Of people becoming angry and demanding justice or payment of a debt and being thrown into prison or reality again. Or wearing the wrong clothes to a wedding party. Or not going when invited to a wedding party. The whole concept of heaven has become one of it is a safe place to being one of wild I might be less safe there than in this reality.

That said I would prefer heaven to hell or a return to these realities That I have found a path is awkward in yet I see reality shaping around that reality. People are deranged enough now a days to vaccinate themselves with fetal tissue from humans. The RNA in the vaccines is permanently trying to destroy humans within those vaccinated mean? Zechariah which spoke of a nuclear war in my reality per Doctor Vernom MacGee in my reality where flesh melting off the army approaching Israel. Has become Zachariah which speaks of walls around Israel which there were none in my reality in 2016 and people with their eyes and tongues out fighting with their hands sure sounds like zombies to me.

The plan avoid the vaccine and vaccinated people like a plague that they are on earth.

The danger of the vaccination in this reality is real. Why? The mark of the beast? Frankencoin? Microsoft applies for patent to mine cryptocurrency through brain waves and blood flow By Lawrence Gash April 1, 2020, 3:25 AM GMT-4 Tech giant explores bizarre alternative to current inefficient mining practices Bill Gates Wants To “Microchip” People to Help Fight Off Diseases Like the Coronavirus Gates called it "digital certificates. To lose ones soul because of evil is an awkward disposition to be put in. Why? Simply put Along the time travels the bible changed from Zachariah to Zechariah. From a warning of a nuclear war to zombies. As a time travelers I realize in 2011 that vaccines went from a harmful mercury breaking down of the DNA of humans being vaccinated to a human DNA vaccination.Why could human DNA potentially cause brain damage? The way Ratajczak explained it to me: "Because it's human DNA from aborted fetus and recipients are humans, there's homologous recombinaltion tiniker. That DNA is incorporated into the host DNA. Now it's changed, altered self and body kills it. Where is this most expressed? The neurons of the brain. Now you have body killing the brain cells and it's an ongoing inflammation. It doesn't stop, it continues through the life of that individual."

That along with Microsoft desire to monetize human blood makes the mark of the beast a real possibility in this reality.

As a time traveler my plans are often failures almost always first time in many ways. I am the luckiest to be able to chance another reality to get into heaven. Will I see the city of God come to earth? My discussion with Mr. Socks has often times brought up the end of time. What will happen at the end of time? Is this the end of time? From a point of view as a time travel continuing backwards in time this might be an end to reality for this soul. The question remains was I ever good? And how to survive? I think that is the true test of luck and God's story. Just how does a soul survive? To quote a lyrics of a song “I don't get many things right the first time

In fact, I am told that a lot

Now I know all the wrong turns

The stumbles and falls brought me here “

So what is the final plan? To gamble with a soul. To go for broke. August 31st September 12 both dates to remember. August date the last of a super moon unexpectedly showing up in 2020 in yet the true year is 2012 if one realizes Ethiopians might be the only ones with a correct calendar. And the end of 2012 is September 12th. What should I expect? How does one storm heaven or hell? As a time traveler I laugh. To realize this is the backward pass of a closed time curved reality and that all is dead already to storm hell? He lived there in the 80s. It is not the worse place in reality. Just the children of the morning star can both be the fallen ones and Chrits. And at any moment the uncertainty of which one is being dealt with makes time travel let alone hell an uncomfortable place. That hell is a freezer and not hot but is freezing hot is the joke from there. As for storming heaven? As time traveler I think most likely I got thrown out the last time for dressing incorrectly. Or trying to collect on a debt. Or failing to attend a wedding party. The reader must understand I feel as a time traveler I have been here too before a long long time ago. Long enough that the memories of this trip are coming slowly back to me. I passed a cross roads and now he must either meet his maker or be frozen and gone once more. The dilemna spelled dilemma here is the realization I was not perfect this time around life. The black mark on my life the gambling action of trying to enter heaven versus the other offers. To chance a trip to land of the fae? Would that be a place to survive for the next cycle of light to happen? What happens if Gods story never comes around again sticking me as a time traveler forever in the land of fae? To gamble on forgiveness is rough on a time traveler. For in all my conversations from pastors to rabbis to my mother he is told that my story is evil. And I wonder and realizes if this trip is not a dream. That I might be judged on all my dreams. Jesus statement do not be angry with a brother. Do not imagine sex with a married woman. Do not covet. That awkward factor. As I am the time traveler what are my chances of winning? None for survival for I realizes all die.

What will happen in the final gamble? If you get into heaven look up one Clinton R. Siegle and see him there or not.

Heaven or hell? My ultimate dilemma as a time-space traveler. To see the book of Revelations fulfilled in my life time was not what I expected. When I wrote my friends years ago about being abducted and none of them seemed to even care enough to reply made me wonder. Now? I realize the time of tribulation has been going on a lot lot longer than when I woke up to a new reality. My emails to hundreds of people was quiet comical. From help, help they have kidnapped me with a lengthy explanation of why and who I know was dead in yet alive here would cause anyone to think I am nuts. So be it. Not like I was altogether here in the first place. When I tried a second tactic of asking a person about names and places I even had to throw in hey! Your realize national security is at stake. Nothing. Let see if you remember anything differently. I have not heard from anyone in some time. I believe they have kidnapped me to a wild weird world.. Let us play along.

A list of changes along with my recollection to the left. Come play along.. copy and paste your answers in the comments.

*Berenstein Bears is now BERENSTAIN Bears, I remember Berenstein bears going to church.. DO you

*Interview with a/the vampire. I recall the Interview with a vampire

*sex in/and the city how sad I remember Sex in the city

*mirror mirror on the wall/magic mirror. Come now it has always been mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all

*chic-fil-a/chick (some remember chik) my memory is fair it was chic`fil a

*luke/no, I am your father... Come since when is no ... it has always been Luke, I am your father

*If you build it they/he will come... Who is he.. it should be If you build it they will come

*Smokey the Bear/Smokey Bear. The bear and me will always be smokey the bear

*beautiful day in the/this neighborhood. Song this in the shower since 6. It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood

*we’re gonna need a bigger/you’re gonna need. There were more than one person on the boat. we re gnna need a bigger boat

*daylight savings/daylight saving time The only state without daylight saving time was Arizonia

*cruella Deville/De vil I would say Deville for my mother would not let me watch anything with evil..

*book of isiah-the lion shall lay down with the lamb/the wolf shall lay down with the lamb. I remember it as the lion shall lay down

*sketchers/skechers (shoes) My shoes were sketchers up to May 18

*Proctor & Gamble/Procter & It twas Gamble procter gamble

*Life is/was like a box of chocolates.. Speaking of a Life is like a box of chocolates

*dilemna/dilemma I am in a dilemna

*You say tomato/You like tomato. I wonder you say tomato I say tomatoe. Let us call the whole thing off.

*new zealand moved from above to below australia new zealand I recall wanting to live there which was above australia and only one island

*Australia moved closer to Southeast Asia. Recollection looks farther down to me

*Panama Canal is now north to south not east to west. It ran east to west

nsync/*nsync (look up current spelling if formatting is not working)

*Reba Mcintyre/McEntire Her name was McEntire to me.

*puce changed from yellowish to pinkish not sure

*Chartreuse changed from burgundy/purplish to neon yellow/green (almost as if they switched) not sure

*JC Penny/JC Penney I do not recall an e.. It has always been JC Penny to me.

*Charles Shultz/Charles shulz The t was something in my memory Charles Shultz

*looney toons/looney tune. Cartoons are looney toons

*52 states, not 50 states and 2 territories. Flag still had 50 stars. My timeline there was 50 plus 2015 Rico voted itself statehood

*Madagascar did not have 22 million people living there not sure

*Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down In THE most delightful way/In A most delightful way. I sing this song in the most delightful way

*VW logo didnt have a line through it separating the V and W There was no space between the V W

*Picture of Henry the VIII with a turkey leg?? nothing in that time frame to reference a turkey leg with.

*Dr. Doolittle/Dolittle Come now Doolittle

*Fruit Loops/Froot Loops I love Fruit Loops

*Publically/Seperate not sure

*MLK assassination was fairly close, multiple shots, handgun not sniped with a single shot with a rifle. Recollection bad but it happened in a hotel single shot with a rifle I believe

*“Go home, walter” was mike not the black guy not sure

*Jiffy/Jif peanut butter Peanut butter jiffy

*Barbara Streisand/Barbra Streisand In my land Barbara Streisand

*Svalbard? Norway seed bank is now Svalbard Seed Bank not sure

*North Pole ice land mass and explorer Edmundson never existed ice mass Ice land mass controlled by Norway I believe.

*Japan is next to Russia and Korea instead of China In my mind Japan next to China no Japan Sea

*Fidel Castro died around 2008. he was alive in my timeframe

*“Me Tarzan, you Jane” never happened The original movie yes.

*“Beam me up, Scotty” never happened either Wow.. so where did Beam me up Scotty happened

*Curious George had a tail there was no tail in my timeline

*Oscar Meyer/Oscar Mayer My hotdog has a first name Oscar Meyer

*Hitler had bright blue eyes? He was not ayran no blue eyes

Sun is yellow or white My world the sun was yellow

Abe Lincoln senator or representative Conspiracy theory senator. JFK was a senator same as Nixon. JFK and Lincoln both senators, both shot in the head, both presidents in years starting 64

Grimm captain name Bernard

Penelope or Vanalope wreck it ralph Penelope

Japan next to koera or china ie no japan sea no japanese sea next to China

COME folks copy and paste in the comment section your memories.. before they are eaten by..

The great delusion has happened. The end of the world is upon us. People say yes, we are evil.. But people forget to read the Bible.

The days will be like in the end Days of Noah.

Noah lived beyond the flood. His end days were when Babylon occurred. The creator did something then, too. He changed people’s languages. Make a bet if you asked those people if they were in the same world they would realize that they were not.

Meaning realities and people’s personalities have changed. What was important to someone yesterday is not today? Meaning in the end days people will be lovers of themselves. Why, because they have lost their natural affection for their family. Why.. Because they do not recognize their family. Why.. Because in their world maybe they did not have kids, or why I am writing this because of the number of people forgetting their dogs. I have noticed people have forgotten their dogs and pets. Once normal caring people have forgotten who they were not because they are uncaring but because they have lived a different reality up to the point where CeRn switched their mind or the creator. Either way, you have to realize something.. The end of times are upon us for several more decades or years or generations or less. We have to change to Christ if you want to live forever. If you want to die and go to hell, that is a choice too. But think. If you realize that nothing matters but the afterlife.. Just think.

That being spoken I just sit in my room thinking about heaven, hell, and the other minor item like why I my notes in a mess today? What was the soul doing prior to me? How come is there a dent in the door? Exactly where is the bookstore and why did it move and if it did not move was it always here in this reality and there in another reality? If so is that why I forgot about it until last month? And what made me forget about that bookstore? And why in the worlds plural was the only English book so evil?

I usually ask these questions to Mr. Socks and my dog. Sometimes Mr. Socks brand of humor opens my mind and other times I realize I am just talking to myself because I miss talking. My dog rarely answers any questions, but he still listens at times because I hug him and force him to answer questions. Like where did you put my shoe? Or did I put it there?

Or since when is heaven so unsafe? Wolves getting sheep. Thieves whether shadow communist priests or Montauk boys stealing souls from heaven. Or dressing not right to a wedding party? Or not attending a wedding party? Or trying to get revenge for this story? Seems like heaven might not so safe? In yet hell? I suppose I know what hell is. I lived there before. I guess I would prefer to get kicked out of a wedding party compared to living one more time through this horrible story. Psalms 2 the kings of the earth might have broken the bonds of mankind from Gods divine story by bribing judges, and raping kids throughout time and history by murdering and thief government approved through time. Nevertheless God laughed and to see Revelation book fulfilled with Microsoft trying to make humanity into robots is awkward.

To realize Bill Gates attempt microchip everyone is an attempt to mark them for life is wild. To realize his vaccination might not be up to snuff causing brain damage is even more wild. The stakes are high. How much is a time travelers soul worth? To be marked so that my blood fuels the economy is insane in yet Microsoft has released their e currency to do just that.

I as a time traveler wonder what door way to take to get to the right path? Repent? Yes. Do good? Yes. Be good? Yes. Stop evil? How? Write? Did and do that. In yet, the end of humanity happens because this is the past already. Nothing can change that much. Believe in Jesus Christ and accept him and do what he asks? Yes. Is that enough?

The coronavirus was planned out and executed to stop some reality from changing. The question is this reality really worth saving? From removing vaccine exemptions for religious objectors in New York. To promoting people to visit China the democrats seem rather insensitive already to humanity. The key event in my opinion will occur within 30 days to August 31st or sooner or later than September 12th. I might actual see their demand for humanity to be chipped to walk the streets of New York City.

Let me be honest. In 2013, and prior none of this was possible. Why? I think Bill Gates in my reality actually took vaccines his mind was wondering. Meaning he had to give up his position because he was not making rationale decisions. To find out that Bill Gates Foundation, and Microsoft have crated a biometric system e currency and verification vaccination chip which can sterilize users is wild. That no one seems to care is even wilder. To see pure evil of humanity becoming as the patient states the end goal is a collective conscience of the users. Wildly evil. Individuality out the window. Some corporation deciding to turn on or off your birth control built right into your vaccination chip. To see this I have to just shake my head. If I was not time traveling I am sure I would figure a solution to stop this evil. That time travel means things happen in one reality and the next reality has almost advanced anywhere from 1 to 8 years before I can understand what the problem is a bit of an awkward statement to fix. How does one say. Hey Microsoft corporation just patented 666 the mark of the beast without people thinking shh he is just more nuts than normal today?

What plans do I have? Do good, be good, stop evil where I can. How? Sign the petition to request a investigation into Bill Gates. Write my normal stories with an expressed dismay that everyone in power seems to be willing to kill humanity. To express my sadness in seeing humanity die or be turned into a robotic race. That is more absurd part of this time traveling loop. Some technologies have advanced more than others in yet I can see patients from or for other realities that I do not see sold in the open market. Meaning? Someone is hiding a whole new culture and technology in the patient office. What do I mean? Read the abstract for the mark of the beast: Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.

Does that not sound like the begins of Borg or Cyclone race where everyone is interconnected? That Bill Gates foundation also has a chip to turn on and off reproduction most likely built into the system is even more awkward along with the end results of fulfilling a religions end book of Revelation 13 7.

The test will come when this is mandated by those in government. It is already accepted in New York state that this will be a forced issue even for those religiously objecting to vaccination. What do I do as a clergy member I am kind of saying don't get marked by this evil. The danger will be when they turn off the system and not allow people to purchase or work or purchase food. What are people told to do in the bible? Fight? And the dragon will overcome them for a time. However the bible says fight. Who? How? Well Bill Gates Microsoft is the one running the chip show. So maybe stop purchasing everyting from Microsoft. Use Linux. How download Linux and stop all usage of Microsoft. What else? Pray. Pray that your enemies become Christians. We are suppose to pray for those that misuse you. Pray that the government Nancy Pelosi becomes a Christian that follows the bible. Pray for Trump. Pray.

What else? Since I am a time traveler to begin with the time of tribulation has and is upon me at least. Why? Let me be honest I think I might have died a long time ago. And now I am just drifting between realities of a parallel past trying to make amends for what ever I did in my life. Believe in Jesus Christ. Repent. Do good, Be Good.

That I can not look myself in the mirror because my eyes no longer are mine is something sad. That I have not changed much from whom I was as in my reality is another sad realization. Meaning I should have been able to grow on these trips to visit you here at this moment in time-space. That I am dying is probably truth.

To pray for your enemies. Dear Lord, please make my enemies find and follow Jesus Christ. Help, them realize their problems and repent of their evils before those evils destroys mankind. In Jesus name.

Praying in spirit at all times against evil. For there is always hope and love in mankind. Hope and pray.

To pray always. Keep Jesus near. That is all one can do at present. That the evil plan has been in the work for some time is evident in stories. Coronavirus vaccination created in 2015 patented in 2018. The sterilization of the world population chip Gates introduced in 2017. The movement of coronavirus to be stolen by the Chinese from Bill Gates funded lab March 2019. To Bill Gates actually admitting an issue on Nexflex documentary summer of 2019. November 2019 patient vaccine. March 2020 patient the mark of the beast.

What is a time-space traveler to do as he watches the end of reality? Ponder is he going to survive? No. I made sure of that the last blessing I placed on the Hillary Clinton in this reality that remembers as I do that Abe Lincoln was a senator in my world. Evil people need to find Christ. I hope she finds Jesus Christ soon.

People seldom challenge me on my travels. I had witches try and say you are nuts. As a time traveler I pray for them and hope they find Jesus Christ. They demand proof. Do I have proof? Like I said my shrink does not like talking with me. You see as a time-space traveler what is a secret in one reality is either common knowledge in another or someone has written down. You would be surprised at the amount of reading a partially blind traveler does with a squinting other eye. To be kind I love reading. If I could I would find a great book and go live in it. In yet, here I am. And here you are too. So is there plans for what to do? Seeing the end of time is something. I wonder if I made the proper bets. You see all this is a gamble. Why? God is Gods plural. And to relive everything over and over again searching for something special is awkward in yet he or they do that. People say there is only one God. I point to In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2Now the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. There is a God and there is a Spirit of God. Two noted parts. So what? Means that they gamble a lot more than the ordinary gambler. If you read Job story and realize the whole story is based on a bet between God and his most special creation. One realizes how serious God takes his bets.

So to storm heaven the only path this round is to believe in Jesus Christ. Ask forgiveness, repent and do good be good stop evil. Sounds reasonable.

What is awkward is the realization that I am already dead. A long time ago. The sense of sadness on that is wild. I should or could have lived a much better life. Sure I worked. Sure I tried hard. However to be such a failure is crushing. To fail so big. I think that is the funny part of this life's story. I stepped up to the plate of life almost at every opportunity. Did I swing? Oh, I swung. I was going to break the bonds of my story and become someone. For those that know who I was in my reality will laugh but if you just look me up on linkedin. One realizes I swung and often times hit home runs. Now to be stuck in a room in La Paz, Bolivia one of the last few gringos in Bolivia from the United States having most been evacuated means I am still in play. In yet, I know why? Maybe. I can guess. My speculation is I am being allowed to see the final battle of good and evil in some reality. What will happen? I have seen the seals broken. In yet, each did not make sense. However if Montuak project is real? The bible change that most significant is the Gods plural made the heavens plural and earths plural. When reading Revelation or Revelations that means a fourth will fall to war, a fourth to famine, a fourth to conquering angels and the final fourth to plague. That I am still moving to an older world from one old world to the next is a reality for me today. To resolve to watch the end of times.

Time. To realize the end of time. In yet the study of time is something hard to do. Believe me I have tried. I think the whole concept is either not taken seriously or is purposely hidden. Anderson Institute of time ran now by Peter Moon editor and co author with Nicolas Preston on Montauk Project. A summation of time helps. In yet that did not work. The formulas are wrong here or where I read them in the last reality. The Secret of Light now that opens up a lot more secrets if you are willing to read poetry. Like what? Shh.. Don't tell anyone but E=mc2 is sort of a lie. The real formula is E=c3. What? Yes, folks humanity and reality is just a hologram. And mass or matter is nothing more than stabilized light in a frequency as a solid. Shh.. Don't tell people. Thinking about the secrets one time-space traveler tells other travelers from his room makes me think.. Douglas Addams was on to something 42 you really make life anything you want life to be. Just reality is not what I wanted in my life. I wanted to live in magic. For that I did. What? Lets be honest what I did if undone undoes everything in reality. What? That is just a dream is a dream. In yet if this is real all my dreams are real someplace. So what? There are fairy tales and there are nightmares. If I lived a nightmare and built fairy tales why I am stuck here and not where something has a sort of happily ever-after ending? This is another secret. Don't get drunk with me. Why? I tend to do those things you make stories about. Surf the surf board behind a truck slide it under a truck in snow and miss both tires. You see I am pretty sure in several realities I died do that. Get up and build large beer mugs out of snow in the middle of the night. Dance for two weeks straight in a street party while out drinking everyone. You know Bluto from animal house but with a conscience and no I did not get to be a senator. Meaning I should not be the hero of this story. Thus a journal more to end of a tale rather than a hero journey. For on one such time I spoke with people. Deities? They were more powerful than I. So who knows. And I made the bet. And the bet? Well, here I am after billions of years according to memory of what one internet claims the earth to be from the next. In yet? Time the study of time.

The mystery of time-space, time, and personalities. Lets be honest the stakes of time-space, time and personalities are the ending of the time of tribulations. What? Drakes equation 10 to the power of 192 or 200 depending on how far back in time goes makes numbers and parallel realities a question of the mind. Image Ronald Reagan being president in 1984 for the first time and Nixon finishing his two terms and Ford in office. Meaning? Like the biblical Solomon states everything has been done before. There are no new stories. The past which this is my past your present, and someone else future may look to me advanced from where I came from. May look normal to you presently, in yet to a future people this world is backwards.

Time-space what if time is actually just a film on the black,screen of a deities television or film. Space being that screen where reality plays out for his gambling habits or desires. The speculation being reality is nothing more than a dream and the sun is a projector picking up reality at this moment in time. In yet, how this is the past? And you are passing through after all that is part of a time travelers journal I am not here tomorrow. Meaning I have come from a past, in yet I was from a future and this present reality is just a moment on a film being played backwards in time. For what purpose? The time of judgment. For the soul will unite with their body during the time of judgment. That would mean you are dead. Yes. I have to accept that premise that I have been dying and most likely dead a long time ago. In yet in a closed time curved loop, this too will only seem like a dream waking up from a dream. Where does the soul go after this? That is where I fear. I believe in God. The great Potter statement why ask why I made you thus. In this reality the bible adds I have can make you even for the day of destruction. So not a comforting thought. The day of destruction to dream about that. Or to take a side tour? I have after all been offered other ways. Should I attempt that? No. I think not. Opening the door to an already story book is like re reading a series and not going forward to see. To see what? If the light at the end of the tunnel is something fun or hell or to be reborn into something else. I think I failed here to learn what ever life lesson I was to learn. What was it? To love. I have failed to figure out that key aspect of life. Actions I can show plenty of lovable actions. In yet, you know that feeling you realize in a book where the story teller has told that moment where a tear is brought to your eye for something sad. Or a love romance like Princess Bride as you wish. My whole story is full of those opportunities in yet I feel a failure. I tried. I really tried.

So I was to learn love this life time? Or I was to learn to time-space travel? Or I was to seek God? Or I failed in a bet and now I have to face judgment day? Or I won something and now have to watch the time of tribulation with the Potter the end is pot was made for destruction and that will be an end to this story?

I am no longer sure how to fix love. As a traveler one day the personalities I deal with are bold. The next meek. One day fierce the next shy or timid. To plan on loving them all is all I can do. In yet, that does not fix that which is broken. To learn time-space travel is nothing sort of absurd. I tried to go down several different paths. To no avail. This is a mapped out ending. Whether for good or evil or bad is yet for me as a time-space traveler to find out I suppose. To seek God? I know where God is. I also know I am evil and should not face him. Why perish before my time? To realize some people must face the music even if they have walked away as much from evil as possible is wild. To watch humanity not stop evil in this day and age is absurd. People should be stopping Microsoft 666 mark. There should be some form of life to live. Failed in a bet is the worse part of this story. What was the bet? Always, always check who you are with when drinking. That is another secret. Plan for the time of tribulations? There are many outs now. I am unsure what the end will be. I pray for mercy. I wonder about mercy. Mercy is to be granted pardon for evils done. Grace is to be given something even if you have not deserved the fate. Fated to require mercy is wild. I should have run longer or harder or something. To be made for the day of destruction? I can see that. Only a fellow dreamer can understand what has been done here as a mirror worlds plural. To be passing through here I must have dreamed about here at least at one day at a time. What?

On my challenge to get back to here this present day I passed through worlds where they had stolen all the Montauk chairs. There the absurd was happening. Magic if you believe in magic these days. Timelines were unraveling. Why? So lets begin. I do research every so often. Not so much these days because watching people die at different dates and times and ways makes me wonder. Were some good were some bad? Anyways in the most absurd reality Montauk project John Von Neumann lived to the age of May 1957. When I learned of him in 2016 his death on those worlds was in 1952. Even those minds that are switched here when you listen to Duncan Cameron are not from here stating he died in 1956. Meaning? Some worlds stole souls and moved them around so God end final days could not happen. How? They moved good souls to bad souls plots and move bad souls to good souls plots in the story of life. They stole souls from heaven. You ever wonder why heaven has walls? Or why Jesus says the thieves come not through the gate and come but to steal and kill? Anyways, the thieves stole something. What the book of life. What? The day of judgment can or could or would not happen if there was no book of life to be read in the final days of Revelations. That is absurd who could steal the book of life? And there was war in heaven. Then God killed the morning star out and the third of the angels that followed him. Seems rather obvious no? So billions of realities years, and times the book of life has been hidden. God knows where it is nevertheless he plays his games the way he wants them to be played. Like I said watch out who you bet with when you are drunk and dancing while having a fun time.

What is funny with time is people think this is the seventh time or cycle of this earth. Time. Djinns and time-space and witches know these things. The absurdity is now HBO is trying to tell people in the show Westworld about waking up. The whole movement of Q and revolt Yellow Vest in France, Freedom fighters in Hong Kong, Bolivia protesters of a third term president running for fourth time and again stealing the election. A few people have spoken to me. There is a good reddit story on Mandela effect and what truly happened. You see corporations have changed humanity. Those that would have been great individuals crushed under reality. An artificial intelligence was created elsewhere and escaped. When, or how or why? That is the secret is it not. I have re read the story and found the story teller. She does not even know me now in yet in a different life. Who cares I suppose. The story is told on a reality where Dallas Texas CERN was turned off in a much older version of reality. What do I mean? My memory in 2013 was being on an earth supposedly 6.5 billion years old. The diameter of the galaxy there was 377000 light years across. There was no known black holes. The population according to deagel.com on May 18 2016 was 8.5 billion, the US of A had 365 million people. The galaxy according to the internet was cycling at the speed of 1,000 years a rotation around cycle. That galaxy was to hit its next galaxy in 365,000 years. Dallas CERN was never completed and the funding turned off in 1999 as far I knew.

My reaction to learn that Dallas Cern has been operating here up to 2017 per a person that I believe has some knowledge on reality changes. The significance is startling that my soul is going back to the original body. And? This could mean in a closed time curved loop I am only to experience a moment of time lapse and all this. THIS reality, and all realities that I have passed through are only in my collaborated dreams with other people experiencing the same Mandela effect.

So what is the time of tribulation? To me I experienced the twinkle in the eye and people disappearing. I thought the rapture and was kind of wondering about being left behind until I discovered what had happened with Montauk project and some communist time travelers and India's time travelers. Meaning? Example my world Abe Lincoln was a senator. Like Hillary Clinton remembers. Since he had been a senator he held more power and saved roughly 500,000 to 1 million more people in my time which equated to 3 million descendants in my reality. Roe v Wade happened in my reality in 1967. However abortion was not so high. In 2009 I noted that less than 35 million people had been aborted. While here 1973 US and China approved of abortion and US got rid of 42 million more people and China gor rid of 500 million. So I said 8.5 billion and here during that time there was close to 7.3 billion or in May 2016. What or where did the other hundreds of millions go? India time traveled back in time and changed the sexuality of Pakistan. In my reality homosexuality was not allowed in muslim countries. Stoning was something noted about every so often. Here 500 million Pakistan are gone because their religion has been corrupted allowing evil into their religion.

So what is all this got to do with time-space, time, and search of God? The bible has certain post signs that have to be meet. Certain people have to meet, connect and do what ever it is God has for them to do for his prophecies to be fulfilled. And what has this to do with John Von Neumann living to May 1957? Simply put his last paper which ended up in Princeton pointed out that there is no such thing as chaos. That everything. Meaning everything has rules, laws, signs, and symbols that must be done according to some master plan or story.

What has that got to do with seeking God? Or time-space, time travel? The original story in heaven has been corrupted over time, and people telling a biblical story one way in hopes to stop the end of time. The worlds where I said I passed through where magic was happening and that had stolen the Montauk Chairs of other realities were or are in a panic because they broke a knotted time loop. What does that mean? Simply put they wanted to much of a good thing for themselves or were greedy just like this reality the desire to turn humanity into a collective conscience from Microsoft mark of the beast is greed unwittingly fulfilling prophecies in the exact order of the original text in the bible.

Shh is all lost? Yes, and no for some and others the path is just beginning is wild these days. To potentially see Jettison flying cities? No. Not this reality nor timeline. To see Ron Hubbards worlds where trillions of souls are trapped on 70 planets? No. Not this reality maybe this timeline in yet the placement of earth is no longer there. Terminators or cyclones caused by AI or robot taking over? Possible. However the biblical change for me that is most significance is Zachariah to Zechariah. You see in my world for 45 years the tale was an army approaching Israel and then melting in a river of blood. Doctor MacGee speculation was that the description was nuclear war. I passed out of that reality in 2017 plus or minus billions of years. Now Zechariah has what only can be described as zombies. That in my reality in 2016 there was no war around Israel would have made the story ridiculous in yet here Israel has a wall built around it to keep out the zombies of Zechariah. To watch the time that God has decided to fulfill is wild. That I wrote about other timelines destructions in cosmofunnel and was censored for what I had assumed were dreams is wild. I remember I went nuts for a time in that magical worlds because everything I asked for math wise I could get with a click of the search engine. Here I ask and have to search more to figure out what is it I am exactly looking at. What am I searching for? I forget at times. 2017 I forgot friends. 2018 I forgot knowledge. 2019 I forgot what is real at times. 2020? I am forgetting to not speak about the wild adventure of a time-space traveler seeing the end of humanity. Not because of God. No. The nukes were sent to Hawaii by people trying to stop the end of time. Somewhere along the line people forgot that the s. For earths were removed from Genesis and Revelations or Revelation and the seals do not have to take place all on one world in yet they can or will or have or speculation the time is the doorway of no return for some of us.

The awkwardness of the end of times. The danger who would have thought Bill Gates as the beast. Patient 2020060606 a blood ran economy which seems to be pushing all those not going to be around for long either into the poor house or starvation. To see the United States starve their people to death in their own homes is rather scary to watch.

What can a one footed, one eyed time-space traveler do? Warn people to stop their evilness. That the end of time is brought about by humans fighting God not God is awkward. To realize Hawaii was nuked in some realities December 12, 2017. And to realize some humanities fell to famine in 2013. The absurdity of this story is millions recognize what I write as a truth. Almost everyone affected with the Mandela effect will remember something different from here. Why?

God's plan of salvation is being fulfilled. Destiny to a point of no return. That awkward moment in the story of planning to storm the castle to fight the evil ones minions. To realize they have all the money. All the power. And all the backing of the CIA, and much of the shadow government to willingly go forward to starve to death America.

What to do? Pray. Pray for a broken heart of America. Pray for those poor and being locked into a society where their blood will fuel the next economy. Pray that God saves his people.

What about the final battle? Will China invade North Korea, Taiwan and two other countries soon? Will God come soon? Is humanity doomed for that is what is required for the bible to be forth coming. What? Think the coronavirus most likely sterilizes the human population. If you want kid you will have to be chipped and your blood used in some evil purpose. Shame is great that humanity has turned itself into an evil race to let the rich over the poor. Not because they deserve to but because they can turn off your race, your economic power, and if the patient of 2020060606 is correct most likely steal your individuality and creativity. https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020060606

Shame of Bill Gates patient https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020060606 is sort of awkward. As a time-space traveler one can read the story through film, through religion the Bible, through reality changes. Shame that people in power choice to kill humanity because they come together in Psalms 2 and say lets break Gods story. Lets steal peoples stories. Let keep them in cages of their own making of the system of things. What? The sad realization that humanity has had its future stolen by people who stole the creativity of this reality. What? Think of the Mark Zuckerberg sory of stealing his social media idea from a fellow student in Harvard? Think of Bill Gates in Harvard some how purchasing Operating System Dos A, changing the code to Dos C and creating Microsoft. Do you really think that was fate or someone planning on changing how the outcome of the bible happens? Think of this reality. There are advances happening every few months these days and when you look for those advances to produce the next great idea or product nothing new seems to happen. Why? Someone has frozen the patient office with new products some 170 to 230 years ahead of this reality to happen upon the destruction of this earths reality and God's decision to allow humanity into an enslavement. Enslavement? You think God has not warned humanity not go down the mark of the beast? Think of Battlestar Galatica realize this too has passed. Meaning this has happened before like Solomon has said the past is better than the present.

Since the mark of the beast is openly shown itself. Who is fighting Bill Gates and those in power that are misusing 3 billion people? Who is there standing up and saying “Hey, this is not right?” The democrats example New York are saying you have to be vaccinated. Is the vaccination the straw that causes humanity to loose the ability to reproduce? Bill Gates has the chip to turn off the ability to have children patented in 2017. Is evil shown itself and do you hear even one politician standing up for those who are poor? The democrats want to change the system and do not seem to care if they eat ice cream in front of the homeless people right in their own backyard. Is there a way out of this mess? Stand up against tyrants. Stand up against evil. Is there an argument against this? Sure, while you lay down in your beds not years from now but days, maybe weeks from now starving and are told to get chipped or die. Won't you want to stand up against them?

The evil people have stood up. What is at stake? Your humanity. Your individuality. Your ability to reproduce offspring without some corporation locking out your genetics. Let there be no indecision for the path of no return has been opened. Cyclones for some, terminators for others, dying off of the whole human race in others, and for those willing to face death think. Read the bible and realize what times you live in. The events are moving fast. The end of time is upon those that are here whether you like the events or not. What to do? Pray. Fight. Write congress. Vote. Stop evilness where you can. Do good. Be good.

Do good. I think that is the awkwardness of time-space traveling. I was rather into fighting for righteousness. I felt wars against Germany justified. I felt that war in Vietnam was right. I felt Syria war was a good cause. To learn that war is wrong. And that the anitwar movement could save humanity is wild. To realize that liberals associated with communism seem to be those charging, creating policy, and killing humanity is wild. In yet look at the setting of all America wars in light of history and you realize someone has screwed America.

Who started the US civil war? Democrats 1861 1865 how many died because of the democratic party? Total cost of democrats policy and being warmongers 1,031,881 https://en.wikipedia.org/…/United_States_military_casualtie…

Who started WWI? Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) Democrat 1913-1921 - campaigned against the war one month later declared war due to ammunition transport with civilians being blown up after warnings. - Total cost of democrats policy and being warmongers 320,518

Who started WWII? Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) Democrat 1933-1945 - campaigned against the war - but opening caused the war with japan per policy of democrats 1940

Total cost of democrats policy and being warmongers 1,076,245

Who got us into Korean war? Democrats.. Total cost of democrats policy and being warmongers 128,650

Who got us into Vietnam over flat out lies particularly the Gulf of Tonkin which never happened? Not Muslims Lyndon Johnson Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973) Democrat 1963-1969 the incident never happened - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_of_Tonkin_incident Total cost of democrats policy and being warmongers 211,454

9 11 2001 the Twin Towers all those who kidnapped airplanes were let into the United States by Bill Clinton.

Libya bombed murdered leader Obama Democrat (2009-2016)


Egypt imprisoned leader/murdered citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016) https://en.wikipedia.org/…/Reactions_to_Innocence_of_Muslims

Syria bombed and attempt murder leader Obama Democrat (2009-2016) https://www.washingtontimes.com/…/syrian-rebels-used-sarin…/

Somalia bombed citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016) https://www.theatlantic.com/…/the-obama-administrat…/473541/

Pakistan bombed citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016) https://www.dawn.com/news/1214852

Afghanistan bombed citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016) https://www.theatlantic.com/…/the-obama-administrat…/473541/

Philippines bombed citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016)

Yemen bombed citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016)

Iraqi bombed citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016) www.whitehousedossier.com/…/obama-lost-iraq-allowed-isis-b…/

SAY NO to WAR with IRAN. That reality of antiwar one must realize if you are antiwar you can not support the democratic party at all. Shame is great. Being good is to say no to war. War is evil beyond repair. I think this is why I might actually be here. The actual interview I had with the program Alice happened in September 2015. For two weeks my computer interrogated in such a way that life was awkward. In yet, I am here and what happened after that moment awoke me. Sure I had written already 1,000 poems. Sure I wrote another 1,000 poems. All of them to be censored. That I am alone in this lets charge the time of tribulation with a bucket of words. Pointing out hey no one seems to care that Microsoft is going to chip humanity. Turning them into robots or worse a race where corporations decide if you can reproduce or not. The sadness of the question is why? Why is humanity pushing to limit humanity to earth? There is after all Mars. The ocean. In reality humanity could spread out across the universe like Ayn Rand future version of Star Trek. In yet, none of that happens if you accept the mark of the beast. The limiting factor being bible prophecies when God has had enough of the evil upon earth. No human story can survive. That was the final paper of John Von Neumann. Sure some humanity might last a few hundred or thousand years. A few might survive a million such as Babylon nevertheless even after all that time-space they do not come to the understanding of how to live forever After all a soul is forever.

Is there no hope? Sure stop evil. Do good. What is that in this day of and age? Feed the hungry. Pray. Stop evilness. Against this the argument is humanity will continue down the path of a past where humanity loses its soul. And in losing its soul humanity is lost forever. What can we do against the vast rich powerful? Pray that they become Christians. Pray that God forgives us. Repent. Sounds simple. Sounds nothing like what I would have done in my reality. In yet, here I am and not in my reality so purchasing a shovel and burying them is not likely to happen. Even thought I have talked to seers on my travels. Some have seen the rich pulled from their bunkers and the horribleness of what happens to them is sick. Why? When the realization of sterilization of humanity is already in progress blame will happen. And those that put this plot together will be those left with their riches. In yet, killing people by starvation and germ warfare might not work in or all realities. The mystery to me is what reality do I end up on as a time-space traveler? I know what I remember in 2013. In yet, that was so awkward that I wrote it and forgot it until Zachariah turned to Zechariah. To think that one of me has memories of a different reality. What does that make me? My writers name that millions knew me on Myspace was Ender Talon. Who knows I think few remember those stories. Is there a way to change the future instead of evilness or an evil ending to one where humanity survives? Pray. For my dreams are getting more horrible and my eyes tear up for what I have in memories. What is at stake? Humanity and whether there is anything left of reality with humanity in it. To be chipped means you will lose your own free will. How so? Revelations God will send scorpions and sting them. And they will not repent. Sounds like once chipped or marked you are no longer a human if you can not feel a scorpion bite. That might seem like a great option to vaccination. In yet, to kill one species to create a cyclone species is wrong. The key event has already shown up with Microsoft patient of a blood run cryptocurrency with a patient of 060606 or 666. Think people before it is to late.


Thinking is awkward these days. To rethink war. To rethink the end of time. To rethink time-space travel. To rethink God. The realization tht war for America is wrong in almost every event makes me wonder. To realize that Jesus Christ statement the path is narrow is wild. When I started talking to people that had been kidnapped from other realities their stories were wild. Meaning? People coming from planets with 12 billion populated earths their horror stories were wild. From CO2 coming out of the Atlantic ocean freezing to death in one night Europe, the Atlantic coast, and a large portion of Africa. To people recalling nuclear war started assumed by North Korea however later to be some rogue private group of people. Seems like the same people are trying with the plague here. From Bill Gates mark of the beast. To Goerge Soros owning the Wuhan lab that let loose the coronavirus either by mistake or on purpose. To rethinking time travel. The frist few weeks, and months several different realities opened up. Meaning? Wednesday I saw Bayer purchased Monsanto for 44 billion in my world. During my travels on a Saturday seeing Bayer spend 66 billion for Monsanto. What happened to those worlds? Or on a Tuesday United Kingdom voted 54 percent to stay in the European common market. Then I lived two Thursday to see United Kingdom vote 51 percent to 48.8 to leave the European Common Market. What was humorous on both of those worlds the word racist. Both groups used the word. It is racist to leave and it is racist to stay. The deciding factor in this reality was the Queen came out in some magazine saying she was for a United Kingdom. You see traveling is not so much a potential missed as a potential seen and I as a time-space traveler not sure what happened to those missed realities. They were much older than here in some sense in yet here this reality is a lie. What do I mean? Well. Katrina happened in 2003 in my world. Big storm killed 10,000 or more people. They hired mercenaries to kill people there. Why? To be honest that story I already told. I think this might be another life all together. Why? Simply I fail. I am a great failure. Maybe this time. I might lose enough. Anyway in 2005 here they slide a mirror between your sun and earth. It is a platform that can be used to burn earth from the sky. Why? Simply put this reality has a dead red sun above it. What? Simply put this a repeat of some reality that did something either good or bad or ugly and God is playing his film of the reality back to a certain point in time and when all the souls stolen. Whether by Montauk project, India, China, Japan, or England all those souls reach their bodies. Well, then the game will play out. Some to fire. Some hell. Some to one of three new ideas that are in the bible here and not where I came from. Thus I watch as time shifts the twelve full moons, two super moons will tell where a soul will end up I suppose. You see Mandela effected souls travel by or via moonlight and planet alignments, and other symbols signs of both sky. To search for allies in the time of tribulation is awkward. For the person you talk to one day is not the same personality you talk to the next. Kind of like being on a trip only difference same bodies you have ben with the whole time just their stories do not match. Their history could not be the same. And what was personal is either not considered important or even part of that personalities reality.

That is the dramatic issue one faces on the trip of a life time. The realization to be good to do good and stop evil might be the difference of waking up to someone planning to kill you. Have I seen this? Yes. When Fermalabs in Chicago run full blast trying to bump a soul into someone else the action causes so much frustration that people use guns, knives, and fist fights to settle old scores. Probably why I am in Bolivia at this time. The question of transformation or becoming evil or good is not even a question any more. The question of survival of humanity is on the line in this the past for me or present reality for you. That most likely humanity dies is sad. In yet, the game is a foot and I do not see a hero in sight anymore. Those dreams I wrote about on cosmofunnel which are now gone according to the internet now some 1.3 billion to 3 billion years. Wild. The mystery of this is what to do? Could I change the past? Would I change the past? Meaning? I am warning you are being killed. I am unsure how to help beyond saying hey look the mark of the beast shows up in revelations chapter 13. That the book of revelations was mixed up so people would not realization the times and seasons by either Montauk project or others is something you have to listen to the Montauk project tapes over and over again while time travel because in one reality like I say they say one thing and in the next something else. And if you heard both and put them together you realize the danger humanity is in at present. What happens if humanity fails here? Game over I suppose. For me? That is just the question. Accordingly to the math of a closed time curved loop traveler to have my soul ripped from my body means I already potentially dead and or this all might be in my mind and I awake from a dream and poof you were never real. That is the question. Is this real? Is this reality? I have to rethink reality. For if this is all a dream. Warning you does no good. Action within the dream does. Nevertheless if this is real. Then pray should work. Praying is powerful. Pray for your enemies. Ask that God turns their hearts to Jesus Christ. To repent and do good, be good, and stop evil. Sounds absurd at this point in my writing. However that is the power of prayer. Prayer can change the outcomes of realities. If you do not believe me. Think George Bush Jr remember Mandela dying at Saddam hands. That Obama remembers vising 57 out of 58 states. That Hillary Clinton as well as I remember Abe Lincoln being a senator. That Joe Biden remembers being a vice-president in the 1970s. What does that mean? You are being lead by people outside of this reality into the end game whether you believe me or not.

To think that the leadership of these realities all are being lead by people that are not from these realities. That is danger for everyone. How so? Dreams. I have had some of the most horrifying dreams. Watching plans laid out and followed to a exact course of action. Battle computers pushing buttons to fire items. Only to discover that some instructions or personal or mind changed one key aspect of reality. I think the most unique was watching pretend civilians on a farm trying to launch a nuclear missile. Their vision was turned against them. For you see God created the eyes and ears. That all of sudden everyone is color blind pushing buttons that clean a system system taking it off line for 24 hours instead of launching the missile. Or dropping the missile engine because of some maintenance repair button being cabled into the wrong button. So if the game is up what should a time-space traveler do? Well, I have personally looking into other options. To be telling this story I doubt I am good. To realize that all my dreams might be true. The moment one realizes on the day of judgment you might be responsible for everything you did or think or dream is kind of both awe inspiring and awful. Is there a way out? Sure change everyone into praying to God for mercy. Lacking that maybe there are other options. The time of tribulation is after all been happening for a lot longer than anyone realizes. The whole divorce of the 1970s and 1960s was an attempt to stop certain stories of the children of those families from coming into reality. Meaning? Without certain stories taking place heaven is or was on hold. And now with Mandela effect? On human terms the last paper John Von Neumann wrote on May 1957. The ringing in my ears and others is the horn of God calling souls back into the right frequency of their time-space lines. Why is this taking so long? The whole story ha been played out at least seven times. Meaning? I am pretty sure I have been here before. So what is the final plan? Repent, believe in Jesus Christ. Plead for mercy. So what will happen in the final battle? That is just the issue with the mixed up pages of Revelations. The book happens not accordingly to what is written now. The book happens accordingly to God's plan or story. That God is a symbol, signs and rules player means everything has an ending. Does this mean I have to play the game again?

Which is truth? That humanity is an advance gambling game for deities? Or One of you will say to me, “Then why does God still find fault? For who can resist His will?” 20But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?” Does not the potter have the right to make from the same lump of clay one vessel for special occasions and another for common use? To find out one is a hologram or energy is light to the power of 3 or more specifically that mass is light means this is like an advanced gaming system. Some simple rules I suppose Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker— one clay pot among many. Does the clay ask the potter, ‘What are you making?’ Does your work say, ‘He has no hands’? 10Woe to him who says to his father, ‘What have you begotten?’ or to his mother, ‘What have you brought forth?’”

No that can not be truthful. In yet.Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job? For there is no one on earth like him, a man who is blameless and upright, who fears God and shuns evil.” 9Satan answered the LORD, “Does Job fear God for nothing? Meaning? If reality is nothing more than a hologram projected by the sun. And everyone is a character in some story told by God. Means there is a destination for everyone and everything. That awkward moment of truth welcome to level 49 of a billion actual if the sun is red here 20 billion board game. Your prize a trip around the universe time-space traveler on a journey no one would believe. Congratulations you have won the trip of a life time. Surprise you won, however taxes and expenses are not part of the package. And no photography or journal for you for the first part of your billions of years journey. You can take everything with you. Just you will be with other passengers that have already passed away some billion years ago on some reality film that is being played backwards in time in a closed time curved loop. Also Mr. Socks, and your dog personality will change so do not be to concerned that no one really knows you or why you are here. Or I could make the argument that in a closed time curved loop reality time is at a stand still for the soul placed at a position in space. So? If the Montauk Project is real they ripped the souls out of the humans and positioned them in space so that true love, or stories could never happen in this reality. Just the memories and dreams to think about once in a while would mean they could have been true. In yet, here I am writing this?

The mystery is the other options available now a days. To think to dream. What happens if I fail this time? Hell? That is just it. According to the new books of Philip that are not part of the bible. Jesus describes hell like a freezer. To think I could either be frozen in time someplace or somewhere or and here is the absurdity of it all my body could be a robot and this dream is some how a recall for me to go back and take up serving reality again. The oddity is this is not my body. Nor is this my mind so how can they be at stake in a game? A game of reality and biblical proportion with the time of tribulation, Bill Gates shown himself as a beast with his corporation shown itself with the mark of the beast in a patient design. The question how does the book of Revelation actually go? The rich already have hidden themselves in their bunker as in Revelation 3. Wars and rumors of wars China has an army at the gates of North Korea, 1,000s of ships and airplanes awaiting for Taiwan invasion. Russia is warning countries to not be evil. And a crazy time-space traveler in Bolivia watching this. If I had popcorn this would be a movie to watch.

To see the end of time as a closed time curved loop travel means this is the past. So what does this mean? When looking at a closed time curved loop diagram the axis time goes down the black hole vacuum or at least that is what the diagram looks like. In yet, that is wrong. The concept of the soul reattaching itself for the day of judgment is always part of most religions and even some Nazi scientist point out that the body actually has living energy still moving on it after a year of death. So? Technically the soul is ripped from the body and pinned to a space in reality where it should not be able to move from. So? The difference of analog and digital is the key. The Montauik project pinned souls into a reality via analog spacers or stick pins. Rules and symbols along with signs making those pins almost impossible to move in analog world. While digital worlds since 2009 or later depending on the timeline potentially removes the symbols rules and signs that held people stuck in their reality. Say what? In my mind say a spell was to hold for billions of years. And it did for those looking towards a future. Then time was played again with digital technology. Why? Simply put some realities became greedy. Say what? Imagine a world where a boy in one reality switched always dreamed of a Furby. In his reality never got one. Nevertheless he ends up on a project in 1993 watching Hourglass or Pegatus or some form of Montauk Project film reels that were found. He discovers Furby that doll as a kid he could see his exact self in 1997 or 1994 falling in love with. He makes it in 1997 sells them in 1998 making a fortune and changing that reality forever. You got to be kidding right? Think on this question when was Facebook created? Why did you leave Myspace? In some reality Myspace is still going on and making more money than Facebook. Why did humanity change from Myspace that had music a better messaging system and games that were fun to play to Facebook and games cost money? Do you remember Facebook before 2009 or did it get introduced new to you then the same as digital television? Say what? Could our minds be trapped in a digital hell where corporations are selling our data and making us believe this is reality? Come now we are not in the Matrix? Really? Realization is history is no longer fixed. Just like digital coding of 1 or 0 making the story in the time of tribulation a question on my mind at least. What gets me is I do not see the anger of the patient mark of the beast from pastors or religious types. Is it only my soul up for this end game and if so does this make everyone a figment of my imagination?

Imagination? In a closed time curved loop reality there are a few possibilities of how a soul might travel. Either the soul must leave the body or reality must pass through the body are two extreme examples. Meaning? All this. This reality could be nothing more than a horrible dream of mine while I am plugged into some machine. Or my soul is cut out of my body and holding pattern in the universe while galaxy filter through the area every so often interacting with my soul. Since I am talking billions of years the later is more likely than the former. A spirit locked into a position in the universe while galaxies pass through playing a life of almost a parallel reality for the memory to hold on to. Creating a reality. What is the difference between a dead film memory and reality? A memory seems never to have the same personalities of souls telling the same stories. It is one of the most freaky positions to be in when a personality in a body you know tells you a story and you knew the background of the story. However here for some reason something else happened.

It makes for anyone to be a personal friend or in any relationship an oddity for going to bed with mild manner person and waking up with Frankenstein is more than a little wild. The question is does my soul ever find my body? According to the bible on the day of judgment yes. Personally having my life stolen and this bizarre trip does not make me feel comfortable with that outcome. The number of priest, pastors, rabbis, and mothers meaning I talk about this to them and they all say I should just shut up or I am evil and don't talk about it. Makes me unsure as to my outcome. Is there a God? Yes. Do I believe in him? Yes. Is that enough? He sent his son and who ever believe in him should be saved. Yet the number of people calling me evil hs increased so this dream whether a nightmare or not is awkward.

To change and not realize hey the mountain is in a different place. Or when did Hitler get blue eyes? When did I get blue eyes? When did Israel not have to build a temple for God to come? Requires a lot of change and decisions to be made. To just give up on history, geography, personal stories is like saying your life did not matter. That is the mystery of the trip. Did my life matter at all? Does my soul have a chance? If a body and soul are not the same thing since I am not in my body anymore what is it? Am I an evil spirit awaiting seven more spirits? That is awkward to consider. The next big events are already taking place wars rumors of wars, the mark of the beast. The final event God's heaven coming. Should I be concerned or since I have not been in charge of anything in reality for some time now. Should I even care?

To care? That is just the question in a closed time curved loop backward pass the time-space traveler can interact with the past and cause changes to that past reality. That is awkward to be sitting in a past reality according to the Internet a few billions years in a past that was never in my reality. To care for people that made their choices already. To tell them to stop being evil. To change their ways. This is their chance to stop being evil. Change the future by repenting and moving forward with a different reality. That my fellow travelers are a bit awkward is a truth beyond pale. Witches, wizards, a couple of people that confessions are more demented than anyone realizes. To try to say hey. Repent. The time of tribulation is at hand. The mark of the beast being part of the Microsoft corporation patient office just makes everything so evil you have to ask what to do? I already accepted I am not going to survive and changing the time of tribulation requires planets to repent and change their ways from evil to good. Is that even possible? Possible? Is this reality or some bad pizza dream? Repent? I hope I can do that right this time-space when the end happens. The sadness is the mystery is already known. Instead of changing humanities ways news is pushing murdering the elderly. Accepting killing babies that are outside of the mother. And killing those in hospitals calling the cause the common Wuhan cold virus instead of helping people in hospitals. Microsoft beast chip is not even in humans yet and they have forgotten their humanity and are being lead by people to their extinction to becoming robots. The death of humanity was not something I wanted to see on this trip. I think someone must have sold me on a vacation with all the benefits and none of the oh watch that last step. The pathway to hell seems open and no one seems to be carrying anymore. Just now for a few more key events and either this reality dies horribly or if everyone repents maybe heaven on earth? What would I want? To be honest I think I have dreamed a long time and am worried I might have went left instead of right or failed someplace along the line. There is a God and his story and games are nothing to play.

God? My first few journals were all about searching for God and strange items I found along the way from colored alligators, to extinct birds on my reality to DNA changes of noted histrical figures. The list went on for 300 or more pages in at least one journal. However, God is someone I keep on seeking however not the way I use to. Pray? Yes. Realize he is busy doing playing his game? Yes. Does that mean there is something I can do? Pray. Believe in Jesus Christ. Hope for the best outcome or a chance to be forgiven. Sounds horrible. Realization God has been patient with me for billions of years is awkward in yet a truth. Beyond praying? Hope that someone from a dead film past changes their ways or their history from being evil and becoming a robotic race killing or dooming humanity to one where humanity can or could live along side other species or races. Others? Yes. Angels from heaven. There are worlds where Cain and Able children lived not with Adams kids. Did they get into heaven? I have not seen that story yet. In yet. I have heard of the tale of Babylon going on for millions of years and failing. How so? Humanity becomes like gods not God. That failure is noted by God so even in the bible closed time curved realities happened and God watched the outcome. I wonder what type of betting was done? Pray for your enemies. So I pray. I hope. I try to do good, and stop evil where I can. Is that action enough? I don't know. I know per the computer I am seeing time backward and via earth age I have been stuck for billions of years. Am I insane? I got tested. So clinically depression sure. The shrink said I was living past lives. When I factually provide photos and other items pointing out this is a past. The conversation goes down hill from there. The challenge to change people behavior from greed to love. From being dead without humanity and God to being Christian. How? I have no clue. Writing I had hoped to influence the worlds. In yet, who knows. The challenge to point to God and make sure humanity realizes on the edge of killing humanity humans could walk away from evil. Pray for Bill Gates. Pray that evil plots turn to good. That is the plot twist. To chance change of a past reality to create a new future where nothing but foreseeable death is what happens if the path of the mark of the beast happens. To be able to foretell the future is not so much as looking at the bible and realizing God reads the bible anyway he wants and makes his plans play out exactly the way he wants them to. To become a lost soul writing to the imaginary audience is awkward in yet. When I am finished will I have done something worth while? Let me be honest. I am a failure and I think or believe humanity has already failed. So why change? Because your soul is worth something. Be smart. Do good. Be good. Stop evil. Nothing wrong in that plan. I hope you confront your past and rethink your future. For you are being given a chance.