I got banned for a week from a site who shall not be named for writing the word “nigs” in the comment section of a news site.
Two nigs were arrested for the murder of a MMA fighter known as "The Matzoh Brawler", blaming a 16 year-old girl as being the mastermind behind the murder.
So I wrote; “That’s what happens when you hang out with nigs!”
I chose "nigs" because I had previously been suspended because of the infamous Nigger Whipper 5000 meme. And that was on a closed, private group (R.I.P. “I’ve Got Your Safe Space Right Here”, 2016-2017).
Kicked for a week. That was it. But I was tired of IRL shitposting. I was tired of people calling my former employers just because of who I supported and who should be deported. I was tired of always having my shit locked or blocked just because of words. Fucking words.
Account created on: Sep 7, 2017, 3:51:29 PM
I give Sargon of Akkad the credit for introducing me to Minds, back when he was top dog here, shilling the shit out of Minds during 2017. I had heard some rumblings of his, though his interaction with Anita Sarkeesian was an amazing thing. She also called Sargon “A garbage human”.
I thought that was such an amazing term. “A garbage human.” I heard Philly DeFranco, Joe Rogan, and other e-celebs sling the term around like it was the lowest title you could bequeath to anyone. “A garbage human being”. "“Human garbage.”
These uppity-motherfuckers are going around making judgements of people’s entire live based on words or statements. And most of the time it was over the most trivial of shit, like online comments or flubbed lines that were “insensitive”.
I’ll tell you that it is all about me, it is what I want that’s best. I will hurt your feelings, not just because you’re dumber and can’t handle realities or fantasies, but so I can get into your head and get you to thinking of uncomfortable subjects and even horrible words. And that's fun for me.
But enough about that philosophical bullshit, let’s check in to see what’s been done on @TheGarbageMan, A.K.A. "Some dude fucking around on the internet”.
The first thing I recall going anywhere was the #Saftey campaign. A misspelling of Safety, #Saftey highlights the more goofy and idiotic instances of workplace and industrial non-safety through the use of gifs. It was also the first time I met @LlamaLlamaGames after selecting Rack-it! as the official game of the #Saftey campaign.
I had always wanted to cover video games. It’s a major reason why I write in general. So as I continued on my journey as the Garbage Man, I started to review the video games I would complete.
Starting with Gone Home: Console Edition on my good ol’ Xbone, the Garbage Man was a Cheap-Ass, Big-Ballin, Sith Lord, and even VERIFIED Gaming Garbage Man.
Warhammer: The End Times: Vermintide
World of Warcraft, Featuring @AaronGG
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
The Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Arcade
There was #The12daysofChristmas countdown, listing the 12 channels that I wanted to recognize. It was fun, I look forward to thanking some of my favorite channels again soon.
2018 marked the beginning of a new year and a new attempt. It wasn’t really a resolution but more of a dare, a test to see if I could do a thing or two. Let's take a look at what has been so far.
Friday Fireplace Tales was that first ongoing test. Now on week 36, with nary a Friday missed, I am very proud of all my shitty little stories. Makes me feel like I’ve made something better than I should be able to make.
The 1st Fire: A Tale of Passion
The 2nd Fire: A Tale of Coveting
The 3rd Fire: A Tale of Expectations
The 4th Fire: A Tale of Deception
The 5th Fire: A Tale of Loyalty
The 6th Fire: A Tale of Love
The 7th Fire: A Tale of Return
The 8th Fire: A Tale of Faith
The 9th Fire: A Tale of Struggle
The 10th Fire: A Tale of Friends
The 11th Fire: A Tale of Talk
The 12th Fire: A Tale of Youth
The 13th Fire: A Tale of Change
The 14th Fire: A Tale of Life
The 15th Fire: A Tale of Work
The 16th Fire: A Tale of Dreams
The 17th Fire: A Tale of War
The 18th Fire: A Tale of Duty
The 19th Fire: A Tale of Resurrection
The 20th Fire: A Tale of Desperation
The 21st Fire: A Tale of Gods
The 22nd Fire: A Tale of Dogs
The 23rd Fire: A Tale of Loss
The 24th Fire: A Tale of Fading
The 25th Fire: A Tale of Woe
The 26th Fire: A Tale of Ends
The 27th Fire: A Tale of Gold
The 28th Fire: A Tale of Worth
The 29th Fire: A Tale of Blame
The 30th Fire: A Tale of Existence
The 31st Fire: A Tale of Nightmares
The 32nd Fire: A Tale of Oaths
The 33rd Fire: A Tale of Promise
The 34th Fire: A Tale of Primates
The 35th Fire: A Tale of Judgement
The 36th Fire: A Tale of Space
Unscrewed Minds, the monthly digest also debuted in 2018, making January the first month we looked back on.
I wrote it mostly for myself to remember or what had stuck out in the covered month. It's a personal project, but one that I love to share and recognize the outstanding original content made by channels on Minds.
After @LlamaLlamaGames and I were met by Rack-It! and #Saftey, he invited me to write the introduction and back of the box for the greatest game of 2018. That’s right, I’m talking about MAGA: The Game!
MAGA: The Game was released on Jan. 21st, 2018, the first anniversary of the Trump ascension.
The randomly-selected winner, @gregoryalanelliott, and the White House were both sent the same package containing a Copy of MAGA: The Game and all the comments printed out for the both to read.
It culminated into a thank you card from the President himself, thanking all of you for your hard work and dedication to Making America Great Again.
Ariel Aces: Victory Over Europe
The Soon-To-Be-Popular Opinion, or STBPO for Zoomers, was one of the better things I’ve done here IMO, which stands for In My Onion.
From Sargon and Andrew nearly making up, to the recently dollar charge that was quickly dropped, STBPO would probably be the one series I am most proud of the impact it’s had on me intellectuallalityalwise and the change that they've sometimes brought.
The Dying Gasps of the Mueller Investigation
Fuck Your Points System, Minds
Of course there was photos, streams, reminds, friends, fights, Starshatter, movie reviews, and meme cancer in between and ongoing forever!
I was going to go into the numbers, such as my subscriber count of which is mostly spambots and inactive accounts, but that doesn’t really matter. What matters is what I’ve done and what I’ll continue to do.
Someone called me a concept channel once and I think that perfectly sums up what I’m trying to do: conceptualize and visualize the world in a way I can comprehend and respond to.
I guess what I’m trying to say here is… I love you all. You have made me feel so welcome and really let me be myself in an online world full of people who’d rather just shut someone like me up. I’ve often been threatened for my words, both in IRL and in writing, but it’s never discouraged me from saying it if I thought it needed to be said. Even with a stupid word like nigger.
Well, I got to be getting back to writing short stories, reviewing movies and games, asking the JQ, and being currently uncensored in an age of increasing hostility towards free speech.
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