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Those who can't build, remind. 'Building A Universe Competition' #BAUniC *with render ToE in 2018

VirtualUniverseAug 20, 2018, 8:04:20 PM

It is not YouTube Exhaustion Syndrome, it is Everything Exhaustion Syndrome.

Everyone is under artificial pressure.

And yet tech marches on, hardware, software, social, and taking more roles of our old human habits.

Afraid? Terrified, yes! And still you viscerally know it is better faster this way rather than EESyndrome of a system maladapted to live with tech-human symbiots we are now.

Unlimited! Beyond the shackled dreams of the past! A.I., asteroid mining and brain upload at the minimum. Formula of the universe at the optimum, and all the nanomachine glory much sooner. Daring to think we are not the only civilization in the fractal universe? Daring to find where Earth histories are in the walls of eternity? #BABELicious dreams?

For the formula of the universe in addressable form we need open mind and last century computers. In save state jump calculative form, good for all emulation theories AND regular 'universe is not computable' current technology and blockchain precomputed data are awesome.


'Building A Universe Competition' #BAUniC, open minded research on the base of reality, *with a competitor with full fractal theory and code to render it, and possibly where physics is. #BAUniC is found all over minds. Pick your piece of cake, and remind. Preferably #BAUniC2018 or @BAUniC but maybe you feel more aggressive, and we understand.

The #FractalUniverseRevolution is Unstoppable!