
Luke Weinhagen is a Certified Situational Awareness Instructor, former United States Marine, Founder of Core Human Competence LLC, and the creator of Dangerously Competent, a self-defense and self-sufficiency training program. Luke teaches individuals, families, and organizations to assess risk, respond swiftly, and win. He is the author of The Primal Primer and an Applied Theory Fellow at the Natural Law Institute.
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Luke Weinhagen is a Certified Situational Awareness Instructor, former United States Marine, Founder of Core Human Competence LLC, and the creator of Dangerously Competent, a self-defense and self-sufficiency training program. Luke teaches individuals, families, and organizations to assess risk, respond swiftly, and win. He is the author of The Primal Primer and an Applied Theory Fellow at the Natural Law Institute.
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