While surfing my way through the choir that is Minds I came across this Post.
One of the many over-positive Posts about Minds, asserting a very unrealistic outlook on the so-called "Migration." A migration, that is and will not happen anytime soon. I wanna go through the post and give my own personal opinion and how I view the situation. His words are in cursive.
- "You guys want to know a way to sell #minds over Facebook to your friends?"
No, because Minds is awful when it comes to keeping track of your friends. The Chat-Function is minimalist and simply not enough for normies. Normies, who would like to send, for example, private pictures or videos, won't be attracted to it.
By the way. What is up with the limited length of symbols for comments and chat-messages? I can barely finish my thought, before it stops me from continuing to write my message. Sometimes I forget it limits the amount of letters I can write, which often leads me to the horrific realization that 3/4 of my well-thought out comment is gone with the wind.
Not to mention. Minds applaudable, but rather oddly managed anti-censorship policies do not help at all here. Because of it, Minds is infested with all the Nazis that were kicked off Facebook. No Normie, let alone normal FB User, wants to jump into a cesspool of over-politified content, posted by the most toxic of political fringe associates.
If you want to attract a large audience for your platform, censorship is almost inevitable. An unfortunate truth.
Also, for the normal user on Facebook, censorship or freedom of speech is a non-issue. It is not important to them at all and thus, not a selling point. Its like advertising a cereal brand with the slogan: "Its shiny, its new, and full of gluten."
- "Tell them they can ditch Facebook's outrage echo chamber newsfeed for a chronological feed that doesn't have an implicit bias built-in."
This is only half true. Its true that the algorithm behind the feed of Minds is less biased than FB's, but it is still an Echo-Chamber. Even much more so than Facebook. As I have mentioned before, most content creators on Minds are either political or crypto-themed. Usually with content so bereft of any kind of meaningful insight, that is conversation that goes beyond the surface level "MAGA or Pelosi is an idiot" talk, it hurts my brain. Of course you think that Facebook is an Echo-Chamber, if you are living in your own.
It would not be so bad, if the political allocation on Minds were pretty much even for left and right, but it is not. Minds has a majority right-wing population (center-right to extreme right), which has turned it into its very own echo-chamber, leading to comment sections that are not so much a debate, but rather a circle-jerk of Trump-Lovers, with the occasional conspiracy theorist thrown into the mix.
Don't even get me started on the Bots. I think around 30% of my Subscribers are Robots, bend on either doing nothing or spamming Ads about another cryptocurrency, which is down in the gutters, as are all of them right now.
- "Tell them they don't have to stick with the norm when other viable alternatives exists."
Minds is not a viable alternative, for exactly the reasons brought up above. Not yet at least.
These are the important parts of the post I wanted to scratch. I now want to leave you with an additional comment on that very post, which encapsulated, in a rather crude, but still on the point way, the problems with Minds.
"You can't sell Minds over Facebook to almost anyone and most people who will see it will just go back to Facebook. I'm not sure how exceptionally important you think you are that you think that people on Facebook would leave the platform just for you and leave the rest of their friends and family behind. Also Minds, from my experience, is infested with just posts about Crypto currency, free speech and anti-corporations. I don't know almost anything about Crypto so I don't can't comment on the quality of those posts, but the others about free speech and anti-corporations are so utterly surface level with their criticism and so philosophically unsophisticated that it makes my feed look like a garbage can on fire. Facebook is great if you use it for simply connecting with friends and family and currating all the garbage you don't want to see. Bring people here is stupid because of the amount of negativity that is spewed here outside that idiotic motivational speech oneliner images and animal gifs. You have white supremacists, race realists and neo-nazis in every corner of Minds. Most people wouldn't want to be near those because that how they should feel. In real life those kinds of people will get a dose of reality and rationality will destroy them. Here they live where nobody can touch them." (DustPunch)
I may not be the most insightful of Minds contributors, but I always enjoy writing whats on my mind.
Yours sincerely,