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anitarossaDec 3, 2018, 1:50:28 PM

Substitute Payments are increasingly becoming more famous among stock traders because extra options mean additional sales and because almost all Alternative Payments offer a variety of service-specific features that discuss the global online market. Geolocation software program for automated terms translation, quick money exchange, and global support happen to be generally included to let international clients work with their home repayment solutions when looking outside their region on foreign-based internet stores.

MenaPay is the first blockchain-based repayment that is fully supported by gateways found in the Midsection East and Africa. Even pay replaces traditional repayment strategies with Cryptocurrency completely backed by blockchain. This gives a secure and clear repayment gateway that activates deals for each factor of day-to-day personal life. MenaPay Task started in November 2017 to serve 420 million people in eighteen countries like the principal repayment of tthe method.BasicallyMadPayshall distribute seventy five percent of the total cash flow and revenue between holders of MenaPay. This creates a latest regular in the crypto sector for a level of participatory returns beyond regular bonuses for users and shareholders.

The unique MenaPay platformitself by the introduction of the blockchain techn involving the proper utilization of the smart contracts have included the steps and proper features to hook up customers with traders directly for transactions that are very safe, secure, faster and more transparent. System MenaPay hopes to unveil APP with a user-friendly dashboard that will aid persons in the Middle East and Africa with poor business banking abilities that happen to be taken to the innovative decentralized methods of payment.MenaPay creates a good one transaction to be used every evening via blockchain by bringing 100% Islamic and non-bank digital solutions.

The increasingly widespread creation of Crypto may make an alternative for trading transactions because it is felt will produce users easier, transparent and safer. But this as well has got weaknesses for day-to-day ventures many of these as getting fundamental requirements that not all retailers provide you with for cryptographic ventures. Will come to be provided from the circumstance is usually by the course from MenaPaywhichshall accommodate the very service.

Frequent banking tools are mostly not applied on the Middle section East and the African Region due to conservative Islamic practices and a poor banking system. This area is as well a remarkably fragmented structure with many currencies. MenaPay brings 100% Islamic non-bank digital alternatives, uses blockchain to making a single currency exchange for each day work with and cross-border transactions.

The MenaPay Workforce has readily planned two tokens exactly for the wholeMenaPayenvironment. The 1st is MenaPay, and second isMenaCashor .enaPay should come to be a good participatory expression that will be used to increase cash from the ICO and then get used to distribute 75% of income and gains to token holders. To beat the situation of volatility in the small price, the team will likewise generate MenaCash which will come to be used in daily ventures.

Website Link : https://www.menapay.io

Telegram Link : https://t.me/MenaPay

ANN Threads Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4884588.0

Whitepaper Link : https://menapay.docsend.com/view/pwjr8rt

Onepager Link : https://www.menapay.io/onepager.pdf

Twitter Link : https://twitter.com/menapayio

Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/menapayio

Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC56eU1zaQh2S8k7TB4S2RjA

Medium Link: https://medium.com/menapay

My Bitcointalk username : anitarossa

My Bitcointalk Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2162760