Western civilisation hangs in the balance. Less than a week until the deep breathe before the plunge. If Hillary wins, it's a win for the oligarchs, big business and socialism. At the stroke of a pen thereafter tens of millions of illegal immigrants will become legal US citizens. Citizens who overwhelming vote left for bigger government and more welfare. From there it will be impossible for libertarian parties to be elected and that will be the end of the political balance, tipping the whole republic into full blown socialism. Should Trump win, he has pledged to look after America and Americans, and this resonates with the middle working class that has been decimated over the last 50 years by failed leftist government programs that over regulate and strangle local jobs sending them overseas. Why should we care about this in Australia? Beause our system is just as corrupt and further down the slippery slope toward full blown socialism than the US. Our leaders keep bringing in 3rd world immigrants because we are waking up to that fact. If Trump can win against so much dishonesty, cheating and criminality than perhaps Pauline Hanson or someone else who puts Australia and Australians first has a chance. Also America has been our big brother from mother England for almost 100 years. We owe much of our technological advancement to their friendship and cooperation. Should they fail, then as a small nation isolated on the other side of the world, far from any friends of note, we will be looking for a seat when the music stops. Europe look toward the US. They are living in a socialist nightmare where to question the state is tantamount to treason and invokes the wrath of inquisitors with calls of racist, bigot, homophobe, islamaphobe or whatever term they hurl as a weapon. People are losing their jobs, being fined and imprisoned for challenging the slow march of globalist socialism and this is coming here at an alarming rate. Our civilisation and culture stand on the edge. O...

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