
“I AM. I am an Integrating Ascended master, as are we all, when we choose to be. Working and weaving my way through empowering myself in my ascension practice to ultimately embody the I AM presence, the essence of which, is a fully integrated being in alignment with the aspects of my being that are the makeup of my soul signature, the ALL and the NOTHING in a time that is now. I dance between dimensions and am the bridge for people to explore and activate their levels of consciousness. Simply put, through me being authentically and soul merged me; you become the you, you forgot you were. I teach through a process of personal experience. I teach because it resonates deeply to watch people grow through the process of waking up. I teach for when we teach, we grow, when we grow, we evolve, when we evolve, we experience levels of power, peace and balance we never knew existed and when we exist in this way, we begin to truly experience creation. I create because I am aware, aware that that which I create ripples a frequency in and around me that has the potential in the quantum field to ignite the spirit within the hearts of many. When this heart is ignited, we begin to unify with that which we separated from; earth, water, fire, air and ether. In this union, we begin to move through and experience new heightened and sustainable technologies on all levels, physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically. This co-created reality is why I AM.”
location_onCape Town
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“I AM. I am an Integrating Ascended master, as are we all, when we choose to be. Working and weaving my way through empowering myself in my ascension practice to ultimately embody the I AM presence, the essence of which, is a fully integrated being in alignment with the aspects of my being that are the makeup of my soul signature, the ALL and the NOTHING in a time that is now. I dance between dimensions and am the bridge for people to explore and activate their levels of consciousness. Simply put, through me being authentically and soul merged me; you become the you, you forgot you were. I teach through a process of personal experience. I teach because it resonates deeply to watch people grow through the process of waking up. I teach for when we teach, we grow, when we grow, we evolve, when we evolve, we experience levels of power, peace and balance we never knew existed and when we exist in this way, we begin to truly experience creation. I create because I am aware, aware that that which I create ripples a frequency in and around me that has the potential in the quantum field to ignite the spirit within the hearts of many. When this heart is ignited, we begin to unify with that which we separated from; earth, water, fire, air and ether. In this union, we begin to move through and experience new heightened and sustainable technologies on all levels, physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically. This co-created reality is why I AM.”
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location_onCape Town