
See it For Yourself! I like to brainstorm. We need constructive discourse in order to maintain civilization humane, productive, informed, and rational. Schools have no place in indoctrinating our children. History must be passed on accurately so future generations know what not to do and what to improve upon. Science can't be mixed up with feelings. There are only 2 genders! Child Trafficking is a Huge Problem throughout our societies and we must put aside divisions to #SaveTheChildren
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See it For Yourself! I like to brainstorm. We need constructive discourse in order to maintain civilization humane, productive, informed, and rational. Schools have no place in indoctrinating our children. History must be passed on accurately so future generations know what not to do and what to improve upon. Science can't be mixed up with feelings. There are only 2 genders! Child Trafficking is a Huge Problem throughout our societies and we must put aside divisions to #SaveTheChildren
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