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Marvel Jesus, Better Than Jesus, & The Sermon on The Keyboard

ThickSkinnedNov 23, 2024, 5:17:46 PM

Appointed by "N" for "Not Surety", A reference to THE TENDER FOR LAW on Facebook.

Shared under a Creative Commons 3.0 Unported License; BY-ND-NC (c) INGENIUM HOLDINGS INCORPORATED

I promised to handle this “thing” with the greatest care, so "what is it?" you might ask, how did I become a holder of it, and what does this stewardship mean? What does accounting have to do with the “Kingdom of God”?

To answer these questions, we need to go back before trillions of dollars were borrowed into existence by some of the world's most “responsible” Nations. We’ll need to set aside what we believe we know, and we must commit ourselves to elevate RECONCILIATION AND TRUTH to the highest “moral position,” or we will suffer greatly and ignorantly. We have to change how we live and see the world, or the COVID era taught us nothing.

The year was 2013, "our Hero" had started his Online journey to spread the "good news" to the masses, his impossible task was to help the actors separate themselves from the roles they were handed at childhood. These folks were not abandoned, they were Captives who didn't know they could "opt-out" of the self-maintained enslavement foisted upon them by some unknown “They/Them” entity. Our Captives could not see the value of their productive effort, or how it was being accounted for and stolen every day. "Our Hero" needed them to understand the mechanism that would free them if he was ever to have the future he wanted for himself. A rising tide lifts all boats and our Hero was warning of the coming flood and the imagined “spiritual” shackles we refused to unfasten from ourselves, and our children.

Now don't let the introduction precedent fool you, "our Hero's" motives are purely selfish, and it would improve everyone's life (his especially) for everyone to eat of the tree of knowledge. "Our Hero" was bound by his unbroken word, to “teach us how to fish”. Those who received his (now deleted from Facebook) Social Media Sermons by way of the “written word” also accepted the obligation to spread this value to all who asked for it, but not to the detriment or negative accounting of the giver. The result of our combined human effort towards enlightenment and harmony would have been a return to "Eden", "Heaven", or "Well-being".

I must pause here. I, the Author, am not the Hero you are looking for, I am only a “witness”. I have my story and I'm telling you the story of a contemporary, and a Man, who I took the time to “try” and understand (he’s not exactly relatable). I WAS RAISED AS A FUNDAMENTALIST CATHOLIC, which means I was told that I was the “most right believer” in the conflicting accounts of something several witnesses wrote, in another language, on source documents that don’t exist... a really long time ago. (whatever the fuck that means)

Stories are how we perceive the world (see Juden Peterstein’s work), they are the sum of exchanges between described contemporary characters who are fighting against nature, time, and other “persons”. The stories themselves do not need to be true to impart a kind of “condensed wisdom” that can assist us in navigating the world successfully. The problem is the interpretation of that story, and that’s why ALL CHRISTIANITY is just CATHOLIC FAN FICTION.

This article is written with the assumption that I have authority to write it, and that authority was given to me by "someone else". You see, "N" was having trouble with the Government. She had “tried” to listen to "our Hero" but an accounting problem persisted as the government took advantage of it and harassed her endlessly. I don’t have this problem, but about once annually the Canada Revenue Agency will attempt to create strife within my house by inventing debts for the wife that she complains to me about. You women would have been happier as property. Think of yourself as a house that your husband owns, your husband should secure his property by creating a corporation and giving a mortgage or lien to that corporation, for that house. How could anyone say “my house” owes an obligation to a stranger?

I will point to a later artistic work that references the opening scene of Deadpool & Wolverine. It will use allegory, metaphor, and simile to give context a retard can grasp when receiving the power our Hero’s message bestows. If the “meek shall inherit the earth” and if “meek” means “those who sheath their swords until it’s time to use them” then you might enjoy how the stories of Marvel Jesus and Better Than Jesus mesh in a kind of “meta narrative”.


  1. Who's paying and how much?, and
  2. Why do women hate taking accountability?

"N" and I continue to study both questions, the first idea was shown to us by “our Hero” over 10 years ago, and she seems to be having trouble with the basic mechanics. I'm grateful to "N" for "giving" me the spark to write this, lets talk about the emotional state that I found myself experiencing when deciding how much credit to give "this woman". I am a finite being, there are more of others than there are of me, I may ask contemporaries for help/credit and I may help/credit some others but accounting does not permit me to help/credit everyone; and if I need the help/credit of others, more often than I can produce the result I’m seeking for myself, then I have no Hero story... do I?

“What is our Hero story, and how do we write our own?"

In my Hero story I want to be the RESPONSIBLE ONE, a "real man" is a man that other men find useful, the BEST MEN are the most useful ones. Kings do not concern themselves with the nonsense that women indulge in, many great men have been destroyed by women of unearned beauty. A Man must build his Kingdom, the right woman is invited to a Man's story and she can accept or decline. This is what a King has to offer. That being said, I sure do miss the late Liz Windsor.

In the Woman's Hero story, as far as I’ve observed, "the woman" waits to be rescued by the most useful man who can keep her on her toes. "The woman's" fantasy usually involves a billionaire, vampire, or pirate.

When comparing and contrasting "Hero Stories"/Accounting, it's a lot like sex, there is give and take, these stories should actually BALANCE when joined properly and the sum of efforts that our "Heroes" combine bring the future of civilization into existence. We see the dogma of modern feminism destroying the principal/agent relationship that the nuclear family enjoys. To expound on this, "his wife" should be read as "his property", women are happiest serving one man who fucks them well and often. A woman's usefulness is not measured by what two of her three usable holes can provide, her primary goal has shifted from "Mother Nature" the giver of life, to baby-killing, man-hating, fatherless Harpy. Never forget that Men control access to relationships and we highly prefer that our wives have not been some other dude’s cum dumpster. Women control access to sex, that’s why men will buy it with sheckles/shackles created by some Jew. Imagine being so vapid that you’d think your vagina is the most valuable thing you can offer the world. Imagine screaming “we don’t need men” and “why don’t men stop oppressing us?” at the same time.

Many people will be familiar with the works of Dr. Stephen Covey and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective "People" (Persons). His idea of the EMOTIONAL BANK ACCOUNT is a perfect illustration of the conflict "this woman" and I were having. I was giving, she kept taking, and then she acted as if I had defaulted on an obligation to her. No one reading this will truly understand what I'm saying if they do not comprehend basic bookkeeping, it's just a "story" to such people. Counting favours is a lot like counting money, but the accounting for favours is not rigid enough to build a civilization (or Navy), so that's what LEGAL is for. The LEGAL mechanism is only ever concerned with who is paying, and how much... Surety AND Accounting. Consider how after a community grows beyond 300 people, TRUST is harder to ESTABLISH. When we exceed Dunbar's number, we need to COUNT more carefully. To get around this problem, we started writing everything down, spreadsheets and symbols are some of the earliest forms of THE WRITTEN WORD. We eventually started abstracting legal agents/avatars/persons to be NAVIGATED by us, as they become our responsibility (for one or several moments) to direct.

Marvel Jesus is a Metaphor for Better Than Jesus, and the Sermon on The Keyboard (THE TENDER FOR LAW ON FACEBOOK) was supposed to draw attention to the rules by which Better Than Jesus declared we could govern ourselves OR how to live our lives... at this point in my journey, I don’t see the difference between the two. What I’ve discovered about Surety and Accounting, is that most of the “first wave” (gone long ago) was afraid of Surety, it was only the accountants who could turn such obstacles into a tool to “kill” government agents. It occurred to me the other day that some people may read my writings. It doesn’t matter if they’re FEDS or a fellow apostate/heretic trying to find THE TRUTH, because if you "try" to understand the intent of the author, then you plainly see a debt being worked off. From here on out, you are going to see a lot of references to the cinematic universes of our contemporary Heroes, the comic books shall be our canon, and we will overlay stories onto the legal mechanism until we see and understand as intuitively as Stephen Covey’s “Emotional Bank Account”.

I’m a later wave, a dumber one. My brain works like a single-core processor and as I get older effort becomes something I need to manage most carefully. If you’re reading this and understand, remember that we stand on the shoulders of giants, and most of them have died. If there is no “responsible party” to become the new Trustee of the most important duties our civilization relied on, then white people will be replaced.

I spent a lot of time “reading” without understanding anything “our Hero” was trying to show us, I wasted two years before spending the 90 days it took to learn bookkeeping, then I just applied that to everything in my life, and paid attention to the LEGSL DEFINITIONS of all the words, especially NAMES OF ACCOUNTS. I can’t tell you how much this helped, I was able to start conceptualizing the idea of “credit risk” and could contemplate the value of my own time outside of an hourly wage. I could see my own money, my own sacrifices, and the fruits of my effort.

Should I do “x” based on the facts I have? 
Do I owe “Y” based on what the right side of the ledger tells me? 
Does “Z” owe me?

Accounting is a mechanism we use to straighten out each other. If I’m wrong and someone corrects me, I can either reconcile or acquiesce, and that’s the great thing about an immutable ledger. It’s a single source of truth all accountants can use to reconcile. There is no “They/Them” entity to cook the books and drive us all into misery and destruction. It’s only the strange notion that 2+2 = 4 which holds this system together. The books balance or they don’t and everyone can audit the accounting effortlessly.

"N" and I also have a shared problem, a past breach of trust that we were too stupid to quickly correct. It made us appear neglectful or untrustworthy. We were co-trustees of the message of "our Hero", as passed down by the earliest apostles. This failure was because we could not reconcile accounts, and the actual responsibility that was abdicated caused significant harm to "our Hero". It might have cost us everything.

Our failings should never be the burden of other people, forgiveness must come from those we harm, but the accounting requires that some productive effort is manifested to balance the books and “atone”.

A lie is deliberately wrong accounting, it is not an unintentional mistake. We recognize mistakes when the wrongdoer takes responsibility for them and meaningfully reduces the future occurrences of such. This is not what your Government is doing, so "our Hero" told us how to wield Surety with Accounting. The rest is “just a story” to you all, and reconciling with a religious zealot is impossible anyway. Emotion is the religion of women. For men, emotion must be something we observe and judge to temper ourselves.

Who else is going to take responsibility if a Man doesn't? Turned out to be the answer to the second question that "N" and I were stuck on. #ScottIsAlwaysRight