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WATCH: Joaquin Phoenix Slams Walmart for Supporting Sickening Cruelty to Pigs

TaylorAHumphreyDec 5, 2014, 4:57:03 PM

The hidden cost of Walmart’s cheap pork is blatant animal abuse. A new Mercy For Animals undercover investigation, narrated by actor Joaquin Phoenix, exposes sickening animal abuse in Walmart’s pork supply chain, including piglets being mutilated and mother pigs suffering for life barren metal crates barely bigger than their own bodies. 

INVESTIGATIONS AT WALMART PORK SUPPLIERS REVEAL: Pregnant pigs confined to filthy, metal gestation crates so small they are unable to even turn around or lie down comfortably   Workers slamming conscious piglets headfirst into the ground and leaving them to suffer and slowly die   Workers ripping out the testicles and slicing off the tails of piglets without the use of any painkillers   Sick and injured pigs with severe, bleeding wounds or infections left to suffer without veterinary care


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