After the Washington Post released an article in 1974 that stated THC, “slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36%,” the world was remarkedly quiet about it. It took years, until after the advent of the internet and dissemination of information for the world to buy in. Also, video footage of the cells in action helps drive the point home: certain strains of THC can kill cancer cells and let normal cells live in peace. In 1998, a new study, by Madrid Complutense stated that ”THC can cause cancer cells to die, and unlike chemotherapy the THC kills nothing but the cancer cells, leaving the brain of course completely unharmed.”
It is believed that the Delta 9 THC eradicates cancer cells because when it binds and enters the cell membrade, it causes the production of a type of waxy fat called ceramide. This ceramide cause hydrolysis in the myelin sheath, destroying the cell.
These three videos are a great example, and even some direct footage, of the THC molecule binding to cells and slaying the cancerous ones.
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