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Fascinating floating city shaped like a manta ray would be 100% self-sustaining

Ian CrosslandJul 31, 2015, 9:16:29 PM

Both a city and a research vessel, Jaques Rougerie's city of Mériens, a manta ray-like floating city, can house 7,000 researchers, professors, and students.  The self sustaining city will be 3,000 foot by 1,600 foot and be home to laboratories, classrooms, living quarters, and space for leisure activities and sports.

Rougerie's other oceanic exploration vessel, the SeaOrbiter, already under construction, will be able to dock inside of Mériens via its inner lagoon.


The city will be self sustaining, running on marine power and producing zero waste.

Rougerie's excitement for the sea is palpable.  “I feel very, very good underwater. I feel different. Another type of imagination is awakened in me as soon as I am underwater," he said.

Here is a video regarding his science vessel under construction, the SeaOrbiter

