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Soros Attacks Trump: The New World Order Are Afraid ...

basil_hallwardDec 28, 2015, 8:45:48 PM

#nwo #soros #globalism
The Political, Academic and Financial Establishment (for satirical purposes, The New World Order) which has conducted a campaign of destabilising the economic and social systems of developed nations as part of their push for a global government, has become very afraid of what is happening in the battle to become Republican Party candidate in next years US Presidential election. The big guns are now being wheeled out to dislodge The GOP's nightmare scenario as billionaire gobshite and combover king Donald Trump continues to increase his lead in the polls and starts to look like a serious contender for the Presidency itself. Is the prospect of a Trump Presidency all that frightening for ordinary punter? You only have to look at the people most determined to stop his and derail his campaign before votes start to be cast to realise he can't be all bad.

Writing in an op-ed for The Guardian, billionaire puppet-master George Soros (a billionaire socialist - and look how many of those we have using their wealth to influence politics these days, and the disastrous consequences of their globalist interventions for working class people) urges Americans "to resist the siren song of the likes of Donald Trump," adding that "the terrorists and demagogues want us to be scared. We mustn’t give in." George Soros: now do you understand what David Icke was on about when he said reptillians were running the world? (Image source)

Well you said it George, you cold blooded old reptillian. "The terrorists and demagugues want uis to be scared." And so you, demagogue and sponsor of terrorism that you are, publish scaremongering bullshit like this in the hope of ensuring The Republicans field another neo-con nonentity against the Democrat daemagogues favoured prostitute, Hillary ugly - face Clinton, aka the butcher of Baghdad, who should she win the presidency will be the first to take office having already established a record as a traitor, war criminal and mass murderer. Read more on the Soros intervention at Zero Hedge

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