Groundbreaking research at Johns Hopkins University of Medicine has provided insight into the benefits of mediated doses of psilocyben, the active psychedelic compound found in "magic" mushrooms.
Though undeniable benefits are reported across the world from those that use mushrooms, there have also been many accounts of "bad trips," or people having taken too much and experienced waking nightmares. The researchers wanted to get to the bottom of this and so they began a study consisting of individuals between the ages of 29 and 62. The team selected 18 of sound mind and body to undergo five sessions, each of which were eight hours in length and timed one month apart. During four of the sessions, the volunteers would receive varying dosages of the psilocybin compound and a placebo at the remaining session to serve as a control.
In the study, participants were encouraged to lay down and wear head phones or eye masks to provide a comfortable environment.
No participants knew how much psilocyben they were ingesting.
Researchers noticed higher doses correlated with more positive effects and that at the highest dose, 30mg/70kg, 78 percent of the subjects reported having experienced on of the top five most spiritually significant events of their lives, though the reported moments of anxiety, fear, and stress increased by six times.
The second highest dose, 20 mg/70kg, resulted in only one of the volunteers reporting any negative experiences and all volunteers reporting positive experiences and the lowest dose used for the study, 5 mg/70 kg, demonstrated discernible and long-lasting positive effects on behavior, attitude and overall outlook. So much so that even friends and family members of the volunteers were able to notice the changes.
"We seem to have found levels of the substance and particular conditions for its use that give a high probability of a profound and beneficial experience, a low enough probability of psychological struggle, and very little risk of any actual harm," says lead author Roland Griffiths, PhD.
A followup 14 months after the study showed that 94 percent of the subjects felt the experience was definitely within their top 5 most significant spiritual experiences.
These exciting studies at Johns Hopkins continue to unlocked the potential of psilocyben as a medicine that is helping people come to terms with death and other severe forms of stress, while allowing them a new awakening and spiritual perspective.
ReferencesGriffiths, Roland R., Matthew W. Johnson, William A. Richards, Brian D. Richards, Una McCann, and Robert Jesse. "Psilocybin Occasioned Mystical-type Experiences: Immediate and Persist." Ing Dose-related Effects. Psychopharmacology, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.Griffiths, Roland R., William A. Richards, Una McCann, and Robert Jesse. "Psilocybin Occasioned Mystical-type Experiences: Immediate and Persist." Ing Dose-related Effects. Psychopharmacology, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.Ridden, Paul. "Johns Hopkins Study Finds Psilocybin Dosage 'sweet Spot' for Positive and Lasting Effects." Johns Hopkins Study Finds Psilocybin Dosage 'sweet Spot' for Positive and Lasting Effects. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.Council on Spiritual Practices: Psilocybin
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