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Top 5 major cities that are leading the way towards sustainability

Truth?Apr 25, 2016, 8:26:02 PM

Thankfully, many cities in the world are finally recognizing the error in their ways and have begun adopting sustainable practices.  Though there is still so much more to be done in these regards throughout the world, some of the frontrunners should be lauded.

In this celebratory spirit, here are the top 5 most sustainable cities and towns in the world and what makes them so badass.

1. Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt respects both the past and the future.  The reason they're number 1 is that they have spent years preserving old beautiful architecture while focusing on sustainability and emission reduction.

2. London, England

London comes in at number 2 because of their complex waste and recycling systems, sustainable design, and preservation of air quality.

 3. Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen is known around the world as being a biker's city. They have some of the best-designed bike paths as well as many beautiful walkways that help deter people from hopping in their cars.

 4. Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam takes a place in the top 5 because they are a frontrunner in electric transport and they are dedicated to sustainable energy sources.

 5. Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Netherlands must be doing something right, with two of their cities being in the top 5.  Much of the economy in the Netherlands is based on green energy, making the country a pioneer and world leader in the good fight.