Deep Network Connections and The Ecology of Ideas
"Why this moment matters. We are creating a blueprint together-a design for our collective future. The possibilities for social, economic, practical, artistic, and even spiritual progress are tremendous. Just as words gave people the ability to pass on knowledge for what we now call civilization, networked activity could soon offer us access to shared thinking-an extension of consciousness still inconceivable to most of us today. The operating principles of commerce and culture-from supply and demand to command and control-could conceivably give way to an entirely more engaged, connected, and collaborative mode of participation," -Douglas Rushoff
The blueprint for design the networks for our collective future, is one of the most mysterious things in the known universe, the human brain. To say that nerual networks are models of the human brain, is poetic at best. Scientists have not even reached a consensus on exactly how it even works. Two theories of the brain exist namely the grandmother cell theory and the distributed representation theory. The second theory neurons asserts that neurons are much more simple and representations of complex objects are distributed across many neurons. This has loosely inspired the Artifical neural networks, and it is blockchain technology that is the most interesting evolution of this inspiration.
Blockchain is the underlying distributed network infrastructure of Bitcion. The Blockchain is where a network of computers unknown to each other are distributed and synchronously maintain a copy of all Bitcoin transactions confirmed in the network. The main point of this being that it in decentralized computing infrastructure not all members in the network have to be known, as long as they follow the same rules(protocols).
Now back to the blueprint for design, the problem of Neural Networks is that current generation of neural network are not capable of sentience, because I believe that biological neurons are much more complex than artifical neurons. This is because the root code is run on quantum binary sequencing. Perhaps when we fully grasp and use quantum computing, this might change. This will always be a work in progress.
" The Ethereum protocol would not "support" any of the applications directly, but the existence of a Turing-complete programming language means that arbitrary contracts can theoretically be created for any transaction type or application. What is more interesting about Ethereum, however, is that the Ethereum protocol moves far beyond just currency. Protocols around decentralized file storage, decentralized computation and decentralized prediction markets, among dozens of other such concepts, have the potential to substantially increase the efficiency of the computational industry, and provide a massive boost to other peer-to-peer protocols by adding for the first time an economic layer. Finally, there is also a substantial array of applications that have nothing to do with money at all." -Ethereum, White Paper
But what if we can build, Deep Network Connection, Dynamic Functions and Appilcations, all supported by Ecology of Ideas? This is where progress is moving towards. Will we ever be able to reach the moutain top, or enter the digital garden of eden? My personal supicion is that we will get close, but in the words of Alan Watts "Don't mistake the Menu for the Meal", Neural Networks will always be the menu and the Human Brain will always be the meal. Lets not get lost in the forest, and forget the trees. These are exciting times, for the first time in human history we have the tools and software to perhaps unlock the eternal histories/mysteries of our own brains/minds. Which oddly I believe we have always had, it was just right under our Minds. But this gives us a chance not at quite revolution but of a evolution, the evolution of society.
We will create a ecology of the Minds in the decentralized platform of the blockchain. "We have created a medium where all may partake in the forbidden fruit of knowledge, where egalitarianism reigns true. May our society be more humane and fair than yours. " -John Perry Barlow
10 misconceptions about Neural Networks
An Introduction to the Bitcoin Blockchain
A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform
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