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10 of the most astounding photographs in protest history

Alternative World News NetworkJun 5, 2016, 9:05:07 PM

Revolution is not always spoken down the barrel of a gun.  Often, protesters are able to make their point heard by peaceful means and occasionally this is caught on camera.

The selflessness involved in throwing yourself onto the front lines is one of the greatest sacrifices you can make to create social change.  Doing it peacefully is inspiring.

These images strike as some of the most inspirational, peaceful protest images recorded.


1963: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivers his "I have a dream" speech to nearly 200,000 protesters outside of the Lincoln memorial.




Rosa Parks on the bus she helped liberate for African Americans during the Montgomery Bus Boycott.  DON CRAVENS / TIME LIFE

1968: Tommie Smith (first place) and John Carlos (third place) used their wins in Mexico City's 1968 Olympic Games to show their opposition to the continued oppression of blacks in the U.S.  BETTMANN / CORBIS


June 4, 1989: A lone man blocks the tanks rolling toward Tienanmen Square during a Chinese pro-democracy protest. Stuart Franklin / Magnum

1967: A Viet-Nam anti-war protester places a flower in the barrel of a rifle held by one of the troops.  Marc Riboud / Magnum

June 2, 2016: A protester uses a tennis racket to return a tear gas canister during a demonstration in Nantes, France.  REUTERS/Stephane Mahe


 Do you have sources for any of the unsourced images?  Put your links in the comments! Also add more images that we missed!