Days ago, Earledreka White was pulled over by a police officer for crossing over a solid line. The evidence is shaky, at least from the accompanying video, but it picks up with White on the phone with 911.
She reports feeling intimidated and reports it. “I would like another officer to come out here,” she says to the dispatcher. “My heart is racing. I’m really afraid.”
After spending minutes on the phone, being tranferred and dropping her info to the dispatcher, the officer finally seems to have had enough. He grabs for her and a struggle commences.
“Being pulled over is not the troubling part — what happened after being pulled over is what baffles me,” White told the newspaper. “As I tell the dispatcher that this man is threatening to ‘Tase’ me, he backs away, then comes back and literally tries to break my arm.”
“This man is twisting my arm,” she tells the dispatcher. “Please get your hands off of me. What is wrong with you? … Why are you doing this? I haven’t done anything.”
After a struggle White was subdued and charged with resisting arrest and search, a misdemeanor that carries a potential six-month sentence. She was also jailed for two days on $1,000 bond.
The officer, Gentian Luca, "got impatient,” said James Douglas, the president of the NAACP. “This is obviously a police officer who needs some training on how to de-escalate a situation, and I would think it would be especially important in today’s climate.”
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