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The Holocaust, A Lie of Staggering Proportions

HitlerTheDankestMemeOfThemAllAug 22, 2018, 10:20:51 AM


To all those who have grown up believing that the nazi's gassed and shot over 6 million jews and many more gypises, Romanians and Russians in POW/Death camps etc, this blog entry is for you! Please, attempt to mathematically explain to me how it's possible that they gassed/shot and then cremated ~6 million people in just a few short years, whilst fighting a vicious world war in it's dying stages that required immense manpower to prosecute. Go ahead, post your proof below I'll respond to it. Or you can continue reading below and start a journey.

Where to even begin? i will with but a simple, fun fact. Every POW camp liberated by the Allies, whilst Germany was falling at the end of the war, was inspected, investigated and then labeled a simple POW camp or slave labor camp and nothing more. Now there was an attempt to modify and spin the existence of 2 camps in Bergen-Belsen and Dachau as death camps, one was even visited by Crypto-Jew and traitor President Eisenhower on his post-war propaganda tour, but they were overall easily debunked claims of death camps by even pro-holocaust historians and so the attempts were abandoned and largely consigned to obscure history references or blatant Jewish propaganda, aside from photos of executions and evidence of scientific experimentation on humans, which proves little other than there were punishments doled out for crimes committed and extreme scientific research carried out under the Third Reich during wartime, all of which are only controversial by modern standards, and many of these 'cruel' experiments directly lead to huge leaps in scientific progression, especially medical progress post-War. Don't forget that a lot of the more insane, impractical human experiments that you were told the Germans performed are just lies and propaganda as well, everything positive they ever achieved was systematically lied about and twisted as part of vigorous post-War justification propaganda by the Allies and the Soviets.

Rather strange you never knew most of that though, isn't it? rather important facts about WW2 and the holocaust that the History Channel documentaries and (((Schindlers List))) never covered right? Only the USSR forces conquering Germany at the end of WW2 discovered any "death camps", the USSR, notorious, proven liars about anything that will make them look good or bad, were being ruled by Jews at the time, Stalin was nearly the only 'native Russian' (he was born in Georgia) in the entire government and believe me it was not native Russians, but a collective of hostile, non-native Jews from all over Europe that were the ones to organize, invade and push for communist revolution in Russia during WW1 and most other European nations as well, before, during and after WW2, however that's a story for another blog. We have a lot more ground to cover.

Frankly, the very concept of Holocaust Denial being against the law in many countries throughout the world today is half the reason people should be skeptical. Whether it happened or not, why is saying something controversial about the holocaust or writing down a sentence punishable with prison when soo many other things are much more offensive and relative to today are allowed to be promoted and said without similar punishment? What exactly are they afraid of? That's a good question, they are afraid of you questioning WHY ~70 million European men and women died to fight a war that was fought for very little justification outside of economic reasons.

A source from the Jewish community itself on their population numbers during this time period.

Common sense, basic mathematics and physics are the another part of the reason why the Holocaust narrative you are expected to believe makes no sense. Census details and various books written by Jewish scholars themselves such as the Jewish Almanac on the Jewish populations in Europe from pre-WW2 state that roughly 7-9 million Jews lived in all of Europe (and somewhat higher numbers AFTER WW2 than before WW1 as well), how on earth did 2/3's of them wind up in "German death camps"? plus millions more gypsies and POWs also allegedly genocided, and how did their bodies get disposed of? no mass graves in large numbers were ever found with POWs found deliberately murdered via poison gas, but starvation, malnutrition and Typhus? yes definitely, although that hasn't stopped Holohoax propaganda artists from labeling them all as deliberately mass-murdered Jews however (the starvation and Typhus mass-breakouts occurring near the end of the war was largely due to the Allied forces policy of bombing German supply lines and attacking civilian centers regardless of casualties, or the fact that such actions are war crimes, destroying the infrastructure that kept POWs fed by both the Germans and the Red Cross, however the allied forces many war crimes during WW2 is also a blog for another day), the occasional prisoner shot dead for breaking rules or as excessive punishment/corruption amongst the camp wardens? yes, absolutely, Russian POWs badly mistreated and abused/starved by bitter conscripted camp wardens, dying at unusual rates, in inhumane conditions? yes in anecdotal situations this happened, and it hardly speaks to the moral convictions of the Third Reich in a positive manner, but that's all I'm afraid, and it's not remotely worthy of all the relentless hostility still held in the media and by our corrupt politicians generations later towards National Socialist ideals and policies.

Anti Third-Reich attitudes and ideals based on anti-Nationalist philosophies, are the foundation upon which the modern West built itself post-WW2, our "Creation Myth" of sorts, a rotten foundation of lies that will inevitably be our undoing. Just in case at this point you're wondering why the Holocaust is still such a controversial topic to cast doubt upon, or why it's even relevant to discuss at this point. You endanger the whole perverse dystopian system we all suffer under, by questioning the ethical foundations of it's authority and creation.

Corpse Disposal Myths

It takes roughly 2 hours for a MODERN oven to cremate a human body, which are far more efficient and capable of reaching much higher temperatures than what they had in the 40s. There were roughly 21 of these "ovens" at Auschwitz (the number changes from 6 in the early years to an accepted number of 21, to a supposed 52 by the end, with a mythical additional crematorium housing most of these extras, that no longer exists but for "photo evidence" due to its "demolition" prior to evacuation, bearing in mind that many anti-German propaganda photos were taken during these times and were proven hoaxes or wrongly attributed to German actions). These 21 ovens could only fit one person at a time, regardless of how thin they are. But lets be generous and pretend they could fit two in per oven and could burn as fast as modern ovens. That's a total of 504 people per day if they run these things non stop without a single issue, 24 hours a day (already a fantastical prospect, ash buildup and the heat alone would make working them a nightmare, too much ash and the efficiency drops like a rock, they NEED to be cleaned out very thoroughly regularly, i challenge you to go fill up half your kitchen oven with sand, then tell me if it helps with cooking meals). In one year, with no problems at all, Auschwitz could have hypothetically processed 183,960 people per-year if these things never stopped running all day long, all year round, with only a few seconds needed to transport corpses to and from the oven. This is being EXTREMELY generous in the amount of time taken to burn a body, amount of people they could fit in at a time etc.


Using this figure there is simply no way they could have gassed and burned even 1 million people at Auschwitz, which was supposedly the main base for genocide, and if there are no mass graves to examine because 'the bodies were cremated goy', then where did the ashes go? there would be mountains of the stuff, it would color whole fields grey, but not a photo to be seen anywhere of this phenomenon. Also bear in mind even pro-holocaust, kosher historians all tend to agree that only in the last few years of WW2 did the supposed "final solution" even begin, the Germans didn't have 9 years to do it even if he wanted to, he had 3 at most, the "Final Solution" was of course not a statement of intent to genocide Jews in Europe, but to deport them to Madagascar and Palestine en masse (or Israel as we come to know it).

I challenge you personally to search online for proof of mass murdered bodies or cremations, so long as you fact-check the sources, their connections to Jews or Jewish/Globalist groups, and question everything they tell you with a skeptical mind, and you will easily find that nothing you read could ever convince you at all, the publishers of these foul lies provide no proof at any stage, the writers claim evidence destruction regularly (despite that not being the case for any other aspect of government in the Third Reich, in fact it is quite the subject to discuss, the Third Reich reported extensively and efficiently on all their actions and processes, they are famous for it), they cite examples of ovens and technology from other European countries with no proof that the Germans built the same designs or don't even finish their own equations, nothing but doctored reports, the most blatant examples of intellectual dishonesty I've ever seen, a series of confessions forced out of camp guards and government officials through proven physical torture, blackmail and threats, and targeting "deniers" arguments without addressing their figures or facts, just attacking them as people with Ad Hominems and nitpicking over statistics without providing real alternatives. Here is a small example of such lies and intellectual dishonesty dressed up as "debunking" the deniers, i found it a hilariously entertaining work of fiction myself;


It's more than just a matter of A: Six million, or B: elaborate post-war hoax by shadowy, sinister Jews. We actually know that CD Jackson, William Paley, and Billy Wilder were involved with Eisenhower's Psychological Warfare Division at Buchenwald****. I'm sure some of you have seen or heard of the tales of shrunken heads, human skin lampshades, soap and other items which have long been admitted to be hoaxes by mainstream historians. What about the bodies on film? Like I covered before, those were from Bergen-Belsen, which the Allies liberated and has long been removed from the "death camp" list, they aren't even alleged to have been gassed. So who liberated Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, and Auschwitz? The Red Army. That same Red Army who claimed for years that the Germans were responsible for the Katyn Forest massacre of Polish officers, when they knew full well that it was the NKVD and Vasili Blokhin. The Soviet judge, Lona Nikitchenko, who presided over Stalin's show trials, sentenced many Germans to death at the International Military Tribunal after the war, often for crimes that HIS NKVD committed. The "death camp" narrative primarily came from the eastern parts of Europe, where the Jewish Pravda writers Vasili Grossman and Ilya Ehrenburg could report on it without all the troublesome fact-checking of the West (partly to help subdue the local populaces by blaming everything bad that happens to the people on the 'evil nazis'), with even less evidence than the Western Allied-liberated camps like Dachau had, where there was an attempt to build a fake gas chamber they tried to "reconstruct" before giving up. When you see the mass graves in books and "documentaries" what you actually see is bodies dying from typhus and starvation (when the photos were taken near POW camps at all) due to the collapse of the German infrastructure under allied bombing. No corpse has ever been found that died of gassing from Zyklon B, no legitimate order from Hitler or financing/logistics departments for a mass extermination effort has ever been found, only doctored and edited ones, or anything BUT forced/manipulated confessions from Germans under great duress and often torture during the Nuremberg show-trials. Meanwhile, around ~40-60 million Chinese citizens died under Communist rule, from mass execution or mass starvation, ~18-30 million Russians from the same things, and far more Germans than Jews died in actual death camps post WW2 or from communist purges during uprisings, but you aren't concerned with them in the slightest, because your mind sadly has been twisted by the Zionist, Elite Camp 4 Jews* and the limited, dishonest worldview they've provided for all of us.

This rampant revisionism mainly comes from the "six million" screamers from Camp 4*, who coincidentally started building up the Holocaust Industry Shoah business around the time of their offensive operations and land grabbing during the Six Days' War in 1967. Mentions of "Holocaust" and "six million" were mentioned, but somewhat minimal until that point, and exponentially grew from thereon, as criticism toward the Jews' duplicity mounted, they used the self-justification of their own past persecution to excuse themselves of any criticism, successfully i might add.

A Red Cross post-war figure cited a total death toll, not via genocide but starvation and disease etc, in German POW Camps at just 271,501 people (as seen at the bottom of the blog), that single document disappeared and standard information given out years later had mysteriously progressively higher numbers with little explanation. You will find it at the bottom of this article.

The Einsatzgruppen is another scapegoat trotted out by pro-Holocaust historians, they expect you to believe that in all of German Occupied Eastern Europe, that a mere 4 German divisions of 2000 men in total, did not just perform their usual duties of keeping the peace, rooting out spies and dissidents, combating and neutralizing guerilla forces and partisans etc, but also mass murdering a claimed figure of 1.3 millions jews by either firing squads or gassing them in trucks using the exhaust en masse. A bit of an absurd claim, but also largely impossible to prove, and of course, no documentation exists to support this either, just a small handful of photos of executions of spies and dissidents, which was their job.

Churchill is an important figure in this whole sordid affair. He did indeed mention the extermination of Jews in German territory during WW2 propaganda speeches multiple times, citing secret intel given to him, but he openly backpedaled in front of the House of Commons post WW2 in August 1946 claiming he had been given no intelligence on the subject at any point in the war and only 'found out' during the final invasion of Germany 'like everyone else did'. He did indeed receive information on the subject according to some sources, but perhaps he realized that it was likely doctored, exaggerated or fake and didn't want to risk any liability claims down the line? or maybe he was just pushing lies during the war to convince the American citizenry to join the fight? Hard to know for sure. Not to mention in 1919-1920 he openly wrote about and discussed the massive, sinister Jewish presence in the Bolshevik communist movements and their atrocities committed in Germany, Eastern Europe and Russia, another discussion topic he abandoned when he got into power and never returned to, spreading the lie that there was no communist presence in Germany post WW1 in his later memoirs.

Elie Wiesel and other Jews got the "Holocaust," i.e: burning bodies narrative from their insane notion that Jews were simply thrown onto open fires and burned alive, which no historian believes is truthful or even plausible today. The infamous pictures of “mass killing gas chambers” in one famous case was merely a simple shower block (don't tell the tour guide that though!), the wooden entryway doors weren't even reinforced to avoid leakage! (every genuine gas chamber ever made in world history have all been solid steel, extremely sturdy, one to two piece max constructions with airtight doors and seals, one glass window at most for viewing, and they only ever seated one, not a simplistic wooden door) Zyklon B was used to kill lice and mites, not undesirables. Not only that, but if the Germans HAD tried to use a shower block to mass kill Jews with Zyklon B, the concentration of the chemical needed would be such that the guards, who would need to stand guard at the doors to keep them from being broken open, would have died or been badly hurt from exposure to the gas leaking through the WOODEN doors, and furthermore, when you use a pesticide like Zyklon B in a gas form strong enough to kill people, it becomes incredibly toxic and does not biodegrade quickly, the German Wardens clearing out the chambers would need to wear gas masks and likely full-body environmental hazard suits to stay safe, neither items being found in any of the "death camps", nor even in museums post-war.

On top of that, another fascinating fact that is never discussed in regards to the holocaust, is that the very choice of the chemical Zyklon B makes no sense whatsoever. Using an anti-lice pesticide like Zyklon B, which is a wildly impractical decision compared to the other chemical weapon the Germans invented in 1938, Sarin gas**, a chemical weapon and Neurotoxin of powerful effect that would be far safer (with protective clothes and gas masks), more efficient and practical by far (efficiency is a common stereotype of the Germans in the Third Reich of course) and was tailor-designed for mass death. It was also being mass produced in Germany for use in war since the very earliest beginnings of the war, yet was never used at all by the Germans on opposition forces or civilians due to Hitlers very personal grievances against chemical weapons in wartime, as he personally spent months in hospital recovering from Mustard Gas poisoning via the British in WW1. Admittedly his generals even advocated for it many times, and they all failed to convince him. Not even near the end, when they had nothing left to lose militarily did they engage in it, and only in the final stages of the war did the Allied forces and the USSR even discover the existence of Sarin Gas stockpiles at all, despite there being thousands of tons of the chemical made and prepped for use.

Again, I'm not trying to pretend that the Germans were perfect innocents who never did anything inhumane in WW2, they used prisoners of war to manufacture much of it, and there were many deaths during the production process, but that also says a lot to dispel this illogical theory of wasteful, pointless genocide practiced by the Third Reich upon helpless PoWs, it simply doesn't make sense when you take into account their philosophies and attitudes towards running their society and managing the monumental war efforts. The ongoing stereotype of "logical, efficient Germans" has been an enduring one for generations, before, during and after WW2, none of the official narratives, which often contradict each other, bother to account for this. The truly shocking part of this whole conspiracy, is not that the holocaust didn't happen, and you were lied to about it, it's that is a very poor lie, easily debunked by any serious research, there were many different propaganda angles the Zionists could have taken to demonize the third reich, more believable by far, but they chose this crazy one, with an even crazier figure impossible to ever prove, 6 million? the number considered sacred in Jewish religious texts? the number they've abused for generations as a catch-all figure for any claimed 'persecution' they suffered long before WW1+2?

6 million figures are everywhere in Jew-controlled Fake News Media.

Israel has profited off this holocaust narrative more than you could believe, here are just some small examples;





Israel doesn't just profit financially off of the Holohoax guilt trip, Zionist and International Jews in general NEED people to believe this lie. Part of the foundation of the 'legitimacy' of the state of Israel is founded upon the argument that Jews are an unfairly persecuted people who need their own nation-state in order to ensure the existence of their people, and a future for Jewish children (sound familiar? It's not the first time that Israel and jews in general steal ideas shamelessly from the Third Reich for their own ends and benefit...), pointing out the lies and exaggerations would quickly undermine their international influence in Europe and the West, and risk getting labeled an illegitimate nation-state.

The real truth of the matter is that when Hitler and the Third Reich came to power, eventually throwing out the Deutschmark, and created a national, government-owned unit of currency with no interest or usury built into it, based not upon gold/silver, or nothing but the goodwill of the government and fairy wishes, like our current system, but on the value of one hour of honest labor as determined by the government committee.

This new financial system created an economic boom under the worst possible circumstances (trade blockades, hostile neighbors, territories seized unlawfully) unseen anywhere in the world, before or since, although oddly enough Pres. Putin seems to be attempting something similar in Russia at the moment, time will tell how that works out, he's already thrown out the Russian Central Banks owners and nationalized it. That never seems to last very long though, historically. At best, a big recession will be engineered against Russia until they are forced to 'sell' the central bank back to the Jewish Family Dynasties that owned it originally (The Rothschilds at the time of creation of most of the Central Banks controlling the worlds economy, but it's a closely guarded secret at all times and who knows who owns the stock of the worlds Central Banks now).

Hitlers' National Socialist economy completely cut off the Camp 4 Jews* worldwide economic ponzi scheme just months before the start of WW2, which by it's very nature as a ponzi scheme, struggles to operate successfully without finding new prey every decade or so, and simply cannot afford for a nation to leave the system with such high GDP as Germany. The real reason for the Camp 4 Jews* to push behind the scenes and position their political puppets to force war with Germany, was to stop the world from copying/adopting Hitler's new system of finance.  The real reason they concocted this holohoax? to associate and demonize Nazism to such a terrible extent that nobody is willing to even contemplate doing anything the 'evil nazi's did', or trying to justify it, for fear of becoming one, as if it's contagious or something. Nobody pays any attention to Hitler's governments wild successes, why? The Evil Holocaust and "starting"  WW2, its a very effective PSYOP technique developed by the best Jewish psychologists available at the time serving the powers that be, don't forget the biggest inroads into the professional study of the human mind was originally by Jews like Freud and the like, and they certainly weren't doing it out of the kindness of their hearts. Nobody talks about alternatives to our current pseudo-capitalism/fractional reserve banking financial system other than Gold standard or (((Socialism/Communism))), why? because real, proven, economic alternatives are buried intentionally in the forgotten depths of forbidden history alongside the great men who died trying to implement them (Julius Caesar, Abraham Lincoln, John F Kennedy, Hitler, Napoleon, the Tsars to some extent Etc), only people who already know what they're looking for will find references and explanations of Usury-free banking, and it can get you put on a government watch list just for investigating it, depending on how you go about researching it and what country you live in, invest in a paid subscription vpn at the very least folks.

I hope you learned something from this blog, but if it's just one thing, let it be that you should never trust Jewish owned Media! Reading this blog alone should make you realize how many lies and assumptions about WW2 and the Germans you bought into without knowing and this should sow deep doubt in your faith in their ability to keep you informed of whats really going on in the world. And what outlets are directly owned and their content altered and slanted by Jews/Globalists/Marxists/Zionists? the vast majority of all Mainstream Media outlets in the West, government owned or private. What media are influenced or controlled by Zionists, Globalists and Marxists? Almost all of it, especially in the West, however you have to rely to some extent on some organizations to keep you informed of daily affairs right? but which? well, Russia Today when not discussing Putin isn't a terrible choice, AntiWar.com, Strategic-Culture, Wikileaks was also quite good historically, until Trumps successful election***. But only some independent media is truly free of that particular bias for the most part, and instead has the biases/agendas of the websites/newspapers owners, whatever they may be. What this means is you're never going to have an easy time learning how the world works, unless you associate with people like me, those of us who compile topics and conspiracies like this in blog form, who scour every single current news source on the planet for information on important topics and reports them to the Hive Mind/s. You want real, current news? you better find the circles i used to learn this stuff (or more accurately, the Stand-Alone-Complexes i associate with), and they often wont spoon-feed you outside of these blogs, the truth is hard work at times, and it should be!

Now i know that this is a very troubling idea to take in, I understand that perfectly well, especially considering that the current interpretation of the events and outcomes surrounding WW2 underpin many peoples entire understanding of world politics, and sometimes the world itself at large, but the truth must become known.

The exploitation and guilt-based economy around the Holocaust Myth must end, for the good of all the European races, we owe the third world and Israel NOTHING, Israel owes everything to the West, everything, and they should be paying us all back instead of taking more as it always has. Israel even partially owes its very existence to Hitler, the attempts to broker the Haavara Agreement was the true foundation of the establishment of the State of Israel, while the Holohoax was their Creation Myth that they built their incredibly influential political power-base upon, a foundation of power and influence that ensures Israel is simply untouchable in the realm of geopolitics by its critics, allies and enemies to this very day;


In conclusion, I'm not stating that the Axis forces never committed any war crimes during ww2, it was a brutal war, many millions died on both sides, actions that seemed sensible and necessary at the time are sometimes considered monstrous to us today, Greece was a complete disaster with the failed attempts to crush communist guerrilla forces for example, and the citizens suffered terribly as a result, and Poland had a lot of similar troubles to in specific areas of the country where communist elements held sway. But if you're going to condemn any one nation for WW2 actions, don't be a blind fool and keep some perspective, no one nations army on either side was filled with pure angels who never did anything cruel or evil, but the list of allied war crimes is long, longer than the Axis', and shamefully memory-holed, do not forget it. If you're going to boil down WW2 into a question of 'who was the bad guys', the answer is the USSR and it's enablers, not the Germans.

PS: have another blog on the subject to look at if you'd like a more scientific style blog;



