It has always seemed quite ironic to me that the very people who most loudly and ferverently espouse the benefits from the loss of privacy in the public forum, through cell phone videos, social networks and the permanent record of the internet, are also the ones who DEMAND "Safe Spaces" everywhere in case they need protecting from words that offend or trigger them. Feminists insist that safe spaces be created for women, BLM insists that black people be provided separate dorms at colleges, and mark my words, it wont be long before EVERY "oppressed" group starts demanding their own separate spaces, dorms, classes and who KNOWS what else... BLM has already oulined their intentions of creating their own country with the secession of a few southern states.
Now while the OBVIOUS hypocrisy and bigotry can be observed in the application of these safe spaces, where in every case Ive ever heard about involves banning other groups of people, the (only ever so slightly) less obvious is seen whenever those "problematic" groups even just attempt to keep hold of THEIR "safe spaces". This begs the question, if safe spaces were JUST about protecting special snowflakes from things that trigger them, then why would they be so adamant against EVERYONE having their own safe space?
I could probably come up with no less than a dozen arguments they would use. "Privileged people dont need a safe space"... or "Well the whole WORLD is a safe space for them"... blah blah blah, but I dont think anything like that is the REAL reason. In my estimation, there is only ONE reason why SJWs push for safe spaces. Its NOT so they have a place to protect them from triggering words and ideas like they would have you believe, but rather so that they can ensure they have a space outside the public domain and social networks, where everything you do and say is recorded and preserved, so they may privately, and without any record, preach their hateful and bigoted ideologies.
Its quite simple actually. They actively destroy any space, group or club where "the enemy" can gather privately, while simultaneously setting up their own private spaces. I can already see the end game. With any and every "safe space" for others either demolished or infiltrated, they hope to keep tabs on everyone, where they can use anything possible: a mistake, an over-generalization, hyperbole, a poor choice of words or even a joke to point and say "LOOK! SEE! We TOLD you how hateful and racist/sexist/etc they are", all while they get to congregate in their private areas to do or say whatever racist, sexist nonsense they want yet keep their social media and public record as clean as they need to.
Just LOOK at how Trump is being treated right now... Leaked DNC emails have Dems calling Latinos the "Taco Bowl vote" privately, all while they SCREAM that Trump once called some woman fat 20 some-odd years ago...
Safe spaces will give them license to do EXACTLY this. Privately, among "allies" they can be their true selves, while publicly they can wear the mask of tolerance. With a complete monopoly on safe spaces they hope to keep an iron grip over public discourse, while secretly keeping their own hate tucked away with the bubbles and ball pits.
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