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Susan Sarandon asks you to transfer your bank account to protest the Dakota pipeline

Alternative World News NetworkNov 7, 2016, 8:34:29 PM

If you really want to halt construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline, hit them in the pocket book.  Stop their funding.

The best way to do this, according to Susan Sarandon, is to entice the banks to stop funding the pipeline construction companies and we can do this, she says, by pulling our funds out of the banks in protest.

"The Standing Rock Sioux's only water source will be endangered by this pipeline. They have put their bodies on the line to stop the construction and defend their water and their way of life. The police brutality in response to their peaceful demonstrations is outrageous, and must not continue," says the petition, in which Bank of America, HSBC, UBS, Wells Fargo, Chase and Citibank are all named as culprits.

Pulling your money out of an account at one of the named banks, making a video of the transaction and uploading it to social media is one of the best protests you can make, keeping in mind that it inspires others to do the same.

Bank of America spokeswoman, Kelly Sapp, said "Bank of America is not a lender in the project-level financing and has contributed to Native American communities through various initiatives," though, upon further research, the bank was found to be in a partnership with Energy Transfer Partners, the parent company of Dakota Access LLC.

As well, UBS spokesman, Peter Stack, said the bank is not funding the project, but SEC documents show an investment partnership with Sunoco in Bakken Holdings Company LLC, which has an interest in Dakota Access LLC and other companies contributing to pipeline construction.

The other banks just flat-out refused to answer questions about the situation.

The petition to stop the $3.7 billion pipeline, which would carry 470,000 barrels of crude oil a day across four states and under the Mississippi river, has gained over 60,000 signatures in 3 days.

Sign it here.