This is a blog dedicated to understanding the various differences in ideologies and approaches Jews around the world take and uphold, this will allow you all greater understanding of why soo many different factions of Jews seem to both fight, undermine or cooperate with each other depending on what is going on, what battle is being fought, what outcome is being lobbied for, what party is trying to win an election etc. Many people unaware of the nature of the Jewish threat to the west scoff at the notion of national socialists blaming everything on “The Jews”, because they merely see a maelstrom of conflicting groups and ideals that don't seem connected at first glance, not realizing that these different factions may on the surface have different goals, but that all their goals are a threat to the health and prosperity of the Western nations, and to a secure future for white children.
The following analysis is based off of an observation made by the late, great George Lincoln Rockwell regarding the Jewish Question/Jewish Problem. He placed Jews into two basic camps. The first camp was composed of the internationalist, Marxist Jews. These are the Jews heavily involved in propagating race-mixing, open borders and the general liberalization of culture. The second camp was composed of right wing Zionist Jews. These Jews are more focused on a narrow Israeli nationalism, control of American foreign policy, and promoting Jewish emigration to Israel and Jewish Racial supremacy.
I have expanded on this observation by creating a simple matrix with American/Israeli nationalism as the axis’s. This creates four camps in which a member of American (or Western) Jewry can belong. I believe it is important to analyze the Jewish question using a reasonable amount of nuance and logic. This is meant as an aid in that effort.
Note 1: It is possible for a Jew to belong to more than one camp simultaneously. Sometimes this is due to internal conflict, other times the reason is simple greedy self interest. It is also common that a Jew will profess one belief publicly and believe something else privately. Once their private beliefs are exposed, they amend their public position to maintain their status. I refer to this as "Camp Transfer." Ben Shapiro's transfer from Camp 3 to Camp 4 during the 2016 US Election is an obvious example.
Note 2: You need to be well aware that when "push-comes-to-shove," almost all Jews will run to Camp 4 for personal security and survival of the tribe. Camp 4 is the most powerful camp in American or Western Jewry, as will be demonstrated later. No matter what a Jew may profess, we must be aware that their tribal instincts are strong and they are likely to join their fellow "Chosen Ones" when they feel it is required. To be fair not all male and female jewish people are like this, otherwise Hitler would have had hundreds of thousands more people filling his camps instead of fighting in his armies by his side, jews who ally with their nation and white people, and don't identify with jewish culture or religion, are little different to us, their usually ~70% European DNA also helps.
Let us begin analysis on these four camps.
The Self-Hating Jews
Although non-existent in media and politics, there is a contingent of Jewry more concerned about the national survival of their host nation than the permanent domination of Jewry as a whole. These are often referred to as Self-Hating-Jews.
A small segment of the individual Jewish population in the West and Israel fits this description. A Jew who considers himself an American/European/Israeli first and a Jew second is ostracized, demonized and ridiculed by his fellow tribesman. They are systematically disallowed to participate in any public political discourse by the Camp 4 overlords of the American or Western Jewish Establishments.
Their distaste for Israeli policy and their understanding of their fellow Jews subversive tendencies make them great allies in the fight against the Camps 2 and 4. Although, due to their Jewishness, they shouldn't be brought into leadership positions or trusted completely unless there is no other choice as you never truly know if they are sincere in their beliefs or if they are just subverting yet another movement; however the antipathy they generate among their fellow Jews is certainly worthy of their public promotion and the dissemination of their viewpoints however. They can generate immense amounts of butthurt amongst the Chosen Ones.
There are few public examples of such Jews (they are more common among the populace than the commentator class), but they do exist. Many seem to be British, directed by heterodox religious beliefs, or just natural contrarians. British/Israeli jazz musician Gilad Atzmon, the slightly insane Orthodox convert Brother Nathanael, sexual assault survivor Joel Engleman and members of the heterodox religious sect Neturei Karta are some public examples. Don't forget that Camp 3 Jews will jump between these camps in a disingenuous manner depending on what they wish to achieve or if it will benefit them.
Public/Media presence: Nonexistent.
Politics: Conspiratorial (Right or Left) or Nonpolitical. Many of these fought for and served under Hitler in WW2, a prototype ancestor ideology of the current Self-Hating Jew.
The Leftist Radicals
Always a strong, leading presence in Leftist/Marxist thought, Camp 2 representatives among the Radical Left in America are the multicultural, nation-hating, sexually degenerate Jew. They have no allegiance to Israel as a nation state, because they do not believe in the nation state as a concept. These are International Marxist Jews as described by GLR. Many of these people take leadership positions throughout far leftist organizations. Amy Goodman's takeover of the Pacifica Radio Network is an example of the American Far Left being beholden to this contingent of thought. The main media operation that exemplifies this camp is “Democracy Now, Equality Now.”
Although these Jews are often rich and can be found in the NYC/LA soiree circuit; they were once rarely promoted in mainstream media due to their antipathy to Israel, fondness for the Palestinian cause, and their ideological purity. However with the inevitable ideological slide into marxism our society is set upon, their views are now holding sway in the mainstream media circuits. The “Its okay when we do it” attitude of the Camp 4 Jews frustrates them endlessly, as hypocritical as it seems.
This may be the fastest growing segment of American Jewry. Countless articles in Israeli newspapers bemoan how young American Jews are turning away from Israel and embracing Islam as an ally. Most likely, many of these young idealists will join Camp 4 when they become older and see the benefits of joining the “winning team”, therefore they are not as attacked like Camp 1 or Camp 3 Jews by the Chosen Ones. Or even if they don't, they still perform a very useful service, dividing and destroying Western Civilization from the inside. Often NGOs (non-government organizations) run by Camp 2 Jews are secretly taking orders from Camp 4s, sometimes without even knowing they are, silently orchestrating a small part of a grander scheme.
DO NOT trust these people, ever, for any reason. They hate the very idea of nationalism, the family, normality, and ethics. To them, ethics are based on radical subjectivism. They have been moving further from Marxism (their natural home) to Deconstruction-ism; often mixing and melding the two together. Since Marxism is essentially based on the struggle of the working class, and they see the working class as reactionary, they have succeeded in deforming Marxism into a post-structuralist ideology that embraces/manipulates the proletariat (working class and below people who are capable of being indoctrinated or bribed with promises of rewards for siding with them) over the lumpen-proletariat (usually a non-political person who basically likes things to remain the same and not change, resistant to propaganda not introduced in childhood, but also willing to fight to keep society operating in a way they find comfortable and reassuring). Normalizing such dangerous philosophies in the West is a great way to undermine our cultures, our way of life and most importantly, ruin our birthrates and genocide our people through Marxist-led degeneracy, and the rape and murder of European genetics from "minorities" race-mixing with us.
Major examples are -all- of the original feminist leaders, the public stance of George Soros, celebrities like Amy Goodman, Amy Schumer, Sarah Silverman, Jill Stein, Lena Dunham, Sacha Baron Cohen(he has been hopping between camps 2 and 4 for many years now), Norman Finkelstein, Phillip Weiss, and many more. Many leaders of the Anti-Israeli BDS movement are Camp 2 Jews. Camp 2 Jews are on the forefront of promoting sexual degeneracy in all its forms, degenerate negative homosexual culture, race-mixing, sex before marriage, shaming virgins etc, all the while working in tandem with Camp 4, whether they are aware of it or not, they are the hammer to Camp 4's anvil, the European races and future of mankind stuck between them both.
Public/Media presence: Very high among far-left outlets, uncommon in the mainstream media. The more outspoken members are publicly attacked and shamed, such as Norman Finkelstein. The richest Camp 2 members often fund radical anarchist/marxist/anti-fascist groups that disrupt life in the west and undermine the rule of law.
Politics: Far Left. Marxism/Communism, Deconstruction-ism, Radical Subjectivism.
The Right Wing Radicals
Recently amongst discussions with my peers there have been debates regarding Steve Bannon and Breitbart being Zionist but still being labelled as Anti-Semitic. How is this possible? It is because they belong firmly in Camp 3. These are Jews, or commentators generally, that embrace Israeli Nationalism AND the nationalism of their host nation. Camp 4 considers these Jews as one of their bigger threats. They share with Camp 2 the contempt for the “its okay when we do it” attitude of Camp 4, if they ever mention it at all.
These are the Jews most likely to join the Chosen Ones when the going gets tough. They have a large amount of influence in the right-wing alternative media – which alone is highly suspicious. A counterpoint would be that some of the Camp 4 attack machines, such as the SPLC and ADL, endlessly attack Camp 3 Jews as racists and bigots, despite there rarely being a single genuine bigot amongst them.
These Jews are noted for their Zionism, hatred of Islam, more conservative social opinions and stated tolerance and often promotion of most Christian values. They support border walls for both Israel and the USA. They support strong immigration restrictions for both to Israel and to the USA. They often propagate the anti-intellectual, tunnel visioned politics of mainstream media by only discussing kosher topics, never touching upon real issues such as the c banks, race realism and the Jewish Question. Since Camp 4 wants one set of rules for Israel and another set of rules for everybody else; Camp 3 is seen as too ideologically nationalistic for the Chosen Ones.
Since International Jewry hates Goy Nationalism slightly more than they like Israeli Nationalism – Camp 3 are seen as enemies.
Examples would include David Horowitz, Pamela Geller, Milo, Breitbart and Rebel Media. Do not trust these people/groups either. They are very likely to jump camps and stab their supporters in the back when needed, there is no telling if they hold these views simply because they genuinely believe in it, or because there is alot of money in it as Camp 2 and 4 make great efforts to shut out any alternative viewpoints and they correctly see this ideological vacuum as an opportunity. Many of them are at best delusional civic nationalists who mistakenly believe that all races are equal and non-whites can emulate the same civilizations that Europeans founded "if they just get a real chance to learn about liberty", and so will advocate policies that will eventually cause the extinction of the European peoples, paving their road to hell with good intentions. But, at the same time, attacking these people does little good, as they do often speak truths, although as with all "truths" reported on by mainstream media, they are usually just half-truths stated as fact. All energy needs directed to the destruction and eradication of Camp's 2 and 4, especially 4.
Public/Media presence: Relativity high in right-wing circles. Attacked in mainstream outlets. Usually labeled as intolerant and bigoted by Camp 2 and Camp 4 Jews.
Politics: Right or Centrist Right.
The Chosen Ones
Now it's time to turn on the gas. This is, by far, the most powerful faction of Jews on the planet. This is, by far, the most powerful subset population on the planet as a whole. These are the Chosen Ones. The Jews that support Israeli Nationalism and decry all other forms of Nationalism as fascist and bigoted. The Jews that pushed for WW2 for years behind closed doors to crush Hitler's noble attempt to free his people from their financial slavery, through their reserve banks and extensive political influence all over the world to destroy the German people.
They then, after victory, in conjunction with their puppet state the USSR (almost all major Camp 2 styled major organizations are in some way controlled or are being manipulated by Camp 4s through financial backing or influence over the leadership) and the worlds media they largely control, fabricated the 'Holocaust' to distract, shame and deter people from discovering and discussing the amazing economic and social successes that National Socialist Germany achieved, to make sure it'll never happen again. The vast majority of the spilt blood in this world over the last 140+ years is on their hands in one way or another. This is Camp 4.
They control, or heavily influence, almost all of journalism, the media, the arts, politics, culture, society and the various secret societies (Freemasons and Stonemasons in particular) in the world. Their hypocrisy is limitless. It's okay when Israel enforces harsh immigration policies, restricts interfaith marriages, detains migrants in camps, sterilizes African refugees without their consent or knowledge, builds border walls and behaves in a nationalist fashion. Its evil fascism that they will fiercely and violently oppose when anyone else does the exact-same-thing.
Members of Camp 4 manage and control large parts of the criminal cartel body organ, drugs, human and child sex trafficking underground networks worldwide that are more prevalent now than at any point in human history before, alongside many other schemes, such as making sure that the scum who make use of their sex slaves, their black market organs, their wealth in the forms of funding, bribes and donations, influence and other assets, get into positions of great power all around the world. I also have strong suspicions that Camp 4 Jews have a very large amount of influence and control over the shadow-CIA that is heavily involved with many of the largest international criminal enterprises that go unchecked by impotent/corrupt government authorities worldwide.
In contrast to all other camps, these Jews will use any po
litical philosophy to retain influence and power or to achieve a goal. They will willingly throw even their own kind under the bus, if it suits their needs, as many of the most powerful members of Camp 4 care little for other Jews outside of their own family Dynasties, and care nothing for anyone who is not a Jew at all. They can publicly appear to be moderate, conservative or liberal. They could be Noam Chomsky, a liberal billionaire, a Neocon warhawk, a supreme court judge, a popular stock market authority, a gay Salon journalist or a right wing political commentator. They are often members of great and terrible, extremely wealthy family Dynasties. These Dynasties often compete and clash with each other over petty feuds and huge ideological splits, but the blood spilt is never their own. They are all united in only one statement: Its okay when we do it.
These people are essentially all Jewish elected federal officials in the West (the few who aren't are deep in Camp 2), almost all members of the Democrat and Green Party (or are the puppet masters controlling them), a small power-broking section of the Republican party consisting of the Bush Crime Family* (to a mild extent now under siege by the Trump faction and losing influence) and Romney amongst many of the prominent faces in the Republican party, are members of this group. They are often dual citizens. These people are the mortal enemy of Western Civilization and Culture. These are as Adolf Hitler described, the International Jew.
They seek to convert/enslave all members of other camps to their cause through bribery, careerism, cronyism, nepotism, fear, violence and/or murder through proxies and blackmail. They hate the Camp 1 Jews almost as much as they do goyim, which is why Camp 1 Jews have no influence in the public sphere.
To reiterate – all efforts must be made to defeat this hard to see, but massive group. Attacking other Jews that get attacked by Camp 4 is futile long-term. This is the arch-enemy of all non-Jewish civilisation itself.
Examples include Noam Chomsky, Bill Kristol, Alan Greenspan, Daniel Pipes, Chuck Schumer, George Soros's private ideology, the Koch Brothers, the ADL, SPLC, the Rockerfellers, the Rothschild’s and their many elite peers, a vast majority of the professional Jewish political and media cartel, anyone who has been or is the head of the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, the Deutsche Bundesbank and the European Central Bank (in the case of the reserve banks, there are indeed many heads who are not ethnically or religiously jewish, but, they are instead all die-hard corrupt globalist bankers who care nothing for their own peoples, just their own power, money and perversions, which meshes them together very well with Camp 4 Jews).
Public/Media presence: Omnipresent. Has a small to large hand in control of almost every media outlet on the planet.
Politics: Everything from Radical Left to Hard Right. However, they mostly position themselves as moderates in an attempt to embody sensibility and define themselves as the “mainstream.” Their politics do clash on occasion, and they've fought each other for more power and position many times before, but none of them have your best interests at heart.
Conclusion: There is more to these camps and spectrum’s of belief i have shown you just now, this is merely a simple overview, and a point of reference for whenever a National Socialist like myself refers to “the Jews”, you can via utilizing context infer which Camp of Judaism I'm referring to in each case by just reading what I’ve written in this blog.
If anyone wonders why I dedicate soo many blogs, rants and memes to just discussing the Jews and their activities over the years as opposed to other threats to the West, this article is ultimately why, because if you learn anything from these blogs, it's the understanding of the nature of Jews and Jewish subversion so you'll know better how to resist it, one day if our internet as we know it is destroyed and our ever weakening freedoms of speech slip away, having these lessons imprinted in your mind will keep you level headed and from making certain mistakes for the rest of your life, no matter your situation. There is no greater threat to the West than that of Jewish subversion and treachery. Hitler was right.
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