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Abstract Humanities

Gilga_machineDec 17, 2016, 5:25:05 PM

A Special Human Race

Homo Sapiens - Binomial nomenclature for human beings.

Extinction or Transcendence

Space-Time is the fabric of our understanding. Like an old weaver on the loom; we must take notice to the gravity of the patterns.

We are all undoubtedly human - you would not be able to read this if not. There is no race to be won when we stand at the finish line; on level ground within the biological continuum. Competition (in all its forms) is the mechanism that sorts out the progression and conservation in the natural realm of life ironically. Biological race is considered to be a "facile skin" of the deep-seated genetic change that is inherent in all variations of human DNA. You and I could appear as different as ethnicity goes, but share more in common in our ancestral genes than someone of my nationality The Spanish and Portuguese colonization of Latin America was the most significant indigenous gene-blending event in documented history. It changed - the notions of Shamanism; human rights; nationality; religion; historical reference and the phenomena of natural medicine - forever.     

Man's ergon, his defining character, lies in his capacity for choice and action, so that his nature is not wholly determinate. To live well, being human, one must do their own living.

A Revolutionary in concepts of The Social Contract, John Locke's claim that ‘the boundaries of species are as men, and not as nature, makes them is in fact true only on a prescientific level. Inspiring Acceleration of Nature 

Each and all. . .living entities exist dynamically in such a way that they are wholes at any point in their existencebut that their growth and nature is completed over a period of time.Whether you are of an organized faith, spiritual, agnostic, or atheist. We share the same predicament - we are mortal and we are conscious of our individual obligations, duties, concerns, hopes, and fears. The Greek word homostranslates to 'same'; we share the same innocent nature as inexperienced newborns. The Latin word sapio translates to 'be capable of discern'; as a highly cognitive mammal, I am capable of visually discerning my self from my individual mirrored representation. I am able to discern my emotional reaction from your's (and vice-versa) despite a mutual experience.

Unbearable emotion can take a savagely physical toll on our biological systems - whether it be gasping for air in between sobs of mourning, or urinating your britches out of unpreventable terror or ecstasy. The special people who are capable of focusing their immovable burdens of reflection - back into art, academics, amnesty, and affirmations of unconstitutionality - are the meek who ". . .will inherit the Earth."  Perhaps, seeing it to it's old age and dimness. Our biggest natural & social motivation is the natural regeneration of our own kin.

Whether your thinking is black & white, riddled with gray areas, or as colorful as a double-rainbow - America is undoubtedly the most free when it comes to choice of family, unrestricted markets and stately decision. We compound our multitude of freedoms from the evolving concepts of liberty and historical record. We owe gratitude to the Revolutionary Founding Fathers and the spreading of Enlightenment philosophy for the U.S. Constitution and Bill of rights.We owe our freedom of religion to the former and the latter as well. I may freely and boisterously declare all religions to be historical poetic nuances; to be revisionist delusions and still commune freely in my chosen environment.

Problems only arise from this "freedom" when religious fanaticism incites deluded beliefs and belligerent behavior towards "others". There is a whole encyclopedic ideology of "the other" within humanity's varying mental frameworks. We know some things just don't mix like oil and water - either by intuition or similar experiences to hypothesize from. But there is an even larger universal ideology that all independent bodies are free to choose what mixes to make and what lines ought be drawn. This 'Universalism' is most eloquently communicated by the taxonomy of metaphysics of morality.