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Death By Tolerance

EpiHopeJan 9, 2017, 6:01:05 AM

       Death By Tolerance

Written by EpiHope       1/8/2017

  Watching things unfold over the last several years in regards to the Muslim insurgency of the western countries it claims to so vehemently despise has been gut-wrenching, to say the least. Muslims are being taught how to infiltrate countries as refugees and then take advantage of their hosts.

  Muslim men are taught how to rape women while western countries are teaching women how to be raped. Countries are telling women to wear traditional Muslim clothing to avoid being raped. They're told to try to blend in and not stand out or draw attention to themselves. 

  I watched a video today of a group of Muslims bragging about raping and deflowering a virgin,  how she tried to struggle because she didn't want to do it, but they forced her to be raped repeatedly by a group of men. They bragged about raping a young woman! They're taught it's their right and their duty to be raping women in the cities they take over. And make no mistake about it, they are taking over, even if it brings the city, the country, the entire world back to the stone age, it's of no concern to them.

 Take Germany for example. It's not simply falling apart. It is being torn apart by design. The Muslims have no problems telling them how they're doing it either. They tell them outright that they will keep pouring into their country, raping their women and killing their men and breed them out until they no longer exist. Then they'll just push forward into the next host country. What started out as countries being tolerant hosts have turned into victims, They are mostly victim to their own liberal ideologies of tolerance and acceptance at any cost. Tolerance is killing off the tolerant.

   The idea pushed of Islam being a peaceful religion can be debunked rather easily. The argument is that not all Muslims are the same. Not all are extremists. But, the Quran teaches Muslims to basically kill any and everybody who is not like them and doesn't believe the Quran teachings. I'll put it this way, if a baseball player is sitting on the bench because he's second string, or backup for a position already filled with a first string player, it does not make him any less of a baseball player. It doesn't make him not love the game or follow the rules of the game. It only means he's waiting his turn to get in the game, and when he gets called into the game, you better believe he's going in to do his best! There is no such thing as moderate or extremist Muslims, there are only Muslims.


  If a strong stance isn't taken against Muslims and Islam soon, then all of Western Civilization is at risk. We've lost enough to this backward inbred religious cult already as it is due to Western tolerance! They don't plan to tolerate you. Theyn't plan to see things your way. They don't plan to so much as try to come to an agreement or middle ground, because if you're not Muslim, then you're against the Islamic Muslim faith and you must be eliminated.

Keep you and your family safe by not falling for the religion of peace lie. 
