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Breakup Google Using Antitrust Laws

Gerry GeronimoMar 22, 2017, 4:30:30 PM

Google is using its market dominance to censor the Internet.

The Internet has totally disrupted and defanged mainstream media. The elites have used mainstream media to control the people by controlling what the people see, hear, and read. The elites have also used mainstream media as a propaganda machine to control people's thoughts and emotions.

The last Presidential election clearly and decisively demonstrated that the very fake and lying mainstream media has lost its power thanks to the Internet. President Trump masterfully used the Internet to disintermediate mainstream media.

The elites have finally realized this - the power of the Internet to disrupt everything. They are now desperately trying to control the Internet as they have controlled mainstream media.

The elites are using the giants of the Internet to control it. These giants include Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Comcast, and more.

I am alarmed by the censorship displayed by Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and the other giants of the Internet. You should also be alarmed. Not only is Google censoring search results through its dominant search engine, it is also censoring Youtube - the dominant video distributor on the Internet.

We, the people must use our government (which we're taking back under the leadership of President Trump) to protect ourselves against the attempts of the elites to control the Internet.

We, the people must use the Antitrust laws (The Sherman Act 1890, The Clayton Act 1914, and The Federal Trade Commission Act 1914) to breakup the monopolies of these Internet giants including Google, Microsoft, and Facebook.

And we must do it before it is too late.

The banner photo is the inside of the Old Faitful Inn at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. I took the photo on July 19, 2016.

#Google #Search #Youtube #Censroship #Monopoly #Antitrust #Sherman #Clayton #Federal #Trade #Commission #Act #Disruption #Disintermediation