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Donald Trump and the U.S.A.

Gerry GeronimoMar 23, 2017, 3:14:33 PM

America First

The elites and the establishment never expected Donald Trump to get the Republican Presidential nomination. They were totally shocked when he won the Presidency. In spite of election fraud, opposition from both sides of the aisle, and oppostion from mainstream media. They threw everything at Donald Trump including the kitchen sink. And the elites and establishment have not stopped. But President Trump has the American people behind him.

It's a new world with President Trump.

Our friends, enemies, and the rest of the world have taken advantage of US for too long. And while laughing at US, misinterpreting our kindness for stupidity. Guess what world? No more Mr. Nice Guy!

Europeans are going to have to pitch in their fair share for NATO. Japan and South Korea are also going to have to pay more for their protection. They along with China and Mexico will have to deal with fair trade, not free trade. NAFTA will be renegotiated. We are going to secure our southern border with Mexico and build The Wall. Mexico has also taken advantage of US with illegal immigration. That is going to stop.

U.S. funding for the United Nations will be significantly reduced. Hopefully, the U.S. will totally defund the UN in the future. The United Nations has outlived its usefulness, U.S. Aid to ther countries will be reduced, except to our good friends like Israel. The U.S. will no longer be involved in "nation building," nor be the "policeman" of the world.

The U.S. will no longer be blackmailed by OPEC. We don't need anyone's oil. We have enough of our own oil. No more corruption.

Radical Islamic terrorists such as ISIS will be annihilated. Our enemies like North Korea will be swatted down like flies.

Forget globalism. It's America First!

Here are my other blogs in this series:

The photo of the Donald Trump campaign flag used for the banner was taken  in Rohnert Park, California on March 22, 2017. This flag has been flying at my home since June 2, 2016, the day after I attended the Donald Trump rally in Sacramento, California where I bought this flag and 2 additional campaign flags.

#Donald #Trump #USA #Great #Game