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Regressive pseudo-Intellectual Pawns

RealNewsApr 10, 2017, 4:09:38 PM


We know them under several names: "Regressive Left", "Normies", and parts of them as "Social Justice Warriors (SJW)", "Feminists" and a lot more. So I’ve been thinking about the perfect name to sum up these people. So let's take a look at what they are:



As in the opposite of progressive. They may call themselves "progressives", but they are in no way advancing human civilization or technology, or anything. The only thing they are advancing is the breakdown of society.

Progressives are supposed to be intelligent, which includes social intelligence. This means that they can compromise with others, they can see past ethnicity (or race. But i think ethnicity is better), gender and look at a person's character, arguments and accomplishments. They have real knowledge and experience and try to develop throughout their life.

The regressives we see are the exact opposite: They cannot comprehend that there is a difference between a person's ethnicity, gender, origin and all other circumstances they couldn't control and the things they can change or keep. In short: They see people as only their initial group and not as individuals. They seek to put everyone into huge boxes that could very well be summarized with the labels "white males (bad)" and "anyone collectivist, truly racist, wannabe-but-not-in-reality-oppressed, etc (good)".

This is why we could also label them as racist, with all truth. Because everything they see is filtered through race. But then again, racists are simply a form of regressives. So I’d like to keep it that.



All i have to say here is "where, in a society where virtue signaling doesn't get you money will you get the money to live off your social justice college course?" and the answer is silence. Or,  to be honest it'll most likely be "you're a racist, sexist, etc!".

I'll tell you something that real intellectuals have known for years: You want a good paying job, you gotta learn hard and work hard. This is why these people want social welfare and complete loss of control over their lives for the promise of being taken care of. They are lazy and couldn't care less about gathering knowledge or acquiring skills. They want to go around and virtue signal to people who will exalt them for opposing injustice in systems that does not exist.

When all you have to do is write 100 times "#black lives matter" onto your application paper to get into Stanford (source here) then this shows the state that some, if not the majority of universities or colleges are in. They do no longer focus on teaching students practical knowledge like mathematics, physics, or do gym class, they no longer try to get some sense into these people's heads, they are focused on social justice in countries that compared to the rest of the world are as just as humanly possible. The education process has made them what they are, and what they are is pseudo-Intellectual.

They will still think on the basis of their worthless degree that they in some way have competence and are your superior when all they know is a few "-isms" they can shoot out of their mouth like bullets from a machine gun: Spray and pray it hits someone. Oh sorry, that wasn't sensitive. Of cause, or so some will tell you in their mental delirium, (the christian) god is a sexist (source here. Well, maybe Allah is. But the people that believe in him are Muslims so it's OK...).



The sad truth. These people are being used by their puppet masters that wield them like a poisoned dagger driven into the flesh of society. All social justice touches gets corrupted. And when society has broken down and their "utopia" has been archived, these people will see that they hate their world. But not in the way that they will realize it, it'll still be someone elses fault. They will attack the ones among them that aren't socially just enough in an everlasting witch hunt for an impossible goal at the cost of all of the human species.

These people can't comprehend what they do. They are incapable of predicting even the easiest things that are about to hit them. Like feminists getting in the ring with you, slapping your face and when you hit them with a straight left go like "oooh, why did you hit me you misogynist!". They can't see that they are simply being used like a one-way weapon in order to tear apart society.

They are the cannon fodder for the elites. Their lifes and ideals aren't worth a rusty penny to them. All they care is for them to break society and work against the individualists, libertarians, conservatives, etc. And the minute they are done with their mission they will be discarded like dirt.

These people won't stop until they either die or get red-piled.


Thus i suggest to call the people to which the upper classifications apply "RIPs": Regressive pseudo-Intellectual Pawns.

Because social they are dead. They aren't living a life, they are fanatics that have given up on anything in order to cleanse the western world of reason and logic. They are, as Alex Jones said, "self-propelled stomachs".

And in a way it's what i want these people to do. Don't get me wrong, i don't want them to die. I want them to take a rest and advocate peace instead of social cleansing. In your mind picture them simply sitting on a stereotypical picnic blanket, eat a non-GMO apple under the shade of a tree thinking "well, all in all life's not so bad".

This is where our duty comes in. We need to red-pill as many of these RIPs as possible. And when they call us a lot of "-ists", ignore them. Unless they actually apply, they are words without meaning. We need to get near to them and start using a battering ram on the walls of their echo chambers. So if you somehow get the truth out to someone and wake him or her up, tell everyone how you did it. Learn from other people's experiences.

Because if people in unity work against the real enemy, the elites who use RIPs, they are over. And when they are over, with all the technology and the amount of people living, there's no telling what humankind will be able to do in the future.