Peter Egan is an expert fisherman with 30 years experience and a particular knack for fishing fof catfish. He lives on a river where the water literally backs up to his back porth, so Peter's had a lot of time to experiment with different techniques and determine the best tactics, strategies and approaches with the ultimate goal being to catch more and bigger catfish every time fishing than the one previous.
One day it occurred to Peter to throw a cast net over a school of shad and collect them in a bucket. From there, he would take about a pound of shad and mix it in a blender with about 1-part water and about 3 grams of L-Arginine, an amino acid mostly used for weight lifting and to lower blood pressure, but also a scent that catfish are hardwired to associate with food. He would then add an appropriate amount of water to the blender - just enough to make a pasty-like substance that was neither too thick nor too thin.
* Peter Egan: How to Chum for Catfish - Article and Instructiomal Videos *
The next step was to take the contents of the chum, transfer them from the blender to a ziplock bad and freeze them. Once frozen solid, when it was time to fish Peter would peel off the zip-lock back and throw the frozen mixture of shad, water and l-arginine in the water in the general area he intendeed to fish. As the ice melted, the scent of the blended shad and the amino acid began to take hold and attracted catfish into the area.
In the time since, Peter has become even more adept at chumming, and due to the fact that shad are not always present, has concocted different methods that work just as well if not better, and has outlined in full detail some of these methods in a four-part video series entitled "How to Chum for Catfish." There is also an in-depth written article at Peter Egan's website complete with all four videos and a myriad of written knowledge on how to best prepare your chum, what equipment will be needed, how and when to chum to ensure you come away from the article and video series an expert at chumming for catfish.
Peter has began using a blend of commercial, ready-made chum, chicken and beef livers, chicken gizzards and the portions of filled fish remaining after the fish has been filleted;.
He goes into detai aout all this and more in his article on How to Chum for Catfish and in the four corresponding educational/instructional videos.
The bottom line is that if you want to catch more and bigger fish the next time you go fishing for catfish than you have in past excursions, reading every word of this aricle and watching every second of each of the four videos is an absulute must.
Peter guarantees greater results if the instructions he provided are followed.
For what it's worth, Peter detailed a few differet methods for chumming, and provided some background information about the three primarys species of catfish in the southeastern United States, including size differential and feeding preferences.
Once you're read the article and watched the videos, you'll be an expert catfish fisherman who is capable of setting up a good chum and targeting your choice of channel catfish, blue catfish and/oror flathead catfish; or you can fish for all three simultaneously.
Once in possession of this knowledge, your fishing acumen will be among the world's best, at least for catfish, and you'll be able to catch as many and as large of the three species of catfifsh as you wish.
The full article with all four instructional/educational YouTube videos about chumming is available for free at The URL for the artile i s as follows:
The videp playlist (which contains all four instructional/educational videos on catfish chumming is below for your viewing convenience.