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What is the Red Pill? an explanation

HitlerTheDankestMemeOfThemAllAug 18, 2018, 12:23:32 AM


The words “blue pilled” and “red pilled” get thrown around a lot, but what do they really mean? Rarely are any of them associated with a particular political ideology, they are largely a way to define an individuals perspective on life and how they live it, there are also other forms of “pills” one can subscribe to, depending on his or her personality type. This list is not exhaustive, if you are a true individual you may find you identify with aspects of multiple pills, this is not a problem. However bear in mind a good 95% of the planet sadly is Blue Pilled and will likely forever remain that way, it's a part of human nature, and to be fair not necessarily a bad thing, under my favorite political system it can be harnessed for good, and advance the more evolved human sub species to great  heights over time, in harmony with our basic nature, instead of fighting against it. Here are the current forms of “pills” in no particular order.




The Blue Pill is constantly administered to the masses, and few can resist the comfort it brings. Most humans are simply not biologically programmed to live in the current world of excess information. The burning curiosity of humanity has created a monster which cannot be controlled – our world has simply become too complicated for most of us.The Blue Pill is a coping mechanism used to create a fictional version of our world which is not only simple enough for a plebeian to understand, but also matches their worldview.


Some Blue Pills are created by individuals in response to information overload, while others are maliciously given to people by the worlds elite through their propaganda machines of the media and forced culture. The Blue Pill, believe it or not, has no actual ideology. They can find themselves in any conventional ideology, from simple progressivism and conservatism to communism and even national socialism.The Blue Pill individual is instead defined by a refusal to challenge one's own beliefs, profound confirmation bias, cognitive processes blinkered by logical fallacies and an innate disdain for people who exist outside of their comfort zone. The Blue-Pilled live in apathy, ignorance, fear, hatred and bliss.



Like the Blue Pill, the Red Pill can be found in a reasonably diverse range of political and philosophical beliefs and does not necessarily belong to any single political group.


The strongest political link of the Red Pill is a tendency to reject the status quo and an attachment to people and groups who oppose it. Redpilled individuals seek truth and knowledge and will regularly seek out places and people who will challenge their beliefs and hone their intellectual skills. They do not operate on confirmation bias.


The Red Pill could be said to exist on a spectrum, as the journey to enlightenment is long and spaced out. The Redpilled care for philosophy and principles, and will seek to develop their own and live by them. They care deeply for various fields of knowledge such as biology, history, philosophy, theology and psychology, deriving from them their knowledge of the working structures of the world.The Red Pilled person understands the complexity of the world, how information spreads, and how easily people can be misled into falsely believing that they are Redpilled, or buried under a tide of Bluepills, without the strength of will to break out. Their knowledge cannot be undone, and they must eventually make a choice on how it will be used.





A variant of the Blue and Black Pill which insists it is Red Pilled. These fallen delusional souls began carelessly taking Redpills and found their way into vast piles of Blue pills painted Red.


They have fallen under the spell of the Indigo Pilled, becoming slaves and useful idiots serving the goals of people they often claim to oppose. Many Red Pilled people would agree that these folk are even more sad and pitiful than the Bluepilled, for their minds have crumbled under the attempt to reach enlightenment, becoming cemented and unwilling to accept new Redpills, when the Bluepilled can be made malleable. The Malignant Redpilled will commit to the same coping tactics and logical fallacies as the Bluepilled, denying whatever challenges them and embracing whatever comforts them.


They become particularly dangerous when the Bluepilled mistake them for the Redpilled and consume their poison believing it will lead them to the truth, in these cases the Blue Pilled are either pushed back into ignorance laughing at the people posing as “Red Pilled”, unlikely to attempt enlightenment again, or they fall under the spell of the Indigo pilled, and become another disinformation puppet. A flat earther is a classic example of a Malignant Red Pill.




We just want to watch the whole world burn.”

Different people react to the Red Pill in different ways. The Black Pill can be said to be the purest and most concentrated variant of the red pill, or at least that is claimed by those who identify with it. It is different to every other redpill variant in that the black pill will not help you, or even try to help you.


To take the Black Pill is the heaviest and most soul crushing of perspectives to carry. To take the Black Pill is to sacrifice hope and comfort for absolute, harshest truth. Unlike the White Pill, the Black Pill does not have faith in humanity. Unlike the Green Pill, the Black Pill does not have faith in god or magic or higher powers. Unlike the Indigo Pill, the Black Pill will not sacrifice his principles for power.


To a Blackpilled individual, the world is harsh and fundamentally broken, and the only solutions are either intangible or require the enlightened to dominate the weak-minded in the most brutal of ways. The goal of the Black Pill is to fight for one's own survival, even at the expense of others they consider “lesser”, and for the potential, but highly unlikely rise of a Nietzschean Ubermensch, someone who has surpassed humanity to see solutions that are currently invisible.




The Green Pill could be considered a retreat or a coping mechanism used to deal with the burden of the Red Pill. It can also originate out of pure curiosity and study. The Greenpilled believe in magical and otherworldly forces such as gods, afterlife, reincarnation, cyclical existence, predetermination, or, most stereo-typically, ascension from the material plane.


The Greenpilled do not have the same worldly fears as the Redpilled and Whitepilled for they believe in more than the material world that we inhabit. They care little for worldly victory, either because they believe they will be rewarded in the afterlife of their choice or because they believe in a world greater than our own, which isn't worth fighting for.


Through study of esoteric literature concerning metaphysics, theology and the occult, coupled with detachment from material desires and the manipulations of others such as Indigo Pilled, many of the Green Pilled hope to ascend from their physical bodies into the astral realm, where infinity awaits them.




The White Pill is the variant of the Redpill in which the user becomes an active warrior of justice, ethics and truth. They fight an eternal uphill battle against the forces of evil, a battle which may be impossible to ever win, for the White Pilled are inherently restrained by their own greatness and virtues, many comic-book superheroes stereotype this ideal to some extent.


They will not compromise their principles or morality in the name of victory, believing that doing so would lead to their fall and corruption into Indigo Pills. The White Pill places his faith primarily into any quantity of people, whether it be one leader, a race, a nationality, a party, a country or even all of humanity.


They believe in the active correction of injustices and the development of character and principles in the masses. The White Pilled find comfort in fantasies of victory, and dread in the possibility of their fight being impossible or meaningless. They are driven by a hope for a better world, but often fail, or die trying sadly.


Iron Pill

A largely race-specific subsection variation of the White Pilled, the Iron Pill is more a path or a journey, not quite a destination, and almost never-ending in many facets.

It is the path recommended to many, that largely caters specifically to young men and women of European racial descent who have been left scarred or lost by their lives spent as Blue Pilled puppets to the Indigo Pilled and/or Maglinant Red Pilled, leading them astray and causing great harm to body and spirit.

To follow the Iron Pill path is to reject all modern comforts and concepts, embrace self awareness, and return to your racial, natural, and spiritual roots. Forsaking comfort, embracing struggle, forsaking degeneracy, then seeking purity in mind, body and soul. It requires one to re-order their lives at every level, feeding their body with only traditional, healthy, simplistic, natural unprocessed foods, so they can undertake rigorous exercise regimens to turn their bodies into a temple, a pinnacle of your own personal genetic health and vitality. And to feed your mind with a grand study of not just your own personal nations history, but all great European and Mediterranean Nations/Empires grand epics, their glorious heights and tragic falls, to seek wisdom in the philosophers of the ancient past, so that they may later look to the present with answers for the future, as nothing of the modern world holds much of worth to them, except in what traditions and people can still be salvaged from it. A fundamental embrace of nature and natural law in all its many forms is also an inherent part of the Iron Pill, your sense of self rooted in the fierce, dark forests and fearsome mountains of Europe's harsh, beautiful, ancient past.

To the Iron Pilled, the past, their past is their salvation and inspiration, and the foundation they wish to build a new world upon, tradition, spirituality, naturalism, family, Volk (your people, your own tribe).



Despite being the innate enemies of all other pills with no conscious allies, the Indigo Pilled experience unmatched power and victory. They are Redpilled, but they have abandoned their previously held principles and honor, if they ever had any to begin with, believing them to be obstacles towards victory. The Indigo Pilled view strength and victory as intrinsic goods and will sacrifice character and morality for power.


They are the masters of the Bluepilled and the architects of their ignorance, dispensing information engineered to bend the masses to their will, whatever it may be.


In many cases, the method that these individuals came around to consuming this Pill was ironically from studying the techniques and actions of the Indigo Pilled in an attempt to become Red Pilled, they then learned how to use the techniques themselves, and gave in to temptation, becoming aligned ethically with the very forces of evil they once fought against and despised. This is a much more diverse spectrum of political ideologies and famous/infamous leaders than you'd think, all of my most hated enemies, and even most of my most beloved role models, have at the very least, dabbled in what the Indigo pill has to offer. This is an ideology defined by the phrase “the ends justify the means”, and the ends can be whatever purpose you want, Race War, Holy wars, Balkanization, Communism, Fascism, globalist NWO, Nationalist Socialist reformation, even a (((democratic revolution))).

So now, which one/s are you? do you really consider yourself just "Red Pilled"? or which two or more pills cover you? share your thoughts below.