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BE The Change;

Luminous▼SovereignJun 1, 2017, 11:39:16 AM

It is not living in “utopian fantasy” to envision solutions not yet considered, or to be ambitious towards creating a better world. It is not delusional to believe in goodness, to effuse clemency, or to have conviction in humanity’s ability to discern its sins and rectify its wrongdoings.


It takes a quixotic mind, a boundless heart and an audacious resolve to beget the effective means for veritable and observable change. Acquiescing to some sardonic worldview while carrying within you a passion for justice so impaired by hubris and acrimony is only going to drag you deeper in darkness where no light would dare bequeath you a final flicker.


The inverse notion of “living in reality” is really no different than saying “living in a vacuum”— your vision so narrow, your awareness so limited; where all you can conceive of the world is its pain and peril; your faith in humanity reduced to what you can observe through a partial lens; and your belief in the parity and peace of all nations may as well be a tenuous haze desperately trying to recover its integrity.


Real, observable and tangible change must first begin within. Body, mind, heart and soul — these need their own healing, love and balance. If you can’t love yourself, or heal yourself, or find your own peace, then you cannot provide it to others.


You also will never see any differences or resolutions in the world by playing by the given rules; by acquiescing to the limitations of your awareness and thinking you have attained enlightenment.


As was said by Buckminster Fuller: “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”


To believe that something new is unattainable or impossible is nihilism; it’s the acceptance that all is lost, so your fight is basically reduced to nothing more than pain relief for what you essentially believe is a terminal illness. Your passionate cause is just charade for an act of futility.


It doesn’t matter how much conviction you have about an issue; if your worldview is cynical and jaded then your fight is essentially an endlessly spinning catherine wheel with no conscious awareness of its futility. You have to start thinking outside of the box, and be relentlessly ambitious that change IS possible. Continuously being a nurse to the symptoms will only exhaust you to the point of even greater despair.


All of this can change, though. A change in your attitude and a change in your heart will sooner than later start manifesting a change in the world. There’s more to you, the human being, than meets the eye.


Discover it and activate it.


Luminous▼Sovereign @ Tumblr

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╰ Luminous▼Sovereign ╮

 [email protected]

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