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Socioeconomic Remedies

Alpha_FuryanJul 11, 2018, 8:10:59 AM


This Blog explores a synthesis of solutions beyond the left - right paradigm - Does it matter what philosophy we use to solve any given problem in today's complex world?

Q. What has really occurred in our economics, and how can we overcome divide and conquer tactics being being used against our greater good?

A coordinated effort by the "elites" have dominated institutions for centuries, and LIED about the discipline and distracted us from real solutions.

What happened to our understanding of Economics?

Hijacked by the elite in a clever manner. The Corruption of Economics (excerpt)

Led to the Elite Neo-Economic Plutocracy & the Intentional  Refugee Crisis



The Silver Bullet - The Human Right


The Silver Bullet Part 2 - The Poverty Maker


Why are today's Libertarians also wrong ?

They were high jacked too, just like the Neo-cons of today.

Just like "Progressive" economics. Our elites are very good at their ways.

How the Money Power created Libertarianism and Austrian Economics | Real Currencies

A Solution: Beyond Left and Right - Avoiding Civil and World War.

Ending Rentier Privilege. http://www.henrygeorge.org/isms.htm

Can an Land Value Tax - No Income Tax Save Us?



Henry George and The Reconstruction Of Capitalism - Publisher of Henry George and Related Works - Advocate for Economic Justice


Protection or Free Trade



Henry George's Protection or Free Trade: A Critical Review



Monetary Analysis



The TALLY STICK Debt-Free Monetary System. A Successful Monetary System In Human History For 726 Years 1100AD-1826

https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrongeconomics101/economics/can-we-stop-the-government-borrowing-just-print-without-inflation/ #economics #monetary #history

Money is only a Medium of Exchange & Wealth = Productivity


True enough, but Armstrong wont admit rentier capital factors, still good.





If We Don't Change The Way Money Is Created, Social Disorder Is Inevitable



MEFOBILLS RationalExuberance Dec 22, 2017 3:13 AM

Finance Capitalism i.e. disaster capitalism is an invention of the Joo's. Double Entry Debt Banking came into being in 1694 with our ((friends)) as vanguard. Soon after, the games began by putting governments into debt. The U.S. was hosted fully by 1912. I have posted here at ZH the actual ratio of "financialized loans" post 1912, especially loans not directed at industry.

Sorry, I know you are trying to be sarcastic, but truth is a hard thing.

Usury is sanctioned in Talmud. Our ((friends)) have always been apologists for primacy of capital over labor. Importing low wage immigrants to take wage arbitrage ... why that is just low prices, never mind the social friction and cost shifting onto middle class. Exporting jobs to take wage arbitrage, why that is just "free markets " and beyond reproach. International Capital is what really matters, not nations or their people. sarc

In case of communism, where labor is made superior over capital, our ((friends)) end up being commisars at top of pyramid, or murderous Cheka enforcing the law. We now know that Wall Street and London capital funded Bolsheviks.

Every time Industrial Capitalism has tried to emerge, ((guess who)) strangled it in the crib. There is no question Germany was targeted in WW1, and the U.S. was usurped in 1912 by maneuvering of our friends, who then inserted their form of international finance capitalism. Canada's Sovereign money system 1938 to 1974 had the usual money powered suspects involved in Canada's usurpation post 1974.

The idea of canceling debts, having sovereign money, or channeling new credit into industry - things that are known to help a nation and it's people.... we can't have that now can we?

Finance capitalism, Frankfurt School Cultural Communism, and outright communism equal Jewish machinations, especially to take rents and operate as an in-group. I don't know how to put it any more starkly; if you are a jew and are offended by this, then it is time to do some soul searching and look in the mirror.

A Remedy tried in the Past: The Guernsey Experiment


Full text of "How Guernsey Beat the Bankers"

SR 68 The Gold Solution is a Lie - Bill Still - YouTube

* A Brief History of Money in the USA | AMI (American Monetary Institute)

Open Source Cryptocurrency Project - Is it good enough? - No.


Why not? The Bottom Line is our Money - Medium of Exchange must be PUBLIC, not private.  All "money" including crypto today is Private.  Public trust is falling. If we do not, the trust horizon continues to dangerously sink.

We will have to rescue ourselves. It must be so in self governance too.

SEE - https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/779237401422733319

WE NEED PUBLIC TRUST = Confidence = trust in trade - counter parties.


The Difference between Debt-Free Money and Interest-Free Credit


Most of you have heard of Edward Griffin who wrote "The Creature of Jekyl Island" This was a rehash of Eustace Mullins' brilliant 'Secrets of the Federal Reserve', with one exception: it left out all Mullins' analysis of the Gold Standard as a Banker operation and how Britain's demand for taxes paid in Gold were the cause of the war of Independence.

Instead it called for the reinstatement of a Gold Standard. 

This is a key part of the story OF how Austrian Economics managed to take over the 'Truth Movement'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul3Iyq1i_30

Article on the potential of decentralized cryptocurrencies leading to decentralized applications


Socioeconomic Analysis and the Search for Solutions

Author Charles Hugh Smith - http://www.oftwominds.com/blog.html
Proximity Is Destiny In America's Pay-To-Play Democracy



Privilege is unearned proximity to power in all its manifestations.

The Entire Economic System Is One Big Illusion: Charles Hugh Smith


Inequality and the Collapse of Privilege (An Of Two Minds Essential Book)


What Is Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE)?

Open Sourced Self Driving Car Project




After I wrote the book, The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, and Trust, [11] listing sixty “opens,” I worked with Marcin Jacubowski, founder of Open Source Ecology (OSE) and creator of the Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) and also with Michel Bauwens, founder of the Peer to Peer Foundation and a thought leader in both the Commons Transition and Open Cooperativism, to arrive at nine major categories of OSEE, each with three priority sub-sets. They are listed in Table 1.

 01 Open Data

·   Open Geospatial

·   Open History

·   Open Language

04 Open Health

·   Open Cures

·   Open Drugs

·   Open Procedures

07 Open Provisioning

·   Open Energy

·   Open Food

·   Open Water

02 Open Decision-Support

·   Open Access

·   Open Document

·   Open Research

05 Open Infrastructure

·   Open API*

·   Open BTS**

·   Open Spectrum

08 Open Software

·   Free Software

·   Libre Software

·   Open Code

03 Open Governance

·   Open Money

·   Open Politics

·   Open Standards

06 Open Manufacturing

·   Open Circuits

·   Open Hardware

·   Open Materials

09 Open Space

·   Open Cities

·   Open Design

·   Open Innovation

* Application Program Interfaces   -   ** Base Transceiver Station

Table 1: Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE)


OSEE is not just about computer software or computer hardware or about open access to data and information. OSEE is about a total transformation such that openness rather than financial and legal restrictions, are the primary characteristic of the new economy. OSEE is in many ways a spiritual return to a state of grace with nature, assuming a respect for natural capital and the rights of individuals, last fully enjoyed by the indigenous tribes that the West destroyed with “guns, germs, and steel.”


OSEE cuts the 50% waste now characteristic of all Western products and services, by combining the supporting disciplines of Holistic Analytics and True Cost Economics to assure the fullest possible success of OSEE as applied to all policy domains, without exception. [12]

A nation’s best defense is an educated citizenry.” Thomas Jefferson 

Not only was he right when he said it, but today, his words must lead us to realize the importance of public intelligence.



Robert David Steele http://robertdavidsteele.com/

Steele You Tube Channel


Open Source Everything





http://russiancouncil.ru/en/blogs/SteelesBlog-en/concept-for-a-postwestern-economicengineering-paradigm/ .

Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog http://www.phibetaiota.net .

Open Source Everything 21 http://ose-21.org




I am a georgist, a cooperative individualist, a geo-libertarian. A decentralized open source advocate. Where on this chart are you? I guess my philosophy would be at the very center of the cross, but also flexible enough to use any idea for any given problem, issue by issue... I prefer the best solution and do not attach my ego to that answer.


I have been an Independent since 1998.


Historic Bond Bubble Means Fastest Rate Rise Ever – Martin Armstrong

Is renowned financial expert Martin Armstrong worried about central banks continually buying bonds to suppress interest rates? Armstrong says, “Yes, absolutely. We are in the biggest bond bubble in history, not a stock bubble, but a bubble. . . . The scary thing in Europe is the ECB (European Central Bank) has been basically supporting the governments. It is subsidizing all the governments in the Eurozone. We are looking at almost 10 years of quantitative easing with that, and it hasn’t helped the economy. If the ECB backs off, who’s going to buy the debt?” How does this end? Armstrong says, “Our computers are showing that interest rates are going to go up faster than anybody has ever seen in history. . . . You are looking at a doubling of interest rates very, very rapidly. . . . Gold and equities are the place to be.” http://www.ArmstrongEconomics.com.

Armstrong is one of the best, though my goal is to break his computer model by breaking the cycle itself. In other words there will be new data, change.

This is a reach, but I think the nature of mathematics is more fluid than most think. For instance quantum computing certainly challenges his Pi calculations from the microcosm perspective. From the macro, we are passing through the great rift and I wonder is there is changes taking place in this sector of our earth journey. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Km3uhv6oVWg

Of special practical note, the Russians recently jailed their NEO-CON economist as they appear to be shifting to Fredrick Lists nationalist approach. He happens to share the same website that "our guy" Henry George is on. Perhaps we should consider doing it from our way as it fits our present divisions in our society.

Beyond Left and Right. http://www.henrygeorge.org/isms.htm

Recent Trends: Putin Is Finally Purging the Medvedev Government


Putin Greenlights Economic Nationalists Who Oppose Current Liberal Globalist Policies



Is it in our interest to salvage our influence though our guy, Henry George?

I have saved the best for last as it is key though discussed above.

Who is Ed Griffin?

by Anthony Migchels on January 18, 2012

With the ascent of Ron Paul it has become very clear that the subversion of the Patriot movement through Austrian Economics and its Gold Standard is a far more serious threat than perhaps imagined. How did America’s Patriots lose its connection with their natural heritage from the Populists, calling for plentiful money?

It seems Ed Griffin might have more to do with it than we’d care to know.

It is no use introducing G. Edward Griffin. If you don’t know him, it’s highly unlikely you will be reading this. His influence on the ‘Truth/Patriot’ movement is hard to overestimate. He made a name for himself with his cancer analysis and Laetrile antidote. But his big break was ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island (1994)’, an expose on the Federal Reserve System.

Now, I don’t think I’m the only one that associates this book with Eustace Mullins’ ‘The Secrets of the Federal Reserve’. Mullins himself certainly did. And Mullins of course, was inspired and basically educated by the great Ezra Pound himself, who was then incarcerated in a mental asylum in Washington D.C.

So in this way by association I basically assumed Griffin would understand the basics of money and the Money Power’s control over it. At least the suggestion is created that Griffin is part of a tradition that has a very specific and concrete analysis of these matters.

It was only the last few years that I started to realize that Griffin, however, plugs a Gold Standard as the solution to what he considers the problem: the Federal Reserve Bank and its ‘fiat’ money.

And this is simply astonishing.

Ezra Pound was probably the greatest political commentator of the 20th century. He profoundly studied and explained the Money Power’s origins, ‘ethics’, methods, economics, sociological effects and of course its control over money.

And he didn’t call the Money Power ‘Fiat’, nor ‘Inflator’. He called her Usura.

Pound was very astute in his observations of money as a means of exchange and not a store of value. He proposed Social Credit. He also supported Gesell’s work. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/history/europes-economic-history/alternative-currencies-of-the-great-depression/

And Gold? “The present war dates at least from the founding of the Bank of England at the end of the 17th century, 1694-8. Half a century later, the London usurocracy shut down on the issue of paper money by the Pennsylvania colony, A.D. 1750. This is not usually given prominence in the U.S. school histories. The 13 colonies rebelled, quite successfully, 26 years later, A.D. 1776.” According to Pound, it was the money issue (above all) that united the Allies during the second 20th-century war against Germany: “Gold. Nothing else uniting the three governments, England, Russia, United States of America. That is the interest–gold, usury, debt, monopoly, class interest, and possibly gross indifference and contempt for humanity.”

And elsewhere: “Gold is a coward. Gold is not the backbone of nations. It is their ruin. A coward, at the first breath of danger gold flows away, gold flows out of the country.”

That is the real face of Gold as Pound saw it and how right he was.

Pound, evidently, had no problems seeing the self evident: that the Gold Standards of the past and most certainly of modern history, beginning in Amsterdam, were banker operations.

Neither had Eustace Mullins, who left very little to guess in his book:

“The international gold dealings of the Federal Reserve System, and its active support in helping the League of Nations to force all the nations of Europe and South America back on the gold standard for the benefit of international gold merchants like Eugene Meyer, Jr. and Albert Strauss, is best demonstrated by a classic incident, the sterling credit of 1925.

J.E. Darling wrote, in the English periodical, “Spectator”, on January 10, 1925 that:

“Obviously, it is of the first importance to the United States to induce England to resume the gold standard as early as possible. An American controlled Gold Standard, which must inevitably result in the United States becoming the world’s supreme financial power, makes England a tributary and satellite, and New York the world’s financial centre.”

Mr. Darling fails to point out that the American people have as little to do with this as the British people, and that resumption of the gold standard by Britain would benefit only that small group of international gold merchants who own the world’s gold. No wonder that “Banker’s Magazine” gleefully remarked in July, 1925 that:

“The outstanding event of the past half year in the banking world was the restoration of the gold standard.””

So where the currently popular notion comes from that Gold is feared by the Bankers is really very hard to understand. It was certainly not the opinion of Mullins or Pound.

Of course, neither Mullins nor Pound are saints whose stories we should accept at face value. But it is strange that Griffin is associated with them. Because he clearly vehemently disagrees with both his forebears.

Griffin on Gold

On his website Griffin addresses a number of questions about his position on Gold. They are arranged in a Q & A. Let’s have a look at them.

We will not go into the stuff we already discussed with Gary North and the Daily Bell, but Griffin mentions a few more typical pro Gold arguments and we’ll deconstruct them here.

1. On Social Credit

Let’s first see how Griffin responds to the question whether Social Credit would be a better monetary system. And let’s keep in mind that Ezra Pound favored this system.

Here’s what Griffin replies:

“Fiat money remains fiat money regardless of the formulas used to determine its quantity and distribution. Social credit systems are designed by men according to formulas drafted by men and enforced by men – all of which means the system is not fixed by supply and demand but by edict – and that is not fundamentally different from the present system. Eventually, if the rules for money creation CAN be changed, they WILL be changed to the advantage of those with the power to change them and to the disadvantage of everyone else.”

Now this is the typically incredibly lame clincher that Austrian Economics is famous for. ‘It’s Fiat Money so it’s bad’. They’ll mess up the volume!

And how about 700 billion on debt service per year for the Government Mr. Griffin? How about paying 150.000 dollars in interest over a 100.000 mortgage over 30 years? Ring a bell?

Again: the blatant ignoring of Interest. Usura.

In this case damnable because Griffin MUST know about interest, when considering his predecessors.

2. On the wonders of Gold

The question he replies to is fair enough:

‘If the Banks own all the Gold, why would we want a Gold-Backed Money System?’

Now that is a very, very good question indeed. Here’s Griffin’s reply:

“The Rothschilds do not own all the gold or even close to it. Most of it is still in the ground, in the ocean, and in private hoards. Even if they did own all of it that presently is in the form of bars, that would just drive up the price and stimulate gold mining so that new supplies would quickly come into production – as now is happening around the world. When the price hits several thousands of dollars per ounce, it will be profitable to extract it from the oceans, and there is a limitless supply from that source. It’s just a question of the natural balance between supply and demand – without a committee of politicians and bankers drafting a magic formula and using coercion to redirect human resources.

Bankers may hoard gold (because they understand its value more than most people) but they have always done everything possible to prevent a gold-backed currency. If they wanted it, they could have had it long ago, but (as you may have noticed) they always have worked against it. Why is that? It’s because they can acquire far more wealth by expanding the money supply at will and collecting interest on money created out of nothing than they can by having limits on their money supply and collecting interest on a much smaller amount of gold-backed loans. Bankers love to possess gold but they hate a gold-backed currency because that limits their money supply and, thereby, limits the volume of loans.

Any system other than precious metals is dependent on human decree and manipulation. It must inevitably end up no different than any other fiat money. I am familiar with the social-credit scheme and find it lacking in merit. It is a social engineer’s fantasy. It does not line up with human nature.

Gold has always worked well as a monetary base throughout history. It can’t be improved upon. We must not fall for the line about gold being just a pretty metal, etc. It has intrinsic value even if not used for money, it does not deteriorate, it can be divided into small units and recombined again if necessary, it is scarce so it has great value in a small space, and, best of all, it can be precisely measured for purity and weight, which allows for units that are beyond human judgment and human manipulation. It is the perfect money.”

Let’s go through this point for point:

“The Rothschilds do not own all the gold or even close to it. Most of it is still in the ground, in the ocean, and in private hoards.”

Now this is a completely unprovable statement. It is just as unprovable as the idea that they DO own it all. However, since the Rothschilds CLEARLY owned the Gold Market during the 19th century, it is at least a very serious possibility that they still do today. And considering the all importance of the control of the money supply it should be completely self evident that we should not take the risk.

Even Bitcoin is better than Gold: at least we know where these Units are. We don’t know where the Gold is, so we don’t know what the Volume is, and whether someone could manipulate it.

Therefore the rationale for Gold, stable Volume, does not stand: we simply cannot know whether it can be inflated and/or deflated.

Griffin himself seems to understand his treading on quicksand, because he continues:

“Even if they did own all of it that presently is in the form of bars, that would just drive up the price and stimulate gold mining so that new supplies would quickly come into production – as now is happening around the world. When the price hits several thousands of dollars per ounce, it will be profitable to extract it from the oceans, and there is a limitless supply from that source. It’s just a question of the natural balance between supply and demand – without a committee of politicians and bankers drafting a magic formula and using coercion to redirect human resources.”

Suggesting we could break a Rothschild Monopoly if it were real.

But Ed: who do you think controls the Gold Mines?

Cooperative Unions of Sovereign Individuals? 6 Billion wide awake Citizens of the World? The White Brotherhood? Ben Fulford’s Friends?

Or perhaps the Usual Suspects?

And it’s even worse. We are supposed to go Gold because its volume cannot be increased. But if we need more we can dig it up?

Huh? What kind of logic is this?

And last: the notion that rising prices would force Gold out of hoarding. The Daily Bell is also known for spouting this ridiculous nonsense: a Monopolist doesn’t surrender his stash when the price is right! He just lets the market set the maximum price it can bear and then proceeds to rip us all off for ever at that price!

So no, there is no free market for Gold. Rothschild DOES own a decisive stake in the World’s reserves. And rising prices due to scarcity is his wet dream: he can continue his monopoly pricing operation.

It’s just incredibly upsetting and annoying that we even need to have this conversation.

Then this:

“Bankers may hoard gold (because they understand its value more than most people) but they have always done everything possible to prevent a gold-backed currency.”

This is such a blatant lie. Are we to believe that Ed Griffin did not read Eustace Mullins? Just read Mullins’ quote above. His entire book radiates an absolute disgust for a Gold Standard. Mullins time and again explains it’s a banker operation.

I can understand people reading Griffin and ignorantly touting this lie all over the Blogosphere.

But Griffin is responsible for this obfuscation of the Truth. For this clearly blatant and well considered try to extinguish Mullins’ and Pound’s message from the Truth Movement.

“If they wanted it, they could have had it long ago, but (as you may have noticed) they always have worked against it.”

Again lying. And adding another lie: they could have had it long ago.

They had it. The reason they lost it, is because the Great Depression was SO bad through artificially deflated volume WHILE ON A GOLD STANDARD, that populists in both Europe and America finally managed to force their elites to dump the Gold Standard. THAT’s what happened in the thirties.

However, they were compensated for their loss by a new monopoly, based on the printing press. In Europe, anyway, because the Dollar remained redeemable for Gold under Bretton Woods, although not for American Citizens and only in international trade.

“Bankers love to possess gold but they hate a gold-backed currency because that limits their money supply and, thereby, limits the volume of loans.“

Another example of idiotic ‘logic’. What does the size of the Money Supply matter?? Even if we would have only ONE ounce of Gold, it would suit them fine. For the reason that is always explained so beautifully by the Austrians themselves: We simply divide the Gold through all the money there is, and that’s what the one ounce will be worth. We then divide the Gold through trillion and use these small nuggets as backing for the notes that will circulate.

It is completely irrelevant how large the size of the money supply is. What matters is who owns and controls it. So he can slap interest on it.

Griffin also makes the point that bankers want to inflate the money supply because that will make them more money.

Nonsense! Bankers are interested in their share of the whole, not in nominal profits. They will prefer a billion which is half of the total over a trillion which is only a quarter of the total.

They are willing to let the total pie shrink, if they get a larger percentage of what remains.

That’s why Bankers love deflation: it shrinks the total because it destroys economic growth, leaving less for us and increasing their share of the total.

Griffin ends with a love song comprised of erroneous and or unprovable statements quite typical of Goldbugs:

“Gold has always worked well as a monetary base throughout history. It can’t be improved upon. We must not fall for the line about gold being just a pretty metal, etc. It has intrinsic value even if not used for money, it does not deteriorate, it can be divided into small units and recombined again if necessary, it is scarce so it has great value in a small space, and, best of all, it can be precisely measured for purity and weight, which allows for units that are beyond human judgment and human manipulation. It is the perfect money.”

Gold has not always worked well as money. That’s why there was almost revolution in the thirties and the elite dumped it to save their asses. That’s why the colonists went to war with Britain in 1776, because Britain’s Gold Standard was impoverishing the colonies, which had thrived under their own scrip.

That’s why Caesar ended fiat money that brought the Roman Republic to Hegemony, when he perpetrated his Plutocracy sponsored coup in 44 BC. He introduced a Gold Standard and the newly formed Empire started Rome’s decline.

That’s why millions upon millions of desperate Europeans allowed themselves to be forced from the land they inherited through generation upon generation and left for the sweatshops in the cities: because scarce Gold forced upon them by the emerging Central Banks destroyed their ancient fiat currency based economies.

That’s why Bryan so brilliantly exclaimed: “Having behind us the commercial interests and the laboring interests and all the toiling masses, we shall answer their demands for a gold standard by saying to them, you shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.“

Many Problems, One Source

The problem is that the enemy is everywhere. GMO ‘foods’, Pharmacide, Big Oil, Empire, Feminism, Global Warming, Environmental Destruction, Famine, DU weapons, left wing radicals, right wing radicals, Consumerism, the coming Iran War and WW3, Pornography, Television and other Mass Media.

Each of these represent a major threat. As a result everybody attacking one or more of these outrages is welcomed in the Alternative Media as a valiant knight fighting Power.

But we must understand that behind all these phenomenona there is one source: the Money Power.

And the Money Power rules through control over the Money Supply. It uses this control to enslave us with Interest first and foremost, but certainly also through the boom/bust cycle.

All issues must be addressed, but they cannot be addressed before we get it right concerning the money supply!

How are we going to finance green energy, healthy food and 21st century architecture? Do you really believe going to a bank for some interest bearing credit is going to work out?

No! We need Trillions of interest free capital to clear up this mess.

The Money Power rules through control of the money supply. It enslaves us with Interest and the boom/bust cycle. We cannot allow the Truth Movement to be hijacked by change agents who make moot points about cancer and like looking a hero by exposing chemtrailing in 2010 when even the UN is already admitting large scale terra forming and Geo Engineering.

We must not fall for the idea that ‘My enemy’s enemy is my friend’.

Not so! The Money Power is well known for organizing its own opposition.

Money is All Important!

People that hide behind credible information about cancer but in the mean time plug a Gold Standard, subverting the legacy of Pound and his pupil Mullins, should not be taken seriously!


We have cooperated with Austrian Economics because they hate the FED, abusive Government, Fractional Reserve Banking and inflation.

But in the final analysis these are ALL red herrings. The FED is not the problem but a symptom. The Money Power does not care about the FED. It is ready to dump this vehicle. As long as it controls its successor! And it will, because its successor will oversee a Gold Standard.

Inflation is way overrated and absolutely the lesser evil compared to Deflation. Deflation comes with economic stagnation and decline, inflation is associated with economic growth.

Deflation is good for creditors, inflation good for debtors.

Abusive Government is a result of it being subverted by the Money Power. But the Money Power fears Government, because it can be liberated by the Nation to which it belongs. That’s why they want their World Government, that will know no national affiliation and will be of their making only.

Considering the horrible damage done by the Austrian Economics Mind Control operation, as witnessed by Ron Paul’s ascent, it will no longer do to see them as allies against the Powers that Be.

Ed Griffin is a particularly nasty cookie, as he clearly purposefully tries to obscure the crucial messages of Pound and Mullins. Knowing the Money Power there is every reason to suggest that this is the main reason Ed Griffin exists and why we all know about him.


Austrian Economics still is ‘Jewish’ Economics

The Ron Paul Challenge: 10 Reasons the Alternative Media is Failing this Test

What Gary North is not telling you about Interest

Discussing Gold and Interest with the Daily Bell

Faux Economics