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The truth about the perpetual war of social justice

RealNewsJun 11, 2017, 12:25:22 PM

At the very start, please understand that there are many ways to classify wars, specifically when it comes to the goals: From conquering land to exterminating the population, we've had wars for any reason imaginable. But one specific kind of war is different. And that is the perpetual war, that occurs when a war is no longer fought to accomplish the official goal, but to keep the status quo. This is what we're seeing with the war of social justice.


Why did it become perpetual?

As before, in a perpetual war, the original goal is replaced by keeping the current state of affairs. This can be for a number of reasons. In a military war, especially arms dealers are interested in prolonging the fight, as it increases profit. Elites who gain influence and support by the people can use it to stay in and expand their power, and very often to keep the immense power a "state of emergency" grants. And with the rise of social justice, we're seeing a new driving force to keep the war hot: The desire of RIPs to feel justified and fulfilled in one's existence and activism.

The war of social justice is being kept alive by two groups of peoples: The controller-level elites and the activist individuals. Big money is involved just like in a real war: Especially George Soros has been flooding activist groups with sums adding to billions, all over the world.


The mental state of the controller elites

I doubt any of us have actually met a person supporting a cause, but rejecting more power to further it. That is far from the nature of the cause itself. And while just about anybody has the desire to grab power, there are vast differences in what a person is ready to do in order to gain power. The controller elites are vicious about it. They will try to gain every bit of power, and trample anyone in their way. They will use legal and illegal means in order to archive power, because – and this is my hypothesis – for many of them, power is their justification.

They seem to think "I have power, therefore i am". The combination of a high-school bully who gets a kick of dominating others, and the extreme power high ranking positions confer. We've seen what losing power means to these people. Hillary Clinton is giving one speech after the other, blaming god and the world for her loss. As if her entire psyche, her entire world view collapsed on election night and all she can do now is lash out at everyone who isn't out of sight at the count of three.

In a way i think of ravenous power-grab as a form of mental illness. These people have no real purpose of life, so all they can do is satisfying their most primitive instincts, behaving like wolves: Combat to be the alpha of the pack, which means to dominate the rest, be in charge, get all the females for yourself, and much much more. This is what they crave in order to justify their existence to themselves. And they don't care about what it takes, if they can just have a little more, which puts them in the same position as a drug addict. All they live for is to satisfy the cravings.


The gain of the controller elites

Of cause, the vast majority of politicians isn't like this, let alone the people in general. Only the worst of all become this way, but sadly the very nature of these people and their will to do what it takes catapults them to the very top. But even there they cannot find fulfillment. If one of them would rule the universe, they'd want more power, because all and a bonus is just not enough. This is the perpetual effect they contribute: The longer they can keep the processes that allow them to gain more power and influence going, the longer they can satisfy their addiction.

Social justice grants them power. The feeling of superiority when using a mob of weaponized social studies students in order to archive "no whites allowed" days. The thrill of having your riot mob called "Anti"Fa shut down speakers at Berkeley. The satisfaction of seeing all go as planned and Trump supporters being beaten to a pulp by your underlings. That is what they gain: Another sweet day living with the drug of power-grab flowing through their brain.

Social justice itself is of no interest to these people. In fact, they often work against it, as they want to be an alpha by unjustified means like violence against non-violent opposition or using deception, corruption, as before: Whatever it takes. This is why i don't like the saying "The way is the goal" or similar. In itself it is wrong. I don't drive a car to drive a car, i do so because i want to get somewhere, unless i do it for fun, then driving is the goal. But these people have no goal other than the road they are on. Because they know that if they ever hit an end, they will fall down the ledge like Hillary Clinton did on election night. And nobody will lend them a parachute, because they trampled anyone with good will on their way.


The evolution of the RIPs

In a way, the entire army of the war of social justice is people with a desire to find a meaning for their life. The "generals" are the alphas, who dominate and hold power. But then there are the betas. Their core desires are similar: They need some kind of meaning for existence, but they are too weak to fight their way to power. What can you do if you crave to be higher than others, but are incapable of it? You try to lower everyone else below your level, so by comparison you appear to be higher than the rest.

This is why many these people cannot do anything besides calling others "racists", "sexists", "misogynists" and a lot of other -ists. When a RIP calls you any of this, they make a statement: "You are a [XYZ] and i am not. In fact, i oppose you. Hence, i am above you. Everyone, look at how great i am! Acknowledge my superiority!!!". This is the exact same driving force behind virtue signaling. It is nothing other than trying to exalt yourself by creating a comparison to an inferior other, and most importantly: Show it to others. If the controller elites are high school bullies, then RIPs are the unbearable teacher's pet in constant peril of slipping on their own slime trail. Normal people can't stand either.

The reason why they want the war of social justice to go on forever is to satisfy their feelings, just the same way as the controller elites do. They simply lack the will or power to become elites, and have to resort to different means. Even exalting themselves is simply a means to an end. Their real goal is to gain appreciation from others. They want others to tell them how great they are, how good they are, how just they are, and the list can go on from here. Up to here, these people would be of no relevance. We could just ignore them. But the basis of what seems to be their entire being is founded upon constant comparison to others. So if they find themselves in a situation where others simply do not care about them any more, they have to go further.

They have to do this because deep within themselves, where they see all their own imperfections, their failings, they know that the rest really is superior. So they have to find a category, ANY category that will somehow nullify all the greatness of others and these people above them. The only way to do this is to denounce them as something bad, as something evil. "They might have a better character, stronger body, everything, but they are working for the dark side! That's it, let's call them something forbidden, something that will incite guilt within them!". And so, the entire list of -ists and -isms began to be misused.

It worked before, and people would tend to retreat after being called a "Nazi" even though it had no basis at all. "But now these lower lifeforms actually dare to ignore me when i speak. This cannot go. I have to do something they simply cannot ignore! Then i can show others how great i am!". This is what i expect their inner voice to sound like. The next steps would be intruding the private space of others. To get in their way, to pop up like a "STOP" sign and say "you cannot go there" or "you cannot do this". "This is a black safe-space, no whites allowed!". "We do not tolerate hate speech, it is not free speech!". These are just examples.

In statements like this, they have officially exchanged the last traces of justification and morality through better virtue signaling and denouncing the inferiors. They would've never given them their "deserved" appreciation, so they burned the bridge and went on to receive is from others that go down the same path. This is how the entire cult of the regressive left formed. A feedback-loop of "oh how great we are, much greater than the rest", that is all they are.

But the "inferiors" suddenly started to strike back. The RIPs could no longer hit them like a punching bag, they now fight as a slingshot-wielding kid in the gunslinger wild west. But if you hit a gunslinger with enough rocks through slingshots, they will still feel the hurt. And we'll simply pose as innocent children so they don't use their guns. The most we'll get is our *ss wiped, but we can make them bleed.

This was the next step of the progressives: The use of violence. "Anti"Fa started to become violent in many places. The result, however, is only that the normal people became less and less accepting. At first they where annoying, and we could ignore them. Then they became obstructive, but we would move them out of our way. Now they are violent. So we become furious. The earlier rallies of Berkeley went well for the RIPs. They where able to beat down on others. But then, they started to hit back, and in the end chase "Anti"Fa away.

This is the current state: The RIPs are devastated: They cannot imagine any other way to deal with the "inferiors", because in order to do so they would have to compete on their level. But the craving of appreciation still exists. So this is what i expect to finish happening, which has already started to happen since the war of social justice started: These people will turn entirely to the elites as if they where slaves and exchange their services for appreciation. "I'll do whatever you say, but please, say I’m great! Tell other I’m great! Make me great!". And the planned circle of the controller elites closes: Their slaves will come running to their masters and ask to be exploited for half a meal a day. In the next step, they plan to conquer all of the rest using their slave armies without restriction, until the elites sit at the top unchallenged.



We a fighting not an enemy as such, we are fighting the very instinct of humans. We are fighting a mass of mental wrecks who have given in to their cravings. In the end, it is on a bigger scale the fight in every person: Do the right or the wrong thing. Does civilization do the right or the wrong thing? We aren't fighting some invading army that has the goal of conquering our land, we are fighting a lot of image neurosis patients, that have set out to use us as a stepping stone on their stairway to nothingness.

This is why we have to fight them: Not because we utterly hate them for what they are, but because it's either them or us. If they win, they won't feel satisfied. They never will. They will cannibalize themselves until, the way it looks, the last man standing would kill himself because he cannot live without the drug (for more on this subject, i suggest to read this). But if we survive, we will be able to live our lifes with more than just an empty feeling in our soul. We'll be able to create a thriving society with prosperity and advancement the world has never seen before. In a way, the perpetual war of progressivism is our great test: If we pass, humanity will literally reach the stars.


I urge everyone to do whatever is humanly possible in order to end the perpetual war of social justice. Not only for us as individuals, but for future generations as well.