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FinkeybeJun 24, 2017, 4:53:09 PM

McDonnell G.L.N. Godfrey Lawrence Noel.

Diarist, homemaker. 1on1 top spinner catcher FROG funguy.

Copy of Diary first published on my real name public profile on the Q&A site Quora.. For FROG CollaboratorsDiary. 23/06/2017:- SISTERS & BROTHERS. Friends & Family 21/06/2017:- MINDS FROG’S BLOGS Posts . 19/06/2017:- P2P Terms and Conditions BNBR explorers guide; BNBR When and where? What is it? 16/06/2017:- BNBR violation warning if you submit this question you could get a warning from QCR Moderation. It’s search results are intriguing just the same. Are humans smarter than a frog or a cockroach? 10/06/2017:- Phew it’s hot. 09/06/2017:- Election over phew. 04/06/2017:- Q. How much did or would you spend for your first or next board? A. Nothing B. As little as possible C. Spend any amount for the one I want? Thanks for asking. Your question. More boarder answers, articles and anecdotes here on; Board riders; Surf, Snow, Short & Long, Skim, Penny, Skate, All terrain, Wake, Electric... Hover? How much did or would you pay for your first or next board?

Links not working at this time; (Collaborators ) (Be Nice Be Respectful. BNBR )

MISOGYNY CRUSADE. How are you affected and what can be done to highlight evil misogynist cultures and dogmas?


31/05/2017 :- “ Some where in between right and wrong there is a garden. I’ll meet you there…” 29/05/2017 :- When we give up something like a habit/faith/hair shirt; it may be a good one or a bad one depending on your view of it. Personally I have trouble with the good and the bad. As I’m very erratic, not at all consistent and prone to change my mind and procrastinate over things. I mostly admire, respect and pine for some of the characteristic strength's of those who are able to change, give up or start up without feeling the need or desire to revert, change or question their decisions/s any further. Confidence builds foundations for faith on shifting or solid ground. Real confidence works with experience, truth and proof? Eat the pudding and does it taste good? 28/05/2017:- Weird landslides on view stats was before 10 minute edit block ban ended? 1.3m answer views32.5k this month. Is now fifteen minutes latter 600.1k answer views8.5k this month. I/You have been blocked from contributing to Quora because your name does not comply with our name policy. Please update your profile to use your real, full name.If you are already using your real name, please submit a moderation appeal through the contact form. WHat again and again. I thought we had dealt with this. I haven’t changed my name.

What’s the cheesiest peace song? 27/05/2017:- Funny Bones; Sometimes humorous answers are encouraged? This has never been my experience. Quite the reverse. Sure we can occasionally get away with making folk laugh. Just be sure not to bring the house down with hundreds or thousands of up votes on an answer with some sharp truth expressed in a raucous rib tickling humorist way. 16/05/2017. The last prosecutor. It's not naive to want peace and not war. I'm no idealist then thinking peace is sanity while insanity is war. Worse than stupid are those who think war is preferable to peace. What degree of stupidity is involved in sending our children off to kill other folks children they never met before. Who never did anybody any harm or was harmed by any of them. This is the system the Nuremberg trials opened the box on and it can't be closed or ignored until war becomes history and sanity and peace reigns once more on a mature wiser Bipedal's planet Earth. Thank you to the voice of the young advocate: Benjamin Ferencz The last prosecutor 06/05/2017:- Thank you Marvin G [1] for sharing this. The story and audience response has a simple message and answer which is very powerful and a huge insight for me thank you. On reflection it appears every situation requires the drawing of lines. There can be no fear or compromise allowed into the thought and execution in drawing a line. The line has a gravity and magnetism all of it's own. Without fear or compromise prejudicing their way the natural forces of gravity and magnetism are an awareness after the fact and the fact is a mystery we are all a part of. New video by Robert Hierl ♪○♠○♥○♠♪ Slide & scroll↕PROTECTOR against urban word rascals and misnomers. [Put it any way you like. Ask me another? ][Personal profile.] [Quora User guide.] [Mystified ? about QuoraPUBLIC diary:- 05/05/2017:- Winners and nominees for MIT Media lab Nominations 2018.25/04/2017:- Changing gears on the overloaded wheels of my own rhetoricWeaving a spiders web space elevator . Video song; The odds of being alone?


03/05/2017:- Nominations for the MIT media lab Disobedience Award are now closed. The winner will be announced on July 21, 2017. Incidentally at the same time as nominations closed. I received a weeks ban on Quora. What for? I presume it was because of all the repeat clicks I made trying to change my password somehow raised the red flag on my profile . 01/05/2017:- Last day of nominations for MIT disobedience award; Media Lab MIT Disobedience prize nominations.facebookers. THANK YOU. Notes for last minute quick five minute Nominations entry. Your help will make all the difference in the world for a prize draw selection and numbers game with £100.000 first prize at stake. Help me win it please. It's only because you know me I'm asking such a special favor. Background links for this:- . [Finkabe's Finkeybe, Ficket. Flooker. Fingalby games names players you tube channel] and [frog topic links][Finkabe facebook] [ Blog about] Godfrey's home Phone number; Landline at 01304840799 call or message email; [email protected],[email protected] . My nomination was Brilliant Brian Mayor of the bosque in Erongar Slide & continue; 28/04/2017:- G. L. N. McDonnell en beta Francaise ♪○—♪○



27/04/2017:- Stop. Time is of the essence. Can you help us please, join in and do Brian Fey a huge favour with a big shout out Here; Nomination Form: MIT Media Lab Disobedience AwardLinks;- Brians email address ; <[email protected]> Personal website; Brian Fey, About; Brian Fey's answer to Mexico: What is Bosque Village ? Your are welcome to use any of the details below to help complete your nomination form when you get there. Keep this tab open for easy reference to answer the questions on the nominations questionnaire. Copy, edit, use and paste any paragraph from here you want:——————————————————-

Modern sovereignty wholly individualized is existentially anthropocentric, constituted and organized by reference to the lawmakers. Thank you for this opportunity to step outside the box with this disobedience prize. My nominee decided to live off grid or die in an anthropogenetic world led by human beings alone left at the mercy of two natures; Our regard and respect for laws; [1] natural and [2] man made. In 2004 Brian Fey a fugitive and rebel against anthropogenic collapse moved into a small village in Mexico called Erongar ícuaro to demonstrate it's possible to build a more sustainable, healthier world and better way for human culture to thrive. Without hesitation our rebel Brian threw away the rule book and chose the weapon of a hero to go off grid wearing the mask of a rebel artist, artisan, responsible man and began his journey of humility and respect in and for an environment that had to support his every want and need or else nothing succeeds. Brian is an Off-Grid lifestyle warrior who ignores all the rules and lives on the very edge of brinkmanship husbanding his resources and focusing his interactions with the rest of the world. Brian shares his knowledge worldwide and in real time he shares his values and space at his place with guests and visitors numbering over a thousand visitors to the Bosque since he arrived in 2004. In this short time the Bosque village FAQ's experience and learning culture has brought into a reality ways to integrate practical solutions for off grid living in a modern, millennial, ecophilosophically anthropogenic sustainable way. Brian has protégés, participants and students who come from all over the world and no doubt I will not be the only one who feels Brian would have a major positive impact on helping to cure a global problem with more help and good fortune coming from such a worthy sponsor's prize cause. Please recognize Brian with this award for his commitment, hard work for his faith as an unfaltering; "Rebel with the right cause." Thanks for opportunity of putting forward my nomination for your consideration. I nominate Brian Fay. Please make him your disobedience prize winner for 2017. What and where is the Bosque village? [Bosque village FAQ's ] Modern sovereignty wholly individualized is existentially anthropocentric, constituted and organized by reference to the lawmakers. Thank you for this opportunity to step outside the box with this disobedience prize. My nominee decided to live off grid or die in an anthropogenetic world led by human beings alone left at the mercy of two natures; Our regard and respect for laws; [1] natural and [2] man made. In 2004 Brian Fey a fugitive and rebel against anthropogenic collapse moved into a small village in Mexico called Erongar ícuaro to demonstrate it's possible to build a more sustainable, healthier world and better way for human culture to thrive. Without hesitation our rebel Brian threw away the rule book and chose the weapon of a hero to go off grid wearing the mask of a rebel artist, artisan, responsible man and began his journey of humility and respect in and for an environment that had to support his every want and need or else nothing succeeds. Brian is an Off-Grid lifestyle warrior who ignores all the rules and lives on the very edge of brinkmanship husbanding his resources and focusing his interactions with the rest of the world. Brian shares his knowledge worldwide and in real time he shares his values and space at his place with guests and visitors numbering over a thousand visitors to the Bosque since he arrived in 2004. In this short time the Bosque village FAQ's experience and learning culture has brought into a reality ways to integrate practical solutions for off grid living in a modern, millennial, ecophilosophically anthropogenic sustainable way. Brian has protégés, participants and students who come from all over the world and no doubt I will not be the only one who feels Brian would have a major positive impact on helping to cure a global problem with more help and good fortune coming from such a worthy sponsor's prize cause. Please recognize Brian with this award for his commitment, hard work for his faith as an unfaltering; "Rebel with the right cause." Thanks for opportunity of putting forward my nomination for your consideration. I nominate Brian Fay. Please make him your disobedience prize winner for 2017. What and where is the Bosque village? [Bosque village FAQ's ]for the big shout out. Calling all visitors, guests, notearians and followers. “Can you help me support Brian Fey of the Bosque in his quest to look after and raise a pair of Donkeys to help save the world with? How? and about? Nomination Form: MIT Media Lab Disobedience Award . When you get to the nomination form use what you like in any way you wish from the information below to complete the nomination questionnaire. “Modern sovereignty wholly individualized is existentially anthropocentric, constituted and organized by reference to the lawmakers. Thank you for this opportunity to step outside the box with this disobedience prize. My nominee decided to live off grid or die in an anthropogenetic world led by human beings alone left at the mercy of two natures; Our regard and respect for laws; [1] natural and [2] man made. In 2004 Brian Fey a fugitive and rebel against anthropogenic collapse moved into a small village in Mexico called Erongar ícuaro to demonstrate it's possible to build a more sustainable, healthier world and better way for human culture to thrive. Without hesitation our rebel Brian threw away the rule book and chose the weapon of a hero to go off grid wearing the mask of a rebel artist, artisan, responsible man and began his journey of humility and respect in and for an environment that had to support his every want and need or else nothing succeeds. Brian is an Off-Grid lifestyle warrior who ignores all the rules and lives on the very edge of brinkmanship husbanding his resources and focusing his interactions with the rest of the world. Brian shares his knowledge worldwide and in real time he shares his values and space at his place with guests and visitors numbering over a thousand visitors to the Bosque since he arrived in 2004. In this short time the Bosque village FAQ's experience and learning culture has brought into a reality ways to integrate practical solutions for off grid living in a modern, millennial, ecophilosophically anthropogenic sustainable way. Brian has protégés, participants and students who come from all over the world and no doubt I will not be the only one who feels Brian would have a major positive impact on helping to cure a global problem with more help and good fortune coming from such a worthy sponsor's prize cause. Please recognize Brian with this award for his commitment, hard work for his faith as an unfaltering; "Rebel with the right cause." Thanks for opportunity of putting forward my nomination for your consideration. I nominate Brian Fay. Please make him your disobedience prize winner for 2017. What and where is the Bosque village? [Bosque village FAQ's ] ” . Nomination Form: MIT Media Lab Disobedience Award” Links;- Brians email address <[email protected]> Personal website,Brian Fey About; Brian Fey's answer to Mexico: What is Bosque Village? Brian’s you tube channel.

Slide & scroll↕PROTECTOR against urban word rascals and misnomers. [Put it any way you like. Ask me another? ] [Personal profile.] [Quora User guide.] [Mystified ? about QuoraPUBLIC diary:- 25/04/2017:- Changing gears on the overloaded wheels of my own rhetoricWeaving a spiders web space elevator . 19.04.2017:- comment,Upvoted by G. L. N. We need the earth to spread a virus that gets rid of the scum [page not found] . Civilization’s internal plumbing is scummed up with dopamine. To maintain a healthy flow of life we need to figure out individually our flow of metaphysical elements and place in the fuzzy, fizzing quantum fields of options and then choose a match/marriage of intuition with design. There is no accounting for taste and every taste is catered for. Distinguishing tastes depends on arrangement/information and presentation/observable matter. By all account conscious convention may include an account of the plate and what's presented on it. The plate like everything on and around it can be evaporated at the instant of its conception or survive. The mystery of the universe isn’t who, was and how? It’s who are and what is this? Ask not who am I ? Ask what’s the dish of the day to ease a blockage i

n a metaphysical scummed up digestive systems way? Where I is to everyone's taste.:- 12/04/2017:-[Lost and found?][ On or off the wagon? ]

Strange fruit;↕Glide back to top banana when more is less & less is…↕

more. Diary dustologue. “Stay a while and read on by;” Vocaroo Home brew record, Tab back here from thereClicking (more) sometimes lands on the bottom in the profile’s blue footnotes. Depth here to there 60 fathoms… Diary continued:-11 /04/2017:Fun recycling original games. ~ “CREATION BEATS AFFIRMATION” ~ One of the great ironies of life is praise/£$ accompanying success all too often stonewall’s progress. Affirmation, reward and loot are fickle, fleeting drugs. Do not allow any of them to own, be the value or worth of your highest esteem in regard to the work to do with a highly functioning creative self esteem. It’s burning daylight. Time to create new work. Improve your process. Continue to grow.These things create control. Affirmation is sought after rather than Life’s laurels to rest upon in peace. That’s another show altogether. Thanks again Todd. ♪○♠○♪ Please remember to return from comments or profiles to vote up this answer if it helped you in any way and thank the Original creator. Thank you Todd. Todd Brison's five star answer? Personal mantras and mottos to be motivated by?08/04/2017:- What keeps us coming back for more? Dramatically; the catastrophe, nightmare is a mainstay cliffhanger for all the best adventure stories. One person’s achievements are more what than who. What we can do is who we are. A waking nightmare in proportion to a beating heart can switch the reel running round the projector. Pick up an interesting stone and give it a new home remember home is the place we belong and we belong to the smallest and most invisible of all our achievements. As the pebble now belongs where it is. 06/04/2017:- Is the point of a Godless religion oxymoronic? Jurors return with their Verdict on religion? here. There; add, edit, topic, detail and colour. Submit and a2a at will. 05/04/2017:- Bucket loads of fear and failure. In our earliest stages growing up I reckon we have pure motivation. A type of motivation described by a spectator as; courageous, bold, brash, foolish or foolhardy. All such words including fear and failure are not in the vocabulary of babies / toddlers learning to cope with life and take their first tentative steps. The point is for say something like learning to walk we do it because our motivation is high. We are not aware of the adjectives we just have to do it or die trying. Jumping out, off or diving under are things we would wisely probably naturally avoid or be guarded from as toddlers. There are rational fears and irrational fears. The fears adolescents and adults experience should be regarded in this way. When an identified irrational or rational fear becomes a debilitating condition it’s time to do something about it. There is no shame in keeping spiders in their proper place and cautious about letting them invade yours. There is no shame in getting to the edge of the 10 metre high dive board and climbing back down. Please take good care all Bucketeers over your lists to be sure they don’t compromise your ability to lead a happy, healthy, strong, invigorating long life! I got over my fear of cows by walking among them. I learnt that cows are curiously spooked with a wild BOO. A question left unanswered begs one on the comment? What is the most fearsome item on your bucket list and why? Fearless Bucketeers? 31/03/2017:- “I love to own and buy books I’ve never read. Lots and lots of books! Because I then believe I’ll make and take my time to read them all..” Anon ?30/03/2017:- Self acceptance isn't for everyone? 28.03/2017:-”On my mind my choice is made. I hear, I see, I move and my mind is able to leave my heart.” 26/03/2017:- Feature extract from; Michael’s answer to;” I am terminally ill and afraid of death. How do I accept death”? Where were you before you were born? Where will you be when you are gone? We cannot know; we have always known. A raindrop falls and is lost in the ocean. A wave crests and falls. The ocean sends a raindrop back to the cloud. Spring grows to summer then autumn fades to winter. Everything in the universe is an energy field. No energy is lost, merely transformed. It’s a blink of the eye; it’s an eternity. You accepted life, you can accept death as the other side of that coin. But there is no coin. There is always the coin. You arose, you are returning. It’s as if you never left. 24/03/2017:- Does the creation have to obey the creator? Who gives a monkeys foot lap about the status or distinctinction between creator or creation as luck would have it life goes for it who’s and whatever it is. What kind of virus are I an human example of? 21/03/2017. I feel a picture of Alfie our handsome homely felline Tomcat coming on photo portrait or drawing portrait. First with ?18/03/2017:- I’ve never used this feature as I’m aware of, unless it was by accident? QuoraThu;Hello! We will be moving to the new anonymity on Quora experience very soon. If you would like to edit or delete your existing anonymous content in the future, please provide your email here before March 20, 2017. You are receiving this message because we have not yet received an email from you. Please note that if you do not provide your email by March 20, 2017, you will need to contact us using our Contact Form and selecting “I need help with my account.” 12/03/2017:- How about that. Quora agreed to my request. Thank you QCR = Quora content review. 11/03/2017:- I have been blocked from contributing to Quora because my name edit from Godfrey McDonnell to G.L.N McDonnell didn’t comply with our name policy. Please update your profile to use your real, full name. contact form. [I edited my profile name Godfrey McDonnell to My initials; G.L.N McDonnell.Read on from Blog Constituency? On or off base? The base of political constituency is firstly geographic which in my view is the wrong place to start. A party is a gathering, not a binding obligation with a whipped in contract and subsidy. In first place elected professionals need to add value as representatives of their profession, trade, culture, background, family or diaspora. Dividing the country up into geopolitical seats for parties to embed themselves in is bound to go nowhere except for those going nowhere in bed with each other in their Primary colour party pyjamas. I’m sure it’s possible to prioritise our Ministers work and select 600 issues, topics, subjects, projects, institutions and give them each their constituency. Come a General election we are able to choose perhaps one constituency from the six hundred and elect our candidates and our issue/s on the day. Making the issue the constituency would also allow us to redraw the lines to create more or less seats depending on how an sovereign electorate draws it’s own issues into focus within the boundaries of those most affected and qualified to represent them. 08/03/2017:- “ To look at our reflections in the mirror of time as I is, intend’s and want’s to be” G. L. N. Earth is the only inhabited planet? 06/03/2017:-“ Expressing yourself without fear of humiliation can help settle volatile emotions and thoughts.” TKY Raymond Paterson. If you can’t find a good listener; listen to yourself and ignore it all [2] . If it’s all a strain on the brain. It does not matter at all. IDNMA ♪○♪ 05/03/2017:-How often do you end up blind drunk as a result of drinking too much alchohol? How often do you get drunk? 04/03/2017:- Jonathan Gebauers last word; found on a collapsed answer . “ A good/valid answer can sometimes ask whether the question asked is the right question.” And so say all of us ♪○♪ Quicker answers on Quora? The hardest job in the world? [1]Mood muscle workout? Missing persons foundQuora Detective? 3/03/2017:- Whose way are you in? 28/02/2017:-Where would Quora be without you? Here=Ici Quora in French ( Beta sign up log in) 27/02/2017:- Answer; Heads up on QuoraWhat kind of American are you? 26/02/2017:- TOPICS FOLLOWED ; See following also on profile, [3] Muted Topics; Startups , Facebook (product) ,Google (company , QuoraSportsMusicMedicine and HealthcareVisiting and TravelSan Francisco, CA ,BollywoodEntertainment, MoviesMusiciansHousecleaningHarvard UniversityNational Football League (NFL)Football (US)JokesBusinessFacebook (company)Cars and Automobiles, PetsCookingSexDesignInvestingShoppingScienceBiologyCyclingDogs (pets)MathematicsJazz MusicMicrosoft (company) Language , EducationFashion and Style Unmute ing .. list is at 200 fathoms and counting on drafting in blog posts…, 22/02/2017 :-Question detail on; [4]How would you define who is part of “everybody” and what is life? How would you define a person? Would you consider a living thing that isn’t what you define a person as to be part of the everybody? What do you define life as? Comment1 stroke / answer;ShareDownvoteCommentGaia the Planet is the body. It belongs to you and you belong to it just like everybody else.

21/02/2017:- My thanks to 2…. for this distraction in comments on …….. Suck it up or wear protection. A la Marshall artist. When you think or know someone’s likely or prone to inflicting a nutcracker injury on you, who holds a pair of ice balls in their hand?

We could wear armour plating.

and laugh off the tear jerkers.

Or be incarcerated in the nutcracker torture chamber.

Or …. Happy days hidden, camouflaged protection;

…… 20/02/2017:- Another insightful answer brings on the search for answers and another question, [ Life owes no one a living]Jacky Dror' QQSC= Quora question and answer search and comment on euphoria happiness and depression?Clock ahead; Comment copy ; In all matters dark maybe now is the time let go of all thought of the matters dark word associations and associate Matters as observable or not? OM=observable matter. UM= unobservable matters? DM = Dark matters 19/02/2017 :- QQC = Quora question answer comment prompts. Thanks for Frozen to the core; [1] [1] Malp:L5Lݙ� Life nurtures firstly with understanding, then empathy and love. All this as we are reared in the spirit of our own esteem or punishment as received. So as is perceived comes to pass in the womb of time. [5]17/02/2017:- Reminder and link to Shane and Self. Thank you Shane for sound advice feedback. Working at work enjoy; https://www.quora.com/Is-it-too-...16/02/2017 :- QS = question search. https://www.quora.com/search?q=W...What upgrade to compensatory equipment or new invention does your disability require? QUESTION DETAILS; Compensatory equipment like; Prosthetic’s, implants, wheelchairs, GUI’s, crutches, transplants….. 12/02/2017:- Content review on Ambassadors, 10/02/2017:- https://www.quora.com/topic/Fun-... Fun recycling original games. “ If the cap fits wear it.” Any and all games that match the title of the topic. Topic picture displays tops for spinning games. Topic ethos could be recycled flat cap and hat tossing or spinning games onto hooks and old fashioned hat stands as per 007. 05/02/2017 :-A2A for How to bake a comment diary blog cake ♪○♪ https://www.quora.com/search?q=H... [] Blog cake recipe / inventory: - https://www.quora.com/G.me,my’Blogs/Go... 01/02/2017; Fledgling comments:- A fledgling’s flight plan, the path into, out of and back again to the animal of biology and a governing instinct valued highly in the realm of the predators perched in their place on the animal’s tree of life. An animal biology more profound than love or hate may translate in spite of the banal chemistry that fashions it. From the top of the highest perch a mind may ascend to; There; there is a view of everything that belongs to you. What then remains of value is to take our next breath and step off our perches… some of us will fly on before coming in to land and others will be found clinging to the first things they grab as they brush by and cling on hoping whatever it is? It doesn’t break under the strain of their weight? 27/01/2017; How long would president Trump last on Quora? [ Which if any of President Trump's tweets and public statements would not comply with Quora's BNBR policy? [1] https://www.quora.com/search?q=W... [2] https://www.quora.com/search?q=A... Don't see any questions that match your search? Ask to find an answer or create a new topic.[6][7] ] Morning all ☺♥☻; I thought you all might like this. I’m sure you’ve not seen it before. Paul Gipson's answer to;” Have you spotted something that could be a Sasquatch? ” The currency of remembrance the fallen and the followings on”

https://www.quora.com/search?q=W... 1917 - Google Search. 24/01/2017; Explain why you couldn't answer; Which lenses are best for portrait? ♪, Piano, painting, cooking, cleaning, caricature drawings, portrait paintings is my interest in portraits. I see through the lens of both eyes and my imagination; Answered here rather than get mugged on answers. Cheers . A2A on above topics also see my topics following on profile plus any of the above and I’d hope to be more help than here on your a2a above ♪○♪ 21/01/2017; User A2A edit memo, notes:-.Hi Beaux-U. Thanks for thinking of me for the A2A’s. I’m skint and stoned again. I think my hair has stopped falling out. Are you drunk?

I’m no longer editing directly on questions as of old. Instead If I care that much this is what I’ll do; for you and others alike. Here’s our new MO then. Reason being? To avoid upsetting Botmods and any subsequent obliteration's, defections or credential deformations. Bot-Moding is a very sensitive and important function? Not a job for stoned out, slanted coffee drinkers anyway. Still as Jaquee V might insist there is a parrot fashion and style to consider in the Bot’s not’s of the machine. The machine must not overheat or run the risk of any possible; interference from paranormal emissions, entities and experiences that create a fit of frenzy, belly laughter, tears, mirth and mayhem all over the place.


Original A2A. “Have you ever experienced what you personally consider to be “The Paranormal?” Edit; v1. “How would you describe what you consider is or was what you would call a personal or shared paranormal experience? “ ] Users; “A2A for you all. 15+ maxed out limit ceiling hit. Mods and Bots a2a go here ; Do you believe there is a ghost in the machine? ”Q Daily comment; Ask yourself :- “Do I need or want to understand the question?” And then; ”Am I going to…; Ask another, answer, comment, edit it or move on? After that there are approval and disapproval options such as; thank you’s, reversions, sharing, following, turning on and off, messages, blogs, reporting and voting. How much of Quora is in Spanish also? I do not know. I let the bots and mods reap what they sow and keep up the good work Users all thanks for reading this rant ♪○♪ Q&A2A; How much weight can a donkey or an ass comfortably haul or carry? Don't see any questions that match your search? Ask to find an answer or create a new topicHow many ways are there to game or play your time spent bothering over stats and numbers on Quora? “ unblocked Jimmy Wales.” 18/01/2017; Think twice, write a hundred times; The difference between education and litigation, bandwagons and man dragons? These are things to think about and more. Imagine the space/distance between our ears as it inward and outward peers. Now I’m in it for years. How many ears, years ? Many thanks Users and up voters for justice all; for all your sincerity and time. A big cheer and shout out here for Anon then in the quality of the answers to read on about how far can a thought travel or do we think it can at all….? Question search and submit; Searching similar question pop ups here;https://www.quora.com/search?q=W... is how I found contentment from another question and answer? In describing contentment as the most efficacious, finest, subtle, curative, silent harmonic tonic there is. I like the feel, shape and sound of it. Thank you ♪○♪ https://www.quora.com/search?q=H... 13/01/2017; Deleting answers;… Life and living; Deleted answers; What is the strangest thing you own? I'm talking about possessions or collections, or anything you have that most people might find unusual or unique. Thanks! Written Apr 10, 2014 I love les objets trouve'; Found objects.Such as my wife. Very strange that Caroline my wife married a guy like me.Especially when you know the sorts of things I bring home from time to time,Waifs and strays. Plus the occasional repulsive road kill or skeletal remains of an intriguing nature. Unusual pebbles and stones I will put in my pocket also.The strangest thing is my dried out blackened bananas, oranges and lemons in the fruit bowl. Black bananas look like dog pooh. Disgusting!. I have a couple on the dashboard of my car to deter thieves.. QS A2A delete; Why do you expect someone else to clear up your mess?

On land, sea at home and yes from the air. Please clean up your own mess. Thank you.Your dogs write a letter of recommendation for you. Here’s what they say? Dear Sir’s. I recommend you give this guy exactly what he asks for and you will get exactly what you need in return. It's no accident believe me; miracles are the same for dogs and men alike and this guy is one of them. I was locked in a cage all my doggy life and he set me free and now I can not leave his side even though you may never see me at his side; he smells, hears and cares for me and we share our work and home . ♪...And they call it puppy love.....ov...♪ Woof Yours Truly Top dog;

Is any living being the same as any idea? “ I’ve no idea who I am. Have you any idea who you are? They gave me a name, told me I was to blame and sent me off in plane to be educated again and again by the; Nuns, Farmers, Monks, Hermits, Bullies and Parasites. I’ve an Idea we are all of and going to end up the same, in someone else’s silly little idea of a game.” Collapsed answer . Has been improved. You may un-collapse it with an up vote. Answer on; If time is infinite, how could we have ever reached this moment? (Time saved copy hereTime’s infinity exists by a betrothal, synthesis wedded to possibility constituted from plank; [1]This moment is not now. Now is the infinite abstract event that singularity uses in a two dimensional repository; Footnotes [1] Planck's Constant . 12/01/2017; Credentials for all Quora A & R topics (Discretionary up voter for justice). 09/01/2017; Refining a previous search; https://www.quora.com/search?q=H... BNBR Vocabulary builder and usage tips. Thanks for not calling me or my ideas; "stupid" simply refer me or them as; “Possibly needs more research and a thorough reconsideration”. Why is this question on Quora unable to be edited? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? [8] 08/01/2017; Addicts submissions and OCD Blogs and conversation ; Mixed and matched submissions on any blogs welcome here; Converse with experimental, dreamers, thinkers, drinkers and eaters.MatchMakerEggomatesThank you one and all. Everybody is welcome here.Black angels. No AnswerIntimate FailureCold as ice2Me2U; with Family-n-Fiends: The Chuckle Bruvvers... Search on today’s lost dog search; encounters with a highly charged Ram; https://www.quora.com/search?q=W... encountersQ” How do you hold yourself accountable when you're working toward a goal, especially if your business is just you? A.“How brave and bold heroics are. Especially those when we face up to and hold ourselves accountable to the length and breadth of our life's account here, so long as there is an account to follow, otherwise; all bets are off! 07/04/2017; A2A for the weekend, Ed on[9] ; What is it like to use the new 'listening' Quora app on Echo or Home smart speakers?04/07/2017; Logging off until the weekend talk soon; viz spiders, donkeys, halos, robins and owls02/01/2017; Tom Quetchenbach's answer to Is there a name for the donkey that goes in a circle to power a machine? And what is the wheel that the donkey goes around called? 31/12/2016; [10] Not one second wasted. Thank you Time. ♪☻○☺♪

28/12/2016; Recently searched questions; https://www.quora.com/search?q=H... / https://www.quora.com/search?q=H... PLAY ME part [2] [11] [12] · Answer has very poor formatting that significantly distracts from readability (AppealEdit included in italic no appeal made votes and views is not an issue. The thought is?

Here is my appeal and further with thanks a dedication to one and all for the memory as follows from the footnote to the bottom note. See you all in the catacombs of comments, collapsed answers and banned users. Thanks for the platform for this then a composition of an answer on the value and recognition I receive in return for contributing here on Quora;

Footnote parent:-PLAY ME ♪ [1]♪ Viewer read on ☻.

A N S W E R D E D I C A T E D T O THE M E M O R Y AND LEGACY OF :- Georgios Kyriacos AKA Gerorge Michael. RIP George; Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou (25 June 1963 – 25 December 2016) What is you favourite song from the George Michael Wham era legacy portfolio?



Look/scroll/click back AND forward:- Personal Vocaroo | Voice message(for George porgy pudding. pie and friends ♪○♥○♪)

Opportunity knocks. Thank you all. 25 minute. Play time.

Toulon cityscape. Along along along time ago I forgot to say;

Merci and thank you all in no particular chronology, order, sense of time, space or place. I’d like to compose a thank you to mention a highly prized most valued, special bunch of Users here. A band of bretheren whom I’m indebted to for their; revelations, insights, introductions, support, help, appreciation, encouragement, discussions, contradictions, content and contributions.

A dept humbly, modestly played/spelled out anecdotally with familiar poetic pros and greetings. Greetings all you champions and heroes of Quora. Jim who reminds us we are all heroes. Many thanks Jim. Kurt Vonnegut’s shared story; ”Cats cradle.” Courtesy of the known and anon’s of a Karass; Chris, Charles, Michael all; thank you for the ice in my tea. The first person to shock me out of left field thinking hooked me here; thanks Logan. The welcome committee came and went with many thanks overdue to them for their; commitment, kindness, pros, poetry and patience to; Anita, Nan, Rory, Tattianna, Mark and the QCR MOD & Bot-Not crew. As if by magic the very idea of fiction becoming fact is the most amazing thing to experience. The fragility of relations is tempered by the one with the highest opinion of their perfect self. Vocals and the song breath and sing; Ethan is our man for some production tips, CJ for all things google and more, Sed and Sohail who just popped out the door to walk the dogs up Mt Olympus. Natalia graces a cloud for a throne that resembles a rabbit and fluffy bunnies scampering round a blue sky in a Jordanesque skyscape. Then Oli’s bots once boasted reliability banned and for the law I thank Catherine for her open door. The base line in art is measured end to end on the scroll bar. Base enthusiast scroll to the end. Fine artists, masters of the food hall, piano lounge, Chengetta, Ragers, Rory’s Rangers one and all shaken and stirred the food and life blood of my heart here to start; All my editors; Sheri, Julie, Patrick, Chris, Valerie, Michelle, John, Garrick, Anya, Anna, Eric. Chrys, Michelle, David, Tabbasum, Beixi, Tom, Mohan, Donald, Satonye, Jane, Alfie, Forgive me Users all I’m a poor poor Englishman who’s memory bias would seem to rule out more than is fair. So much for sieve heads, amnesia and opportunity knocks on every door to make up more rhymes here with; Ellie, Mary, Tudor, Len, James, Ebow, Ellery, Hain, Stefan, Stephen, Brian of the Bosque.

♪☻♥☺♪T rex Regio over and out RIP George.

Looking forward to more favourite tunes, fun times with edit suggestions/ additions. Thank you to all the Quora service and workshop crew. Bless the memory l’ll miss him to.

Footnotes [1] Vocaroo | Voice message [2] George Michael - AmazingHow long have you been alive? [13]UK viewer interest: Spanish speakers welcome here; [14]


I wish you could all taste a piece of this years pie to get your gut comments and feedback on how close the cook has met our stomachs expectations this year; Wind-fall apple pie anyone? Custard and cream or ice cream to go with; Big or small slice? Bonne apetite;

“Thank you maybe latter, I’m full up already.” Christmas day 2016 ♪☻○☺♪—————————-

A little bird’s eye view. FROG’s diary; do, done, ome:-27/12/2016; Limited distribution question; [15] 23/12/2016; My Quoran of the week. Anon; [16] Thank you Quora User; [17][18][19] . 23/12/2016; Free will is a human construct. We are a colony of misfits at war with our home and ourselves. Primarily because we do not see the wood for the trees and so we ignore all and every blatant sign of the times. Signs like external carbuncles and the naked wood that breaths and grows under the bark of the trees. “The trials of Misfits and Wasters [20] .” 21/12/2016; Hidden under a black velvet bonnet ( “pride, arrogance, ignorance, and corruption.”) are the facets to the diamonds seen flashing in the sky called stars and for every one of those there’s a dream to match. Dreams sparkling bright or as black as night. Underneath it all there is a light revealed in time by Curiosity’s closer inspections. Something we are consciously blessed to work with and some how do or die with. ♪○♪17/12/2016; hf = habit form/harmonic frequency. h= planks constant ♪○♪

Ritual + -

Reason. C= hf


Flow, thread, life

Resolutions, amalgams, precipitates, radicals,

Needle. Perception of I .

Entanglements of habituation, validations, interruptions, corruptions in E-motional/ bio-morphic and terrestrial catastroph eruptions. Blessed our we with the creative spark who perpetuate it throughout lifes sleep and dreams that belong in their universe’s sight to the works waking minds apply to their eye. Super/quantum chemistry and or harmonics? Including:- dissection, fragmentation, dilution, evaporation, emanation and manipulation. The man needs no credentials. [21] 15/12/2016; Rate me now. Submitting User credentials as well as topic bios adds value to Quora’s general GUI experience (general user interface)? G.L.N. McDonnell Topic muted;bio on Dating Advice, I decline to ask or answer. Thank you. Excepting bio exceptions. Credentials:- ” Bio exceptions ?“ Walking down the garden path, I stop to greet an aroma meeting my nose, off a scented rose or two. English roses the people watch all day long, picking on the eyes widest smiles, wide mouthed, I stop, taste the air for a cue, an invitation to taste the dew on her sparkling lips.

14/12/2016; Q. Do you believe humour and comedy are generally always critical and that’s what makes jokes and comics funny?


First and last post of the hour :- Heavenly Times; supplement. Q. Do some posts here strike you as jokes or funny? ♪○♪ The best jokes of the night are the ones above or are they mad men’s lamentations? 11/12/2016:- In conversation with, on [22]. Thank you User Wouldn’t it be satisfying to have a glimpse or at least a peep hole to be able to see in and out of Time =Trojanhorse].GODS+SCIENCES+EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN=FORGET YOU SAW ANY WRONG. http://crobsforliberrty.blogspot... 08/12/2016 ; [Who are the top influencers on Quora?] A good question to search on Quora then answer and share in the diary. This weeks pick of the week on Quora features Ellery DaviesThank you for sharing and contributing all your expertise on ryptocurrencies this week . 04/12/2016; I’m attached, anchored and held tight, warmed all night by the many threads woven through the blankets covering my body in bed while I sleep and dream at night.

They said ; “…you are not detached from this world. “ I said; " The triangles base is the contact between my two feet walking upon this Earth and One head at the apex deciding to do with and without." Walking on two feet I’m rooted and in contact with me and the earth. I’m anchored here and free to drift off or revolve around them; as and when. I can dream and be happy or sad. In my dreams I can fly free of machinery. Waking though I'm grounded and it’s over; erased, shredded in dreaming’s work. A while though and it's spark kindles a far flung fire in and of an imagination, the source of many a wonder and much amazement in between the lines of all those stories; yours and mine.

I recognize two types of writing; the poetic and the literal. Much of our history is in our poetry and a little of our wisdom I find in our literal operations and machine manuals. Manuals I also find sometimes are hard to understand. There is no device I have mastered to make it any easier to get my head around these. Other than an objective application to and with what one is trying to learn and understand. Poetry, our fiction and discussions wear garments like fancy dress. The poem, psalm, prayer, story is participatory, when I do not recognize the word's or stories message and the form of it; I'll often switch or caricaturize it, so when in discussion with the word and words like; bourgeois, proletariat, israel and more...of the like that often confuse or confound my understanding; I replace them with something like..; and often it works best with my name in their place instead of; israel, bourgeoisie or proletariat say. Whatever I'm trying to understand then reading it instead as my name; Godfrey. The author and I so to speak; we may continue uninterrupted or fettered by counter intuits and experience from what is being read and understood, rather than remaining open to question and lost, tangled up in tatters and threadbare.

Back when I was learning to read; I remember I would often skip over words and hope their meaning would become apparent as I read on. At times the dictionary comes to the rescue, other times an answer arrives in the next sentence, paragraph, page or chapter. The good story teller will bring us all the way to the end and the mouth of the ocean. The Ocean of what’s left of our lives after the story is heard; miss or properly understood? We move on with all our thoughts and those words fresh in our memory. Godfrey as a replacement/alt word comes to the rescue because it doesn’t leave me with question markers hanging and rattling round in my head. Sometimes for practical or fun reasons I'll try other words for; proletariat, bourgeois or Israel again like the name of one of my dogs spelled backwards. "God emit us dog time" Is all about a rhyme and the value of all that's done and to emit.

I hope the boxes of nation's triangles can form our rubbick. One we're content to be released from while we are yet and remain contained within. The intention is to have demonstrated to you that I’m not detached. A passion for simplicity and capacity to be of value keeps me focused on what’s around me and of value and most important. Right now that’s ; breakfast, coffee and raking up all the dead leaves lying on the lawn.

Have a great day as today is spectacular. It's the kind of bright, crisp day outside that makes one want to go for a walk/run in the woods and commune with the scent and feel of an alien, rotting, cold, outside world. One I have had to build a house in and wear clothes to survive thrive and have any stake in with this Family of mine, ours and all our memories. ♪○♣○♪  30/11/2016; A reminder; “The Owl and the Robin sketch is on the wing. Thanks for all your snap votes on comments. Again my dept is here in answers of truly inspirational revelation in your views and all our ruminations here on them. Having included for now the dead among those eyes I feel for; the rest is yet to be said. Cheers you all once again; I had an odd dream the other night/morning?…I was the interviewer on a one on one celeb hard talk show with no background just a pale light blue back drop. Sat alone on the celeb stool being interviewed was a blonde teenage young 16–18 years of age Donald Trump. The interviewer (me I suppose) asked him for his opinion on abortion. The young Donald’s poise and expression shifted from confident to sad and then to trembling as he opened up with an answer revealing how emotionally desolate he felt in the knowledge that but for abortion he would have had another brother or sister. At the time and until sharing this dream I had no idea of D T’s public views on abortion where or are? Chow for now any how. Chuky and Jim dream onzzzzzZZZZzzzz○..○♪ 28/11/2016;

Commenting on [23] Why do people fail to use capital letters and full stops on social media? … Telegrams, fax, texts; Cost and devices depending; are responsible for the dot-dot/dash of what we have come to understand as the difference between a clipped message and a piece of writing. Here on Quora knowledge is shared and needs good writing to be universally accessible in our answers and posts. It may be described as social media also with some legitimacy. although it is purely in the building of a knowledge base a social aspect is inevitable and prerequisite. Exceptions are Quora folk, times and topics dealing with alt languages. Topics & blogs to go; Professional Personal DictionariesQuoraeezey , KoretziNot all in English....Not all in French = Past tout en FrancaisNonesenseKlingon (language) , Non-Verbal Communication and Body Language. Thank you Alex. ☻ al ♪○♪26/11/2016; Frosty morning and many leaves are crisp on the ground, rotten and nearly all fallen down.

25/11/2016;- Deleted answer on merger mayhem; What are some unique/rare features of English? English’s unique rare features are so precious in our glorious language. We can talk all day and say nothing. This is why it works so well in politics and diplomacy. A message from the crypt collapsed zone; If the merger was allowed the meaning is lost that’s worth a vote. Cheers. Thank you ☻Well ♪○♪ This is the second time I’ve commented and un-merged. I’ve deleted my answer should it be reversed again. Please leave the two questions separate. Quora is big enough for both and good enough to be particular about details of written literature and spoken language colloquialism. Comment merger/ unmerged; The question has changed meaning from unique and rare features to specific written English; grammar, spelling and punctuation. What are some unique/rare features of English? A different question to; Are there any unique or rare grammatical features of the English language?18/11/2016, Repetitive strain injury hand, fingers, forearm, neck and shoulder; from 12 hours of scraping varnish/silicone sealer of small square red clay floor tiles. 13/11/2016:- A2A Q for Anons and Users; " Is faith fashioned by malign servants; The tyrants of fear and foreboding?" 12/11/2016; A four minute melodic tonic to eat your hat by; ♪…’’ Click to stop… Vocaroo | Voice message “ 09/11/2016 :- Potus results in; all bets are off. The Presidential [24] Breakfast menu this morning is;

Vocaroo | Voice message Thirteen minutes breath taking audio with clickety keys; click to stop eating my hat. Repeat on [25]08/11/2016:-Thank you Alice Hattie. You've given me an idea for a new practice of the day [26] . To slow it all down and cut out their’s and my; interuptions, chatter; on and off person, activity or topic distractions.

Conversation boxes:=

Vomit = My opinions unasked for.

Helpful = Directions to the WC / Station when asked.

Vital = My requests and questions when I get lost or lose myself. 06/11/2016:-Vocaroo | Voice message Song of a Minotor for the Mentor.

I’m back home in Dover now. Back from moving Mum into her new bungalow. It was a short journey for her from Eastbourne to Hastings. It’s a family affair. The blood lines us caged animals have to work with make for strong family breeding. History luckily has a short memory and family bonds teach how to grow strong in the cage of faith that we remain on our side of the other and a twilight’s instantaneous measure of itself at any moment; x factor = RV. Me /N U Thor’s mote view.


02/11/2016:- The big move is on; where thought goes into action and nothing will ever be the same again. Mum is moving house so I’m off the radar and spinning away for a few days to do and help with the work in hand. Back soon. 01/11/2016:- Aloepecia At any age it’s to be expected?(my bald patch is now the size of Australia) I’m considering the possibility of growing back the monks pony tail and shaving back to the fall line of the extreme bald spot’s northern coastline. Just above my Amygdala. Dreaming on over extreme looks measures over again.

Tribal gathering make up and fashion tips are saught, if you have any? much appreciated. Thank you. PS I don’t give a fingers fart for or about the stigma of baldness or shaved heads except style is of the essence monkish Kowloon, indian or red? ♪○♦○♪ ♪○♪. Hello new Quora User / Follower . Curiosity has got this cat. What did you see that made you follow me? Please answer and I will be happy to answer or help you anytime here on Quora or via my contacts if needs be or preferred.Thank you. Godfrey ♪○♣○♪ 31/10/2016; Ten minutes gone by since the last fix. Make it for ten more and keep going. Bubbles be damned. Faith in the unknown is what? Pretense is what it is. If we must be or are psychotic enough to understand, hope to be rational; and faith is irrational, then the subject of our hope and the object of our faith may shift our paradigm's of life and death as we currently live it. Rationally life is unable to divest itself with pretense and faith in death? Faith at last is a pure hope of mystery and objectivity permeating beyond any life giving rationality such as I am now and not now. A placebo and quilt for life if you like with the words; “ Eat, sleep, shit and die.” Embroidered onto it’s downy cover. Of course we must all be able to dream up our own secret recipe of pie and cream. 30/10/2016 On and for Anon who asks plenty of what seem to some like; stupidly easy questions; with luck this is how we may alleviate some of the stupidity. That at least is at the core of the Quora mission, seeing as knowledge alone is useless; without understanding? I understand I am more stupid than some and smarter than others. So I share what’s smart and ask when I feel stupid a la Quora ♪○♪ HELP. I’m decorating at home and the bubbles are plaguing our efforts to get a smooth finish 888 do done on; Bubbles are showing up everywhere under a vinyl mat emulsion interior wall paint as it dries. Why is this happening? It works there’s no secret to it; Did you know though we should have at least one secret and keep it! Thought police ain’t quite got us yet? And on; earlier on [27] It’s interesting to hear from someone else who comprhends musical notes in color as well. It has always been that way with me and for many years I believed everyone saw them in color. I had never heard of synesthesia until I started reading and writing on Quora. I have met some other synesthetes on Quora, but not in my personal life. Thank you Michael , Musician, keyboards. Here’s how it is for me:-

C - white, C# - black, D - blue, E - reddish orange, F - green, F# - very dark green, G - yellow, G# (I think of it as Ab, so dark gray), A - gray, Bb - dark brown, B - light brown.

I see the chords of those roots mostly the same color as the roots. Minors of those chords I generally see as darker, more intense versions of the major.

I have found this ability to be extremely helpful in piano improvisation, which is what I mostly do in the band I play with. country band fresno clovis music.

“Your keyboard must certainly look very different from mine. You have the colors all wrong!” ♪☻○☺♪

29/10/2016 Thank you Upvoters ;[28] [29]Michael Dixonwonderer Sohail Ahmed Retired Telecom Engineer; could not do better; SHOULD HAVE! Umo AbrahamKnowledge is power. Melinda McHenryScientist, relativist, lived a long life in a short time Brian Farr . Karen SchwartzLiving life to the full. Kaylee MiddlebrookPradeep LadMohammed Al Student, loves math and physics, Anders Kouru Interested in Nature, Physics, Anthroposophy, how to live!. Tim ElliotRaheel Mohamed .12th Science student who loves Biology. Pritik.

Q.How would NASA respond if astronauts found a friendly community of aliens on the moon? Details; If they found maybe a city of welcoming aliens, who invited them in for a nice cup of tea.

A. NASA would want to check that the tea served up by the Aliens on the moon was not laced/spiked with an alien narcotic [1]. A drug that instantly makes humanity servile forthwith and ever after trapped, locked in; at the Alien’s tea party.

Associated question unpublished ; Are we in a lock in or lock down at an Alien tea party in disguise as humans? Postulating on beyond and further back than the centuries of known history? With events contemporary and ancient I feel certain the difference between us and aliens is not intelligence, potential or deviousness? It’s no different to anything we think we understand and know we do not.

Footnote mine.

[1] Narcotic/s:-

A substance of thought, a substance ingested. A diagnosed, exaggerated or subtle intervention.


27/10/2016 :- Thank you Jim for the heads up on this; Joseph Campbell on bliss.


26/10/2016:- Let’s get reckless with the country band fresno clovis music.Happy Birthday. Brother David ♪○♠♥♠○♪. Occam's Razor Why is Occam's Razor true? Heuristics Confidence, certainty, belief, mystery, faith, secret. Words we share and so their meanings. Rafting, musing, sharing on. Here on Quora we have a topic for Self confidence. The confidence topic to my mind is far wider than the self. So to work my brothers and friends for Q & A, topic creation and on. Thank you merger maidens and madmen. “ FEAR NOT 4 Fear is the route of all wisdom. The spirit of fear rests in it’s emotion and moves among us to subdue and enlighten. The orchestration of our fears is the gamble of the self and any confidence gained by the group responsible.” 25/10/2016:- Dreaming once more, The fool on the hill;


Every dream I have I wake from no matter what the dream.

Aren’t all dreams in time to be woken from no matter the dream or dreamer?

Meditations/ C2 Concentrations life and death our mortality invents/co creates in an insistent, ever spiraling plethora of genomic life and the time taken to fashion it.

In all this daily waking, sleeping; time flows and golden moments every one carry us on in a flow of life which is impossible to predict and amazing to live, asleep, aware and in action on the individual instrument of I.

To pick one moment as indicative of a personal dream or aspiration for filled is to slice a cake and waste all that remains of the cake for the passing pleasure of eating only the one slice of our cakes.

When our children are born we can rejoice and when our family leaves us we can cut another slice off our cakes for the morsels that make up our life’s cake, then bake on in the ovens of all our dreams and aspirations.

Life is the one and only privilege or golden gift, a winning ticket, if the idea of life is one worth gratifying and loving in all it’s inheritances on it’s journey into the unknown. We can all reflect back and forward and on with optimism and the joy of belonging wholeheartedly to it.

24/10/2016:- Thank you ♪o9o♪ Bokumaroo ♪ A host of alien confoundations bio. Psychotic questions answered, asked, declined. 23/10/2016:- A question/s and the topics to go with. Draft for anon users Mil and Mal, Dim and Dom. 887; “ Are we native or alien hosts of an idea called love and perfection; or imperfect love and cataclysmn? Do we live in a world of mechanical or ethereal potential for perfection? Is death the perfect end of an imperfect enterprise?♪ 0/1 ☻I○☺♪ ” Life is perfectly plausible at once to me. Topic; The meaning of Life. 22/10/2016:- Chemical codes our biologies make, one thing and in our ether another stews ? All material, consciousnesses and life in the universe connects You and I to a holy suspension dipped into a stream that leads to life’s perpetually shifting oceans of time and space. The simplicity of consciously appointing ourselves as our Earth’s resident Nurturists of the eye on a universe alive on a planet. We Humanity then impose all our intrinsic values. Perhaps and surely what confounds us is our conscious alien ingredient into the mix of life the one life is programmed to love and take good care of it’s home and inheritance. The fly in the ointment so to speak is ours to take care of and that is the question to keep answering while the future shoots into history faster than the speed of light. “Whoops what was that? Mine Got’s surfing by? Or was it simply rainbow riders surfing by on a piece of pie in the the sky? ”

21/10/2016:- Ram’s defecations unknown? What’s Anon do and up to? Me thinks some/many of ems trolling or working out on a line time sentence to catch the eye and content of the spider and the fly with all this meat and potatoes; Fats Waller sings:- ♪ Said the spider to the fly♪ / ♪ All that meat and no potatoes ♪ ♪


17/10/2016:- Embarass yourself, embrace yourself is another way to hear it and sing on regardless. The thing about the a Walrus’s song is the Walrus don’t mind how he sounds to others or to himself all he know’s is how good it makes him feel to bellow and howl down the winds of both good times and the not so. He’ll sing his song sat on an ice flow all alone or in the middle of his harem.


16/10/2016:- Brexit referendum either way doesn’t constitute a mandatory mandate. As the professor asks; What's the point of referendum then ? Fiasco, PR, media peddling, meddling, egoists and the namesake band-wagoneers. My guess is we will have a general election before article 50 is ever signed, or we will go overtime on the closing date to sign it. You heard it here first. Who cares if the gloss white yellows a little over the years for the sake of our health, food, fish and fishing? 14/10/2016 :- [30]Comment; And for Love for all those who never heard or understood I pray for in the way of Faith in Love. PS. Remembrance in the moments of the the first and last post on the subject ♪○♪ . Here is the place the living and the dead create a harmonic deliverance from the psychotics of life’s banalisms of; understanding, witnessing and the appearance of things. Thank you Anders. 13/10/2016. Psychotic nightmares. Comment; ; The word psychotic has a label like a cancer stigmatized running through it; in the absurdities of an appetite and fascination for horror as portrayed and caricatured in the genre. It's when the word psychotic is used in reference to our own behaviour that a sense of indignation and refusal to accept it at all first sets in. It takes time to be readily able accept such a label. Donald helped to figure this bit out and now I believe; psyche/o is a part of the nature of who we all are; like it or not. Donald the therapist is very understanding of the time it takes to move on from the refusal and indignation and likes to point out how powerful our minds are, how it's the most dangerous thing on the planet for its possessors. Psycho still talks, smiles, laughs and cries at himself out loud for no apparent reason. These days I find it’s smart to stop and reconsider the whys and wherefores of the smiles, dialogue, tears and laughter I'm spontaneously prone to exhibit. In company and as importantly when I’m alone with my thoughts; to reflect on the emotion and feelings behind and responsible for the behaviour. The mind has a conscious conscience and to rattle it in life is an unbalancing act of folly. I’ve found it makes the hair fall out. “ Dreams we have asleep and awake our reality make.” I know when once I dreamt I’d murdered someone; the anxiety of the nightmare pursued me through the day and the memory of a bad dream, from a powerful mind remains with me. Donald and I say; “ Take good care my Friend and be kind to the all powerful mind you have.” ” 09/10/2016;

“Health, strength and happiness belongs equally to us all.” Said Dapple the gazelle to her friends assembled listening attentively to the end of Zirac’s the Rat’s story. “ I go for that.” Said Zirac.” Thank you Zirac.” Said Slowpoke the turtle and; “ Caw Caw!” Went Shesheen the Crow ♪○♥○♪ 08/10/2016 :- Click-on [ You Tube ] bottom right, Uploaded today’s new clips on playlist; “ Give it away. Now.”


[31]04/10/2016:- ♪○… I really feel for you Anon.. I think I love you… ○♪ Sax-a-monica’s on; Chaka Khan…


04/10/2016:- Edited out in edit sugestions; Ps… Would the eminent and estimable Quora TITAN known as Eggomaister F. F. Moon. Please dress this up with photoes and ANYTHING else he deams proper? Thanks again! Ditto ours.

Many are inclined to say one thing and do the other. I consider myself the trout on the hook, the sport is all about making the fisherman tire or loose interest. Sure I like the water I swim in it’s good and it’s a privilege in any day and age to able to stay in the swim of it. The river of life can look much like a cage when there is a net draped through it.

People like all of us are only safe when we fear nothing and will perish in our effort not to be subdued by fears of any kind. Fear is for the beasts of Burden. In the techno age if it is a river of salvation; this is so. If it is to dry up the river it is not good for life that lives in, on and by the water.

Thank you for adding to the thread Bhavesh I believe and it feels like another good day in the swim is on the way. Pity the poor anglers trapped in their cage.

Holographic disclosure Black angels. [3] Man in the garden; 03/10/2016:-

Scruffy moi getting in the mood for some garden top spinning fun and games;


Have a great one you all, keep smiling it’s the one look that suit us all better than the rest. Melody title; “♪ Spin it to me one more time…. ♪○☻♥☺○♪ “ One is not enough.



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EDIT DUMP DRAFT…. MUTED TOPICS; TraditionalChineseMedicineTraditionalChineseMedicine(Continued in blog drafts) Acompinement & note/s ♪○♪ Vocaroo | Recording; Melodic intervals. G home key. Boub er di boom boom boom.… Tab back here from there. Vocaroo Home brew record, no vocals, rustic sketch, naive melody from keyboard, Dog, clickety-clack, back. Easy on the tears, ears, volume and bass. With perfect tones to light, wash and wipe away words;



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[1] Marvin Glover

[2] IDNMA = L’objet motif d’esprit trouve. The lost and found spirit. by McDonnell G.L.N. Godfrey Lawrence Noel. on PROFESSIONAL PERSONAL  DICTIONARIES

[3] https://www.quora.com/profile/Go...

[4] How would you define Everybody Lives™?

[5] Michael Dixon's answer to Why do some people say everyone is ultimately innocent?

[6] https://www.quora.com/search?q=W...

[7] https://www.quora.com/search?q=A...

[8] https://www.quora.com/search?q=W...

[9] PlumeZap - Dave's not here.

[10] Quora's answer to On Quora, can you answer your own question? Is it bad form to answer your own question?

[11] Vocaroo | Voice message

[12] Not including; Quora prize payments, TW,TQ, MVW recognition and rewards; What value do you receive or perceive in return for participating on Quora?

[13] The most important video you'll ever watch. Please Share

[14] Quick tour of the infrastructure of the Bosque Village - 2017

[15] How sad is it, and what more can be done about users who deliberately vandalize questions with their edits on the question and it’s topics?

[16] Anonymous' answer to What is the biggest secret you have been told?

[17] http://Question added by User. W...

[18] http://Question added by Quora U...

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[20] McDonnell G.L.N. Godfrey Lawrence Noel.'s answer to What does God get out of giving humans free will?

[21] McDonnell G.L.N. Godfrey Lawrence Noel.'s answer to Your dog has to write a letter of recommendation for you. What does he say?

[22] User's answer to What is strange about you? What is a characteristic you have that you've never seen before in anyone else?

[23] Alex Borelli's answer to Why do people fail to use capital letters and full stops on social media?

[24] President of the United States

[25] Vocaroo | Voice message

[26] Alice S. Hattie's answer to Are there any proven practices to increase empathy?

[27] McDonnell G.L.N. Godfrey Lawrence Noel.'s answer to If everyone saw colors differently, how would we find out?

[28] McDonnell G.L.N. Godfrey Lawrence Noel.'s answer to How would NASA respond if astronauts found a friendly community of aliens on the moon?

[29] McDonnell G.L.N. Godfrey Lawrence Noel.'s answer to What is the most satisfying passive-aggressive thing you have ever done to a really mean or rude person?

[30] Anders Kouru's answer to How do you personally define existence?

[31] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...

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    3,089 AnswersMost Recent / 30-Day Views What is the most effective way to scoop ice cream with a spoon? McDonnell G.L.N. Godfrey Lawrence Noel., Play those spoons boy while like you know's how to. Answered 1h ago  

The most effective way to scoop ice cream with a spoon is with a strong sharp edged spoon and a jug of