Anita Sarkeesian was on a panel at Vidcon and not only pointed out Sargon of Akkad, but insulted him from the stage. Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin), a youtuber that I like, was sitting in the front row, listening to her panel discussion. For this, he got called a “garbage human.” Mizz Sarkeesian calling Carl out as directly as she did is a Vidcon policy violation, but as we shall see, Mizz Sarkeesian is above rules. Vidcon was created by the Vlogbrothers, John and Hank Green. I used to watch them all the time. I stopped because I got tired of Hank’s virtue signalling. It showed up even in Scishow. From what I can tell in the “Vidcon Debrief,” Hank Green spoke with Mizz Sarkeesian. It doesn’t matter that she broke the rules because he felt it was justified. Vidcon Debrief
“It is openly known that women on the internet are subject to far greater amounts (and intensity) of harassment and abuse than men.”
Citation needed. I’m a woman and I’ve been on the internet since 1994. Ya, I know that’s when it became a thing. I also game online. Ya know what, I don’t get harassed that much and when I do, I deal with it. I either tell the person off or block them. It’s not that big a deal but then again, I don’t have a victim complex. The guys I play with get bullied and harassed more than I do by a huge amount.
“This is a pattern and it’s pervasive.”
No, really, it’s not.
“Running this event, we have to be aware when a creator has potentially dangerous harassers or stalkers, and our list for our female creators is a whole lot longer than the list for male creators.”
If there is an issue that the event coordinators should be aware of, it is the responsibility of the creator to let them know, male or female. The event coordinators aren’t psychic.
“There is a fairly prominent genre of social/political commentary on the internet that focuses on specific individuals as a path to attack ideas and build outrage. These creators do not violate harassment policies, but the result is often that the vitriol of their followers ends up focused not on ideas, but on people (usually women.)”
Creators are NOT responsible for the actions of their followers. As for the “usually women” part, I’d like to see statistics on that, real ones, not feminist ones.
“Many people in these communities end up believing the righteous thing to do is threaten, harass, and dox the thinkers they’re arguing with. Whether or not this is an intentional strategy to cultivate harassment or an awful side-effect, the result is some of the worst discourse and most intense harassment on the internet.”
I feel bad for Carl Benjimin and Matt Jarbo for having been doxed, threatened, blackmailed and harassed by the thinkers they’re arguing with. It is an awful side-effect, the result is some of the worst discourse and most intense harassment on the internet.
“Our founder, Hank Green, talked with our panelist and said two things:He told her that her comment had violated our policy, but that he understood that there was a broader context (which to be clear, we were blissfully ignorant of until this weekend, and remain inexpert in.)He apologized to her for not having been more aware of and active in understanding the situation before the event, which resulted in her being subjected to a hostile environment that she had not signed up for.We agreed that she would go forward and continue on as a panelist on a later panel.”
Great, Mizz Sarkeesian’s comments violated their policies: SO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! The broader context shouldn’t matter! If there was an issue of personal security or danger, it should have been brought up BEFORE the panel discussion. I feel if she were anyone else, she’d be uninvited and perma-banned from Vidcon. Hank Green apologizing for not being more aware of the situation is stupid. That only legitimizes everything she says on a grand scale. There are other women out here like me who dislike what Anita says and what she stands for. As far as I am concerned, she does NOT represent me in any fashion. Anita Sarkeesian is a highly privileged person. She breaks the rules, SHE RECEIVES THE APOLOGY.
Bow down and kiss her feet for all are nothing but dirt on her boot.
God, this crap pisses me off.
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