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An Anti - School Choice Conservative's Case for Why Liberals Should Support It

RenBloggerAug 3, 2017, 4:44:55 PM

Since, I'm against School Choice and, whether conservative or not, being against it will get me instantly labeled a liberal, I think it might be easier to convince liberals as to why they should support School Choice then try and convince conservatives, who are hell bent on supporting it, why they shouldn't so: Liberals! I'm a conservative who is against School Choice and here are the reasons, if you really believe all you do about public education, you should be for it:

Lefties you are too concerned with the actual location of the funding in your opposition to School Choice. If public funds go to any institution of education, under what classification does that institution now fall? Here, let me help you out: Public funds make it a public institution of education.

What, my little activists, do you do when public funds are supporting religious institutions?

What, my little protesters, do you do when you think there isn't enough accountability in publicly funded institutions? 

Whole organizations exist as watchdogs for religious expressions in public schools. The conservatives think that school choice will allow them to use public funds for whatever schools they want, and at first, that'll be true. However, if School Choice passes, you and I know that it won't be long before you and your organized watchdogs bank on the abundant existing legal precedent to remove religious instruction from publicly funded educational institutions.

We both know it won't be long before your side, in particular, goes to Congress with grievances over the highly unregulated nature of homeschooling (and, to a lesser extent, the unregulated private schools) and that, "it takes a village" liberals can't stand by and not know what happens in an unsupervised home where publically funded education takes place, right? Homeschool already, very much, bothers so many of you, but you can't do much about it because the child is the parent's responsibility and they have a right opt out of your system. However, if that homeschool is publically funded it will become part of your system, and you will have all the justification you need to shine a light on it and demand it be regulated!

After all, you can't be paying for a public school that requires teacher training and certification, and standards that must be met, AND continue to exempt homeschoolers from the same regulations when they're receiving public funds, now can you?!

Liberals. Stop focusing on the bricks and mortar! This is your opportunity to turn ALL educational choices into public education. This is your chance to have oversight of ALL education choices. This is your chance to have your voice heard in EVERY educational choice that exists. Your focus on the bricks and mortar location for the funding is keeping you from seeing the big picture! 

School Choice is your opportunity to regulate and control ALL educational choices.