Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a problem with political extremism. There's no way to deny it. And while 90% of it has been on the left, we are seeing the start of the counter-reaction. So say hello to the "Summer of Rage". A little later than i had expected, it is almost fall. However, we are now going to see "Anti"Fa, BLM and others clash with (real) right-wing activists.
For almost a year now we have seen leftist extremist groups like Black Lives Matter and "Anti"Fa rioting, looting, and in other ways terrorizing society itself while on their "peaceful protests". At this point the question should no longer be "why would they do this" but "why weren't they all arrested". The reason is as simple as 1+1=2: The political and financial elites in combination with the MSM have worked hard to protect the "peaceful protesters" in their carnage.
It all begun when these three groups started pushing the lie that America had a huge racism/sexism/other-ism problem, a long time before Trump was on his way to the White House. Through downright indoctrination in the schools and universities they put the idea into young minds that the country they live in is evil, and it is their duty to stand up to this imaginary threat. This is the real reason why "gender studies" or "stop white people" courses, groups and activities exist. Or did anyone expect people to find jobs after completing these? What they end up with is a paper that, for everyone who is in their right mind says "I have been indoctrinated by communist propaganda!".
This clashed with the generation of entitlement, that had all they wanted. The technology, the wealth, the freedom... There was nothing they had to fight for. It's a law of sociology: Prosperity create monsters. So when an evil enemy, and a "righteous" opportunity to fight was given to them, they jumped at it. It is in human nature to fight, no matter what others say. Employees complain: The "Millennials" quite literally are ill-suited for work.
After both factors mixed, we ended with a generation getting engaged against just about anyone who isn't insane. Everything "common" sense suddenly was an instrument of oppression, used against blacks, women, non-binary people, Muslims, and any group other than straight white christian male. But not only that: Throughout their life, these people have become heavily leftist and statist, or in one word: Communist. They believe that the, in the end, the state should provide everything, Things like wealth, fulfillment, success and other should be separate from effort, responsibility and commitment. They mutated into what i call "RIPs" (base explanation here, further psychological analysis here).
After about a year of violence, rioting and looting carried out at yet another group of "peaceful protest", it is only natural that people started striking back. But beware the difference: Not everyone the MSM calls a "Nazi" or "Alt-Right" belongs to the Right-Wing. Since many the media and the left-wing in general either think of themselves or try to pose as as "centrist" or "center-left", but never "extreme-left", they have long declared anyone right from Karl Marx right and extreme-right. Thus from their view almost everyone out of the leftist cult is. If you want to read more about left and right wing, see this blog.
However, there does exist right-wing extremism. The elites focused on the left because right-wing extremism supports nationalism which is utterly incompatible with their ideals of an open border, no-nation one world government. Communism is equally totalitarian, cruel and inhuman, but serves them much better. Instead of embracing it openly, they created a large number of extreme-right groups in order to point at them and say "These are the Nazis you should fight against!". The extreme right has been used to agitate the extreme left.
Most members of the real right-wing aren't part of the extreme right. They simply don't want any part of what the extreme left stands for. They saw the open attack on society and reacted, only in the wrong way. Most of them would be terrified at the idea of genocide against Jews, taking over the world or becoming full-on authoritarian. They simply took what others intended to be insults and embraced it. However, there are those that in fact do hold extreme-right views, and these are the ones that we all should see as a danger.
Both the extreme left and right have been set up to fight each other while the elites that aren't necessarily right or left, but simply authoritarian in any way take over the leadership and control of both. If this was a physical war, they are equivalent to the kings of two nations, leading them into a war to first exhaust each others fighting strength before uniting the kingdoms under full-on authoritarian. In the end, both the extreme left and right will be thrown away as the used-up tools they are: A distraction from what the elites are really doing. This has long been known as "Divide and conquer": Bring your enemies to fight among themselves and take them both in their weakened state.
The real enemy aren't the manipulated left or right-wing activists, it is those who created both. Surely there are those who embrace either or the other without "help", and they are a threat, but to beat the elites, who are nothing less than the enemy of humanity, we have to look behind the curtain and realize that we where set up to fight, then come at them with combined force.
The elites, if deprived of influence and wealth are the weakest group in existence. If both the left and the right realize their real enemy, the struggle will be over within hours. And despite all the problems we have, the elites are in even more trouble: MSM is failing. CNN is equal to "lies, deception and fake news". The white house they controlled for decades has been taken from them because people of every color, gender, belief and ethnicity saw the choice given to them and decided to not go into submission without a fight. Outlets all over the world are exposing the elites for what they are.
But the real battle is only ahead. It isn't fought with armies, weapons or nukes, is information warfare. What we have to do is wake up those who continue to fight a meaningless battle and turn their wraith against the real enemy. In practice, this means going into the left and right-wing in a way equivalent to a missionary bringing civilization to a tribal society and educating them about the error of their ways.