Nurse Prepper
“Get Home” Bag
~ Part One ~
Think ahead and Do ahead.
Get Your Short-Term and Long-Term
Winter Emergency Packs Ready Today.
Doing it today will save you time and potential anxiety when an Emergency or that ‘rainy day’ comes…and it surely will.
Depending on how far you need to go, your stamina, physical abilities or other factors, I recommend having your ‘total pack weight’ equal to approximately 1/5 your body weight.
(125 lbs = 25 lb pack weight)
Green Back Pack
Suggested Items for Your “Get-Home” Bag
· Parachord/Pocket Knife/Binoculars
· Pancho/ Camo Rain Gear/Handkerchief/Cold Weather Face Mask/ Leather Gloves/Knit Gloves/Socks/Boots/Hat
· Stainless Steel Mess-Kit: Combo Plate & Pan/Utensils
· WATER - 1 Gallon (minimum)/Drinking Container
· Blanket Roll/Emergency Survival Blanket
· Tie Wraps/Crazy Glue
· Emergency ‘Minor’ Surgical Kit/Medications
· Escape Routes/ Maps/Atlas/
Cash/Barter Items/Precious Metals
Self-Defense Items: Not Shown
Food Bag Contents:
·Include high protein dried foods such as Jerky, Nuts, Fruits or MRE’s.
· Pack foods for people on “Special Needs Diets” such as children or Diabetics.
· TP (toilet paper) /Diapers
· Hand Towel/Washcloth/Chums - *double as a clothsline or tourniquet. Naptha Soap - *doubles for hygiene and laundry.
These Items Are ESSENTIAL.
I always keep them up-to-date and in my trunk.
My “Little Bear” Pack (shown center) contains the rest of my essentials
and attaches to my green back pack.
With my Black Communucations Bag and Water,
I have enough supplies to last for up to 5 days.
Thanks for subscribing to Nurse Prepper!!!
Improvise, Adapt, & Overcome
#NursePrepper #SHTF #BugOut #GetHome #EmergencyBackPack
#CommunucationsBag #Recipes #Health
#OrganicGardening #Food #Canning #Baking #WinterEmergencyPack
#Medicine #Emergency #Prepping #News #Politics #Government #MAGA