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The Russian Collusion-Illusion

RealNewsDec 9, 2017, 4:26:01 PM

Aaaaaaannnd for his next magic trick, maestro Mueller is going to make evidence appear. This is the story that the MSM has been talking about for the last week. The following blog will explain exactly how much evidence the special investigation into the Trump-Russia ties has. Spoiler alert: They got nothing.

What is the Trump-Russia investigation?

Quite precisely one year ago, there was national outrage in the US. President Donald J. Trump was elected, and liberals went into full retard mode. To this day, legendary pictures were filmed of people whose brains went haywire. The politicians and MSM were convinced: The evil white males in the US and a combination of hackers and bots in Russia had elected a man who combined the evils of Putin and Hitler, an evil creature that embodies everything that is wrong with society. They went ahead and created a special investigation into the clearly present Trump-Russia ties, which of cause was only a formality. I mean, everyone knew that Trump would call Putin every day, right?

Fake News #1: Flynn's alleged lies

Or so they all thought. After a year of result-driven investigating not just possible ties to Russia but going down the paper trail of multiple decades worth of financial activities, last week they finally celebrated. ABC reports (source: here): "Flynn prepared to testify that Trump directed him to contact Russians about ISIS, confidant says", with adding that it was before the election, contradicting Flynn's statements to the FBI and claiming he would now cooperate with Mueller and finally help getting Trump out of the white house and into prison, making the DOW drop 350 points and causing liberals and the entire "Impeach 45" movement to completely go nuts, only to "correct" it 2 hours later in a "clarification" (source: here). To sum it up: In the original report Flynn had promised "full cooperation" to "testify that Donald Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians". The correction states: "[...] his [Ross, writer of the original report] source now said Trump had done so not as a candidate, but as president-elect.", which means no less than all of the alleged lying and Russian collusion was a hoax.

The celebration was about Trump colluding with Russia to be elected. There really is nothing special about talking to the Russians after the election. Trump better be, communication is the key between two nuclear superpowers. However, this were the results: As mentioned before, it sent the stock market flying off a cliff with 350 points being lost, and liberals all over the nation screamed it from the roof that finally the greatest evil to ever walk on this earth would be impeached and thrown out of office. This was reached with a tactic they accuse all of the conservatives and real libertarians of: Fake news. Putting out a report that is knowingly fake, putting it into the spot light for everyone to see, then shining a tiny candle next to it reading "correction" that nobody should be seeing, just the fake news. And if someone accuses them, they can just say "yeah, but we corrected it". This is akin to blowing up a building and then saying "yeah, it was the wrong building, but we'll give you a refund for the explosives". The damage has already been dealt.

Fake News #2: Deutsche Bank alleged subpoena

Had enough fake news for this week? Well then bad news, because it continues: Bloomberg reports (source: here): "Mueller Subpoenas Trump Deutsche Bank Records". Note that this is a link to archive.fo, because the original reports from Reuters and Bloomberg were either removed or changed, which tells us everything we need to know about the "fakeness" level of this. To be perfectly honest, I don't even know what this has to do with Russia and hacked elections. It's Deutsche Bank, literally translated into "German Bank". Mueller, according to a later article (source here) various sources, wanted to find out if Deutsche Bank as proxy sold some of Trump's loans to Russia-connected financial institutes which, so the end of this string of thought, may have acted as blackmail material (yeah, blackmailing a man worth billions with a few hundred millions...), or (this is the most likely explanation) Mueller is just trying to find a wrongly filed paper in decades of financial actions and take it as evidence of wrong-doing. Anything, literally, ANYTHING to find some dirt on Trump. If he ever lied about doing his homework when he was 10 years old, that's horrible and he must be impeached.

Of cause, the subpoena turned out to be nothing. The correction from Reuters (source: here), and this might just be a temporary thing or a bug on my side, disappears as long as JavaScript is activated on the website. Quite literally, it loads and then is blanked. However, when disabling JavaScript, one can read the text. If you want to read it without the trouble, you can always look up other sources (like here), this is just to show what is happening at the very moment, and note: Other reports DO NOT disappear. Back in the correction from Reuters: Jay Sekulow, one of Trump's personal lawyers, denies that Deutsche Bank has received a subpoena. But wait, there's more: The loans are due in 2023 and 2024, which (even considering a second term) would be at the very end of Trump's presidency. This entire story was as fake as a $7.50 coin. The effects were the same: Fake News were spread once again.

Fake News #3: Alleged inside-knowledge on WikiLeaks

For our third act, let's assume that WikiLeaks, who all of us know was a Russian operation to sabotage Hillary Clinton by doing this evil, illegal, deceptive "truth-telling", had contacted the Trump campaign in the form of someone from WikiLeaks informing Trump and some of his inner circle days before the release of the Clinton documents of their release and the contents, or so CNN reported (source: here): "Exclusive: Email shows effort to give Trump campaign WikiLeaks documents". Once again, I had to use archive.fo to spread the original report. Allegedly on September 4th, an email with a decryption key was sent two weeks before the actual documents were released. And since WikiLeaks is a Russian operation, of cause this means that Trump is so too! Now e got him, he's gonna be impeached and thrown into prison for the rest of his life! Oh wait, he won't: This turned out to be wrong. In their correction (source: here) CNN states that it wasn't the 4th, it was the 14th. This is important because on the 13th, the documents were released. In other words: No insider-knowledge here. It was a notice a day later in case Trump missed it.

This imploded and once again Fake News were spread with a very, very timely correction. So timely that, in the fact I am assuming that this was planned before. I bet that all of this Fake News was spread with the knowledge it was fake, simply to give new steam to the engine of "Impeach 45". But since the public isn't stupid, it failed. The poker cheater tried to make all look to the right "Oh look, what do we have here" but his playmates kept their eyes on him, now he's caught removing an ace from his sleeves and all eyes are on him.


I'm just waiting for headlines like "BREAKING NEWS: Trump had a crush on a Russian girl in high school" or "BOMBSHELL: Trump once drove on the road behind a Russian official", but I doubt it'll happen. The Trump-Russia investigation is dead. It's blown up and left in pieces. Soon we'll see Mueller trying to probe everything and everyone that has ever seen Trump or talked to him, and maybe even trying to commit open crimes so Trump fires him, trying to be a martyr and pointing at Trump, claiming he's trying to stop the investigation because they are getting close. Instead, the next big thing is claiming Trump is mentally ill, has Alzheimer or is in another way unfit for duty. However, the Russian witchhunt will end within very short time. Mueller and his hand-picked team of Trump-haters have failed. They are in the same state as 2000 years ago the Pharisees trying to find ANYTHING on Jesus Christ because they hate him from head to toe, as he's pulling power away from them. And just like that, they have failed and with the help of the MSM made up false charges. The difference is that back then, there was no Internet. It is said that a lie can go halfway around the world until the truth has put on its shoes. Well, communication today is light-speed, and halfway around the world is ~0,133 seconds. Not much of a head start any more, is it?