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A few words about Carl Jung and coloring pages...

TopcoloringpagesJan 8, 2018, 9:15:03 PM

Carl Gustav Jung - a great Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. Died in 1961. A long time ago, don't you think?

So what would you say, if I tell you that this man discovered positive impact of coloring pages on the mental health of adults and children? Quite surprising fact, isn't it?

But that's a true and scientifically confirmed fact. He studied it many years ago and nowadays, after several decades, psychologists follow and develop the work he started.

Simple mandala to print and color

So let's  call a few particulars. For example, have you ever heard about amygdala? It's not surprising if not. Basically, it's a tiny but quite important part of the human brain. Why? Because it regulates our "fight or flight" reactions. If it's too active then we feel worried what can lead to panic. And what Jung discovered? That on the contrary, coloring of pictures is very relaxing activity and turns such reactions down. Preferably coloring pages with positive patterns like for example animals, birds, plants etc. And that's the first very positive impact.

And hey, now try to go back in time a bit. To the times when you was a child. It's very probable that you felt much happier than you feel nowadays. The world was better, everything was new and exciting... And now? Responsibilities, stress, anxiety... Let's be honest. We don't have too many reasons to be happy as adults. What do we usually hear in news? Wars, terror, scandals... day by day... nothing changes for better. 

On the other hand, coloring very effectively invokes our memories from childhood. Good memories, joy, happiness... Such thoughts virtually are healing our tired souls and overworked minds. When we look at life from a different perspective then we also see it differently.

That's a lot! That's a huge positive impact. But there is more...

Example of coloring page for children

Many of us may have suspected this... Nevertheless, suspicions are not the same as scientific knowledge. But to the point. It is scientifically proven that old, good, traditional coloring pages have a positive impact on ours intellectual effectiveness as well. How exactly? For sure coloring enhances creativity, a precision of movements and thinking, ability to stay focused for long period of time, logical thinking related to a problem solving,  and, the last but not least, very advanced organizational skills. All mentioned functions of our brains are activated and rapidly developed during time spent with coloring books.

So what you think ladies and gentlemen?  Because I think that Carl Jung was a very brave person to start such unorthodox studies in such ossified times. Some people could think that spending time on coloring can be wasted. But it definitely is not! Times are stressful and mental problems are very common in modern societies. So if we have simple, accurate and free medicine then we shouldn't wait too long to take it. Thank you Carl and thank you inventors of coloring books! At least you made something to make this world truly better place.