Former FBI agent Hal Turner, leaked top secret document related to the FISA-702 Abuse Memo. Find it below. It is titled "TOP SECRET STRAP3 SIGINT UK EYES ONLY"
The British Intelligence (GCHQ) document shows that on August 28, 2016 the former President Obama, requested that GCHQ do surveillance of American citizens and American business on American soil. Called “Operation FULSOME”. Without a U.S. Search Warrant or Court Order. Invading your personal privacy is a federal crime punishable with prison, violated wiretap laws and your Constitutional protections. All of the above was before Trump was elected. A presidential candidate.
Roughly two weeks later, on September 15, 2016, after Trump was officially elected as President of the U.S., Susan Rise, the U.S. National Security Advisor requested to renew the illegal surveillance of American citizens on American soil, including Trump and his business. In turn, the Director of GCHQ, Robert Hannigan, and allegedly Theresa May, and British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, approved a renewal of permission to continue the illegal surveillance of American citizens on American soil. Hannigan knew that Trump had won, and still sought permission to keep spying on him and others. After that their illegal surveillance continued for roughly ninety days.
This leaked GCHQ document is related to this 4 pages U.S. FISA-702 Abuse Memo. Not to confuse with the FISA-702 Abuse Memo. Most source speculated that the 4 pages FISA-702 Abuse Memo is likely to be release between February 2nd, 2018 and February 16th, 2018.
Sign this petition to demand Congress to release the FISA Abuse Memo at
Or contact directly your U.S. public servants, Senators asking to release the FULL FISA-702 Abuse Memo. Multiple lawmakers and sources who have see that secret 4 pages FISA Abuse Memo said that its "Explosive", “Disturbing”, "Shocking", "Alarming". That FISA Memo allegedly exposes abuse of intel and unethical surveillance of American citizens on American soil. Which was done by the DOJ, FBI, CIA, with connections to Hillary Clinton.
Why did Hillary Clinton and Obama administration asked British agencies (GCHQ) to spy on American citizens on American soil? Maybe because it’s illegal for U.S. agencies to spy on their citizens. To go around that, first the surveillance of American Citizens is done British agencies, and the surveillance of British citizens is done by American agencies. Second, both the American agencies and British agencies have an agreement to share their collected surveillance data. Third, both American and British agencies deceive you, by claiming that they do not spy on you. But they actually did, because they INDIRECTLY spied on you. That is to say they have surveillance data on citizens of both countries ;) Are their behaviors abuse of power? Unethical? Illegal?
Are those hostile acts connected to Hillary Clinton, Obama, DOJ, FBI, and the British Government against American citizens on American soil, the American election and the then-newly-elected President of the United States? If all of the above is true, were those unlawful acts by then-President Barack Obama, and later his National Security Advisor Susan Rice to request surveillance of American citizens and American business on American soil? Collusion between some people with immature behaviors at FusionGPS, FBI, DOJ? Corruption?
( Diagram of FISA Abuse Memo, connections with Hillary Clinton, and fabricated Trump Dossier. Diagram by Treehouse. )
Is Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s entire investigation based on fake and fabricated evidence?
Hal Turner is a former FBI agent who worked with the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) between 2003-2008
• Archived at
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• Declassified 99 pages FISA Court Order . From US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Apr 26, 2017 at
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Alternative link 2 at
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