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TYPES & EXAMPLES of the world right before God came down.

earstohear15Feb 13, 2018, 7:46:23 PM

#Genesis 3:8 is a TYPE, an EXAMPLE of the 2nd Advent.

 Adam & Eve "HID THEMSELVES" from the "THE PRESENCE" of the LORD just like they do in #Revelation 6:15-17

REVELATION 6:[15] And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, HID THEMSELVES in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

DENS= Councils of men(like congress)
 ROCKS= False Rocks

[16] And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from THE WRATH of the Lamb:

 These put their trust in the in the Dens, Rocks, & Mountains instead of the Lord and now they are HIDING THEMSELVES just like Adam & Eve

 [17] For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

 Eyes to see & ears to hear?