In response to "Juan Williams: Evangelicals sell their souls for Trump" ...
And, to all the other similar, dumber-than-dirt, accusations lobed at us by the left, and, now, the right, who are still pissed that Trump is president:
Um, what exactly do you want from us? We're literally "damned if we do, damned if we don't" to you people!
Two words: Bill Clinton.
Stick with me. Mentioning him isn't what you probably think - exactly. While this article is on Fox News, and likely coming from a GOP supporter, similar head scratching accusations are usually, and regularly since 2016, lobed at us from the left, and I need to go there first in order to properly address this article.
The left veraciously defended Clinton when his lasciviousness was made known to us all. The consequence of their defense was that they forever changed the landscape of America's view on whether or not a politician's private relationships made an impact on their ability to be a good leader.
Add to that single event, which didn't exist in a vacuum, the left's never ending crusade to eviscerate Christianity's sexually moral definition from the American people's understanding, and we have a very muddy pool from which to choose our leaders.
I, not only, don't believe in divorce, but I believe remarriage is the greater infraction. I also don't believe that men and women should have sex/live together before marriage and, from that, you can guess what my view is about LGBTQAI2+.
You wanna find me a politician who meets my criteria of sexual morality after half a century of the left's work at dismantling sexual morality in our society?
The left defined that sexual morality had no correlation to a leader's character - not in the Christian mind - but enough in our collective acceptance of politicians with low sexually moral standards, that if we're (Christians) to vote at all, we have to put sexual morality low on our list of qualifiers.
Speaking of not existing in vacuums: We voted for George W Bush, married and faithful to his wife, as a direct reaction to Clinton's sexual immorality, and the degeneration of sexual morality in society represented by the left's defense of it. Then, we discovered how caring most about sexual morality was used against us to further globalism. That had it's own impact on our psyche.
And, that's just what is reality outside of the church!
From the outside, we've been brow beat for so long over so many of our stances that if we didn't compromise inside, there'd be only a few of us sitting in the pews on Sunday morning. So that I'm clear, I'm not for this line of thought; I'm just able to recognize that it exists. You all exhaust yourselves with shaming efforts to make us more mainstream, and them turn around and tell us we've sold our souls when we are. I agree, we've "sold our souls" but not because a lot of us voted for Trump.
About 2 decades ago, the church started to care about being "relevant", and "love and grace" became our focus. Even in some of the most conservative churches, you'd be hard pressed to find a preacher brave enough to unapologetically preach against divorce and remarriage. The church would split or he'd be fired in an instant by the half of the congregation listening who, unrepentantly, and in complete rejection of our religious text, have made their personal justifications for why their case is the exception. And, they'd be aided and supported by the other half who feel it's their personal mission to make sure everyone feels loved.
Professional Christian Counselors, while apt to fight harder to help you try and save your marriage, are governed by the same training and regulations as non-Christian profession counselors.
All that to say, the church has 2 decades of bending over for the approval of the world outside our four walls and, the impact of that, in conjunction with the muddy pool of sexually immoral people we have to choose from, and the realization that politicians doing much greater harm use our sense of morality against us, is that sexual immorality is no longer a disqualifier for most of us anymore. And, isn't that what you wanted to see when you were defending Billy Boy back in the day?
And, even for those of us who would prefer to vote for a sexually moral leader, in 2016, you asshats put up Hilary Bribe-my-husband's-victims-to-keep-them-silent Clinton (not to even mention all her other obvious character faults and horrifically bad records) as the other, viable, option!
So, you know, PISS OFF with your BS accusations of "selling our souls" for Trump.
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