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Minds is amazing for this reason!!

RushofwavesSep 11, 2018, 5:22:20 AM

This blog was inspired by a thread I saw yesterday!

One should be able to use minds and tokens in any way he or she chooses. But any business or personal account will be scrutinized by the community, no matter what. If it's views or sales desired, a brand or channel must achieve trust, likability, respect... and on. You can't complain about the following you don't have. Minds.com is a gift to all of us, let's show a little respect to the platform and act like adults!! 

The best chance anyone has on Minds is to not abuse the power the minds token can give you. The community will then unsubscribe and block your channel and or groups. If you have amazing content then boosting wont be necessary. 

Yes Tokens are cool and you can promote your channel, posts, blogs, and groups. You can even boost other channels and send wires. But you don't need the tokens if you upload original content that the community values. 

Minds channels are customizable!

Every channel can be customized to see exactly what is desired. Only subscribe to channels and groups you trust and respect if thats your thing. Or you can sub every channel that posts and have an endless feed.

Note to businesses if you subscribe to a bunch of channels, you will likely not see what you want (actual customers) on your feed. Unless you like blowing in the wind, I suggest organic growth in the community. It is ok to give away tokens, if you think that will benefit you. But the more organically you grow your page the more you give your followers the opportunity to remind you and be rewarded for the curation. I believe this type of reach will bring you better results and embed you into the community. This is a place you can create and/or share creations. 

Because this is a social platform for promoting what you think, go ahead think!

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Minds will uncover the inner workings of the human psyche that have been manipulating the world for thousands of years. Stay tuned, stay vigilant, be productive and learn of the power of love to heal all that has been disrupted.

#blockchain #Decentralization #Freespeech #truth #minds #tokens #boosts 

#history #furtrade #life #abundance #freedom #taxation #devaluation #rush

LESSONS from HISTORY we're still LEARNING #2nd Edition

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Seen here the tokenization of goods and services highly valued at the time. Learn about the devaluation of the tokens through time. We should never let this happen again. Take a moment and ask yourself, what holds value? The question should reveal how much you have to learn. 

Value is every where held up by those that hold it up.

The information found

 here is for educational 

purposes, not intended

 for triggered audiences.